" Yes. " - Kristina, had sniffed for effect.
Her 14 year old granddaughter gazed at her for a long time, her uncanny violet eyes so bright it was almost like having a light shinning all the way to her soul. But Kristina had refused to feel guilty, telling herself that she wasn't speaking any untruth.
" Alright. " - Kathryn Ice
Kristina's head had snapped up.
" What do you mean, alright? " - Kristina, whispered.
" I am no longer it. " - Kathryn Ice
A heartbreakingly shy smile broke over her granddaughter's lips, and her voice was graved when she said.
" If you think I am deserving of having a name... " - Kathryn Ice, paused as if she was waiting for Kristina to change her mind.
" It would mean so much, " - Kristina, didn't of course (in her mind). She said shakily.
" If you let me call you by your name. " - Kristina, added.
Another eternity passed befor her granddaughter finally nodded.
" Then from this day, I am Kathryn Ice Rewis. " - Kathryn Ice
And that had been the last time they talked, Kristina thought painfully. Kathryn Ice had become distant and watchful again after that, and Kristina had been at a lost on how to reach out to her granddaughter again. She had even begun to feel maudlin, wondering if she had imagined it all until now. In front of her, Kathryn Ice remained by the door, her serenely beautiful face yielding nothing.
" What is it, Kathryn Ice? " - Kristina, asked gently.
" You haven't eaten breakfast. " - Kathryn Ice. It was a statement not than a question, spoken in an equally monotonic voice. Not knowing what to make of it.
" No, I haven't. " - Kristina, said slowly.
Another watchful, calculating glance, and then Kathryn Ice said almost defiantly.
" I have prepared breakfast for you. " - Kathryn Ice
" Y-you did? " - Kristina's heart race at the words when she said.
Kathryn Ice nodded.
" F-for me? " - Kristina's asked for the second time.
Kathryn Ice nodded again.
" I w-would love to eat it. " - Kristina swallowed in an effort to control her emotions.
Kristina started to stand up, only to have her granddaughter shaking her head at Kristina.
" Stay there. " - Kathryn Ice
Kristina had started to smile at the commanding note in Kathryn Ice voice when the door opened and her granddaughter pushed a trolley in, with a covered tray on top. The urge to smile dissappeard, replace by an intense desire to weep.
' Oh! Kathryn ' - Kristina, said in her mind.
The girl broke her heart everyday, with how strong and good she was, and Kristina could never thank God enough for it.
' Lord, don't take me away until I know Kathryn Ice's strong enough to survive without me. I beg you, Lord. ' - Kristina prayed in her mind. In front of her, Kathryn Ice lifted the tray, and Kristina's breath caught.
" It's beautiful, Kathryn Ice. " Kristina
She had never described food as beautiful, but there was no better word for it now. On the black rectangle box was white saffron rice on one side, and on top of it was egg white dyed pink and cut in the shape of cherry blossoms, with strips of nori seaweed making up its thin and almost intracately arranged branches. On the side was a mixed of fresh broccoli, cubed beef teriyaki, and carrots shaped like hearts. Swallowing back a sob, Kristina asked tremulously.
" Where did you learn to make this? " - Kristina
" The internet. " - Kathryn Ice
The girl's eyes were bright and intense, her gaze focused intently on here grandmother's face.
" Do you like it? " - Kathryn Ice, voice was sharp almost abrupt.
" Yes. " - Kristina, said simply.
" You may eat now. " - Kathryn Ice, bit of tension left taut form.
As Kristina started on her meal, Kathryn Ice's gaze never left hers. When she was done and sipping a glass of lemon water, Kathryn Ice suddenly asked.
" Do you love me, Grandmama? " - Kathryn Ice
" Of course. " - Kristina, heart broke for the second time that day. She poured all her heart into those two words.
It wasn't the first time Kathryn Ice had asked the question. In fact, the girl liked to ask it at the oddest times. When they were in the middle of a shopping mall, when she saw Kristina tending to her private garden in her bedroom. There was no telling when Kathryn Ice would ask, and everytime she did, Kristina wished with all her heart she had a power to kill Madame Antonia over and over. Looking at Kathryn Ice's face.
" I will always love you. " - Kathryn Ice, said softly.
No emotions crossed the girl's unblinking gaze as she asked.
" Why? " - Kristina, said simply.
" Because I do. " - Kathryn Ice
" And you don't need to do or say anything to earn it. " - Kristina, furiosly blinked back tears.
" You are not... Lying? " - Kathryn Ice, frowned.
Kristina met her granddaughter's gaze head on, praying to God that Kathryn Ice would see the truth she lived for.
" No. " - Kristina
Kathryn Ice started walking towards her, and Kristina found herself beside anxiety. Had she said something wrong? Was Kathy mad?
Kathy drop her knees.
" Darling, was is it? " - Kristina, let out a cry of dismay.
" If you're not lying to me... " - Kathryn Ice, words were a fragile whisper.
Kristina paled. Kathy's body trembled so hard it was as if Kristina's granddaughter was struggling against the vilest demons inside her.
" Oh! Baby what is it? Tell me. " - Kristina
" If you're n-not lying, G-Grandmama, then I'll... I'll try to love you. " - Kathryn Ice, lifted tear-stained eyes to her.
A sob escaped Kristina as she drew her granddaughter into her arms, and for the first time, Kristina felt Kathy's arms going around her. She choked on other side.
" Oh! Child, I love you. I'll always love you. " - Kristina, murmured the words over and over, her tears bittersweet because she knew that God had answered her prayers.
Kathy's was strong now ...
It was time for her to go ...
" She's different. " - Kristina, explained carefully.
" But she's not crazy. " - Kristina, added.
The youngman seated across her only nodded, his angelically beautiful face perfectly expressionless. It reminded her so much of Kathryn Ice it was uncanny, and Kristina had to repress a shiver. ' Is this a good or bad omen, Lord? '
" You've read the reports I've sent you? " - Kristina
" I have, Kyría. " - Yuri Daniel, ( 'Kyría in grecian means madam or lady )
" Then you know I'm telling you the truth. " - Kristina's voice became fierce.
" I never thought you would lie to me, Kyría. " - Yuri Daniel
The man's voice was courteous and pleasant, something Kristina found admirable in young Greek men. But right now, she would pay a fortune to hear any emotion in that voice. Kristina made a snap decision to lay all her cards on the table.
" I could have had any man in Greece, but I chose you because I know you're honorable and because... " - Kristina's dainty shrug.
" You need me, more than I need you. " - Kristina, added.
" Touché, Kyría. " - Yuri Daniel, inclined his head. His tone remained respectful but even, his face expressionless.
Kristina refuse to feel defeated. The man she had chosen might appear too young for the daunting task she had for him, but she knew with all her heart that he was the only one she could trust. She would bet all her remaining days on earth on it.
" What's stopping you from saying yes? " - Kristina, demanded.
A moment of hesitation before the man answered slowly.
" I may be too cold for her, Is that the only thing you're worried about? " - Yuri Daniel
Kristina's laughter didn't reach her eyes.
" Let me make it clear to you then. I chose you precisely because of that. That coldness you speak of is nothing but a shield. I know because I use the same thing, too, to protect what I value the most. For me that is my granddaughter. For you that is your half sister. " - Kristina
The man stiffened.
" Yes... " - Kristina, acknowledge shamelessly.
" I know about her. I know you've sacrificed your relationship with your father for her, and it's that kind of selflessness.. No, that coldness.. I want from you. " Kristina voice turned hard.
" Let us stop playing games. We both know you have no one left. No one but me. There is no one else in this world who has the wealth, power and motivation necessary to go against your father. I am your only chance, Yuri Daniel Athanas. So I suggest you be as cold-blooded as you say you are and say yes. " - Kristina
Ten minutes later, and Kristina was leading the young Greek Scion out of her office and downstairs, where Kathy was. Yuri was bemused when he realized where they were heading.
" She's in the kitchen? " - Yuri, with the exception of his own half sister, most heiresses of his acquaintance weren't even aware where their kitchen was.
" It's her favorite place in the house. " - Kristina, answered briefly.
Opening the door for Kristina, Yuri followed the older woman inside. He stopped when he saw the sole occupant in the kitchen, his gaze immediately arrested by the 14 year old girl behind the island, her head bent as she expertly minced spring onion on the chopping board. Sunlight filtering through the expansive windows at her back gave the girl a golden halo. Her hair, cascading down in a silky brown waterfall, hid most of her face, but what little he saw told Yuri that the girl was exquisitely beautiful and would be even more so when she matured.
Even so, Yuri did not feel a thing. When the Rewis matriarch nodded at him, he walked towards the girl. They had agreed that he would speak to his granddaughter first and he would make his decision from there. Kathryn Ice Rewis didn't look up when Yuri's shadow fell over her chopping board. Her fingers paused, however, the knife coming to a stop mid-air. A second passed, and Yuri sensed she was waiting for him to speak. When he didn't, another second passed before her slender, elegant fingers started moving again.
" Hello. " - Yuri, finally speak.
The girl stilled, and she was so perfectly motionless that with her ivory skin, one could be forgiven for thinking she was a marble statue. Slowly, she raised her head, and violet eyes met brilliant blue. Yuri thought, now he knew why her first and only day in the girl's academy Kristina enrolled her in had been disastrous. Those gypsy looking eyes were innocent and all knowing like a child's hiding nothing but seeing everything. Most people would feel condemned just looking at those eyes, Yuri knew. He was about to speak again when he saw her lips part, and Yuri stilled.
" Hello. " - Kathy voice was light and grave, beautiful and cold. But her violet eyes had a hint of wariness, and when Kristina came to join them.
Yuri realized that the girl had already been briefed about him. What she thought of it, however, was impossible to tell. Her eyes were too much like his in that sense. Perfectly glassy, reflecting everything except her own thoughts.
" Darling. " Kristina said softly. She waited for her granddaughter's gaze to meet hers before continuing.
" This is the man I was telling you about, his name is Yuri Daniel. Call him Yuri. And he'll take care of you he loves you, like I do. " - Kristina, added.
Kathy's brows furrowed.
" You're not lying? " - Kathy
" I love you. Don't I? Will I lie to you? " - Kristina, swallowed.
The violet eyes turned towards Yuri. In her gaze, he saw both his prison and his future.
" Will you love me? " - Kathy
And for this girl, Yuri realized bleaky, it was that simple. Dishonesty had been beaten out of her system and Kristina's overprotective love hadn't given her any chance to discover the life would never be that black and white. Meeting her gaze.
" Yes. " - Yuri, heared himself, lie.
After, Kristina and Yuri were both quiet as they went through the majestic front doors of the Rewis Mansion. When the valet brought his car to the driveway. Kristina broke the silence.
" I will not go back on my word. " - Kristina
" I never thought you would. " - Yuri, murmured.
The older woman hesitated, and it struck him at the moment how frighteningly frail she appeared. In her frequent photos on the society pages, the matriarch always had an untouchable aura about her, but there was none of her usual glamour now.
" Are you alright? " - Yuri
" Of course. " - Kristina voice was bland as she knowingly added to her sins. 'Forgive me, Yuri Daniel Athanas.'
Kristina had deliberately witheld the truth of her medical condition from the younger man, fearing his refusal if he realized that he might have only months left before fate demanded him to tie himself irrevocably to a stranger. After accepting the keys from the valet, Yuri faced Kristina again.
" Is there anything else you would like to discuss? " - Yuri
' A lot. ' Kristina thought painfully. ' Do you think you'll ever fall for someone like my granddaughter? Can you promise never to make her cry? Do you realized how terrified I am, knowing that I have no choice but to trust you? '
But in the end she knew she could not say any of those. Instead, she had to content herself with a promise.
" I will do everything in my power to help you save your sister, but you must promise me that you will do the same for my granddaughter. Save her when the time comes that I am no longer by her side. " - Kristina
If only she could be a food.
Food didn't lie. Food smelled good when it was edible. Food smelled bad when it was rotten. If only everyone could be food, maybe she wouldn't be so confused. Somewhere in the room, Doc Simon Corba continued to talk in a pompous-sounding voice. The thin-haired, bespectacled man had appointed himself as her guardian since her grandmother had died, and everyone in the estate as well as the lawyers hadn't questioned it. Or atleast everyone except her.
" Are you listening to me, Ms. Rewis? " - Doc Simon, wrestled with irritation and infatuation as he gazed at his future wife.
Whose profile was turned towards the expansive windows. Kathryn Ice meant 'beautiful' in their language, and the Rewis heiress was indeed the embodiment of physical pefection. Her long, shiny hair was like ebony silk, providing a mesmerizing contrast against her skin, which was an unusual ivory shade when most Greek girls had sun-kissed complexions. Tall, slim, and long- legged, Kathryn Ice also had an equally perfect figure, the kind that any dress would end up flattering. 'Perfect', Doc Simon thought, and if his plans would proceed without fail, this goddess and all her money would be his. Straightening, he walked towards Kathryn, and in what he hope was a hard.
" I asked you a question, Ms. Rewis. " - Simon, authoritative voice.
Kathryn slowly turned towards him, and her large, violet, all seeing eyes focused on his face. Doc Simon could feel himself flushing under the girl's gaze.