Losing in the stock market, dropping dollar rates, and losing a deal never tormented me like this--it's a win-win game. But It's been the most agonizing two days of my life. I'm currently fantasizing about a forbidden fruit, and I know I should bite. Right now, I'm in trouble of getting her out of my head.
Who would have thought Mike and Catie's daughter is hot? I mean hot...H-O-T as hell. Those beautiful big green innocent eyes, but there's something in her eyes I can't quite figure out, and this dick of my mine starts to have a brain on its own. Now, little traitor dick starts throbbing in my pants just the thought of hot Abby. Thank, God Pat doesn't know it, yet. He surely laughs and says finally someone makes me fall on my feet.
Now, I'm a boner.
I must admit that I've never met anyone as beautiful as her. Her smell alone is driving me insane, and her hair looks so soft. I can imagine grabbing her and fucking her from behind, and those parted succulent lips wrap around my cock.
I groan. And Jesus, she has a gorgeous pair of round tits. She wears a white dress that exposes a little cleavage, but enough to make my thoughts turn dirty. I can't blame my dick, and it's been a while, and she's just so gorgeous.
After sending her to her home, all my thoughts keep coming back to her with her smart-ass banter taunting me. Here I'm lying alone in my lonely cold bed looking up at the plain and boring ceiling with my cock hard as steel.
I couldn't help but stole a few glances at her long toned legs while she was sitting beside me in my car. I gave her a moment of silence, and I was sure she was thinking about her mom.
Abby seemed so distant and her moves are always calculated. She flinched when I tried securing her seatbelt. I wonder what had happened to her. I could feel that she didn't trust me, and it made my chest tight.
I want to strangle her so-called best friend, and he's holding her fucking hand. Best friend or notm], it makes me a little bit of a caveman.
Why I suddenly become overprotective of her. I've never felt anything like this towards any woman. Only with her, and it's freaking me out.
I guess I need to get laid.
I'm too exhausted to get up from my bed. Maybe a self-service will do. I put my hand inside my boxers and hold my cock firmly. The moment I think of a brunette with huge green eyes, my dick comes to life. I imagine her kneeling in front of me and licks the tip of my cock. Her gaze locks with mine as she takes all my cock inside her mouth. She twirls her tongue and sucks me hard, and I gasp.
Fuck I'm not going to last. My orgasms build so fast, and a hiss of pleasure escapes from me. I twist her hair around my hand and push her mouth until my cock hits her throat. The silent cry rises from her throat dries in her mouth as she gargles against my cock. She feels so fucking good. I thrust into her mouth, to the back of her throat one last time.
I come so hard.
I shudder, and I've never come so hard. Fuck! That feels good. Beads of sweat start forming on my forehead. As greedy as I am for her, I want to feel when I'm deeply buried inside her pussy, and
I'm hard again, and it doesn't take long, I come again.
I wake up before the alarm goes off. It's still dark outside. I start with my coffee. I lean my elbows on my kitchen island and bury my face into my hands. I check my phone for calls and messages. Nothing worth calling back. My mom left me a voice message telling me she met Mike's daughter. Christ! I really need to erase her from my brain.
I suddenly remember Dad saying after the meeting. I'll be the one to clean, and you may not like the outcome. It may not be true, but you're dragging Hughes and the company's reputation down.
I drink the bitter taste of coffee, but Dad's words are far worst bitter than the coffee, and it twists my stomach. What is he going to do? I may be the largest shareholder, but he has the majority of votes.
After a shower and put some fancy suit, I head to my office. Elle has already arranged my schedule and insert the burial for Catie. I meet Patrick at the parking lot since he wasn't able to come during the funeral.
Still, a lot of people here in the cemetery who I recognize mostly are businessmen. Some are politicians and few women I think from Catie's charity. My parents are already here, and so as Patrick's parents. I can't find the woman that caught my mind these days.
I clench my jaw until it hurts. I need to get her off my mind, but she won't just leave. I know it's so wrong to fantasize about her. His father won't be pleased about it. I'm sure her mother will rise from her grave and haunt me to death.
Patrick notices my discomfort. "You okay, man? I know this is hard for you, but it's okag\y to be sad about it. Wait here. I'll have to extend my condolences to Mike."
Mike is already sitting in the first row with two empty seats beside him, and one is probably for the hot piece of a daughter and her friend. I choose the opposite left side in the second row so that no one notices me ogling her.
I groan.
I didn't come here for her. I berate myself, but I know in my mind that's not true. A few more minutes, the ceremony will start according to that man in black-rimmed glasses. Everyone is wearing black and white. I don't even notice Patrick is already back into his seat.
"Where is the daughter?" Does he really have to ask me?
"Maybe caught in the traffic," I deadpan.
Before he can ask again, my eyes dart to the woman that keeps me having a hard-on, and I just came twice last night.
I must be dreaming right now because this couldn't be real. If she looks beautiful these past days, now Abby looks stunning--ravishingly gorgeous. She's way beyond beautiful than any woman I've met.
God heaven on earth, bless my heart. My mouth hangs open, and I'm sure I have to put the scarp in my suit pocket to good use. I'm probably drooling right now.
She is wearing a knee-length white long-sleeve lacy dress that fit perfectly like her second skin. Her curly brown hair is just below her shoulders and secured it with a black headband. She wears high heels that make her almost taller than her best friend. Good grace, Abby. Way to make my cock throb again. And thank God for the weather because I'm probably sweating like an idiot.
Everyone turns their attention to her. I guess they notice now who she is, and even my goddamn best friend. Now he can't just keep his mouth shut.
"So, she must be Mike's daughter? Who's the man with her? Lucky bastard. She's so fucking hot. No wonder Mike keeps her away from men like us. She can make any man boner."
Now I'm pissed. I hate this caveman feeling, and just thinking of another man thinks the way I think, I want to poke every eye looking at her with my fingers, and I want to stuff their mouths with their dicks.
"That's her best friend, Andrew. They're roommates."
Patrick looks at me with wide eyes. "And how do you know they're just roommates? Or just best friend? Without the benefits?" He raises his brows. Way to piss me off more. If we happen to be in another place, I might have already collared.
"That's what I heard. Why do they have to hide from her old man if they're dating? Or your so-called benefits? They're both consenting adults," I explain, but Patrick doesn't seem satisfied.
"Are you sure they're just friends?"
"Why don't you ask them yourself?" I glare at him.
"Whoa. Man, relax. I'm just messing with you. What's got into you? Why so grumpy today? And do you think I didn't notice you drooling over her when she arrived?"
I clench my teeth and take a deep breath. I need to calm myself down. My best friend won't shut up until I'm grilled with questions as soon as he knows I have a thing for her. A thing? Jesus, Seb Hughes. Since when?
I don't do relationships. She looks so innocent, and I'm a bastard who doesn't say no for free-fuck-no-strings-attached. I don't deserve someone like her. She needs a good man at her side, and I'm definitely not the right one.
She deserves someone who brings her flowers and dines with her in a fancy restaurant and proposes to her with a huge diamond ring.
Mike knows me well. I'm thankful he still didn't warn me to back off when he caught me ogling at her from the first day we met, or he was too preoccupied with his wife's death? I'm sure she's going back after this burial and thank God, I won't see her again.
"Earth to Seb. You zoned out too much." He nudges me. "Are you sure you haven't scored on her yet?" he asks, waggling his brows.
"One more talk about her, I'm gonna break your nose. Her mom just died for God's sake, and you're talking about her like that?" I hissed, and I can feel the anger radiates my body. I don't even notice my hands already form into fists.
"Okay. Okay, man. We'll talk about it later."
"There's nothing to talk about later, especially if it's about her. She is off-limits."
"Fine. I'll drop it if you introduce me to her. Deal?"
"No fucking way." I narrow my eyes.
"Yes, way, or I'll just introduce myself." He grins. "Unless you want her alone to yourself."
I grit my teeth. "What off limits you didn't fucking understand? She still mourns, and here you are, you can't keep your dick in your pants. Really, Patrick?" I narrow my eyes at him, but he still finds me amusing.
"Well, just introduce me. That's all."
"Fuck off, asshole. You fucking touch her, you're dead. Fucking think about her, you're dead too." I know I just lost my shit, but Patrick is a manwhore.
He grins. "I got you there, asshole. Fine. She's yours."
Yeah. She's fucking mine. Deep inside, I'm grinning like a fool.
Everyone is already on their seats when the minister is about to start. I look at her, and it's wrong to move--she finds me looking at her too. Just like that, everything freezes even my goddamn breath.
Damn! She smiles at me, and fuck me. That's the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I can't help but smile back. She arches one brow as if asking me what's wrong. I shake my head, then she turns back and focuses on the minister.
"Hmm. That smile. She smiles at you. We really need to talk later, cuz. I'll never let that one go. Over my dead body."
Not today. Not ever. I won't let him get into me.
"Just shut up, will you? Nothing's really to talk about."
"I doubt that. That smile says everything, and you're still smiling. That's new, Seb."
"You're saying I never smile before?" I elbow him.
"See? You never did that thing to me either."
"What, elbowing you? See what comes next if you won't shut up."
"Don't change the topic, Mr. Pussy-whipped."
Someone clears a throat from behind.
Shit, I remind myself why we're here.
"Drop it."
"I don't think I can." Jesus.
I decide to leave immediately after the burial service, but something's stopping me from going. My heart breaks when I see Abby's shoulders are shaking. I wish I can hold her and tell her everything will be okay, but I'm sure nothing can help at this moment. The fact that we just buried her mom, it will take time for her to cope up.
Somewhere part of my brain commands me to come closer to her, and my feet just follow.
Her eyes are red and wet. She's still sniffing to the tissue on her hand. I can't fathom why I feel the same pain for her when I see her sad and crying like we have a connection to emotions.
I touch her shoulder, and she stiffens and faces me. When our gazes meet, it feels like we know exactly what comes next.
We pull into each other's arms, just like that. We're like pieces of a missing puzzle, and we fit perfectly.
I can feel the warmth of our bodies. A smell of vanilla and flower that I can't quite guess hit my nostrils. Maybe her shampoo or her body wash--it's addicting, and I don't want to let her go, and I'm not yet ready to let her go. I close my eyes and feel her against me, and I want to keep this memory because this might never happen again, and God, it feels so good--so damn good to be true. When she pulls away, I suddenly feel so empty and cold.
"Thank you, Seb. Thank you for being here," she says in between sniff. She looks goddamn beautiful even if her eyes and nose are red. Drew, her best friend gives me a tight smile. My best friend clears his throat beside me and tells her he's sorry and introduces himself. Before he can say anything else, I tell Abby and Drew that we're leaving.
I don't want him to spill my beans yet. I'm not in a mood to deal with work either. I want to drink to stupor because what had just happened freaks the hell out of me.
Thank goodness Patrick stays silent throughout the entire ride. I guess he already has answers to himself. It's too obvious, isn't it?