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Chapter 5

Leah's POV

"Leah, what do you think you're doing?" Lucas stared at me as if he was gripped by anger and shock.

I wasn't surprised that he took Leah's side. But it didn't mean that my heart wasn't hurt.

"I'm just taking back what belongs to me," I replied.

Josephine's face was distorted in pain. She looked up at Lucas and said, "Luke, I really didn't send her any pictures. I don't know what she's talking about. I don't know why you rejected her, but if it had something to do with me and the blood transfer, I could apologize to both you and her. Anyway, you've been taking good care of me since Basil passed away. It's all my fault. I'm too soft and hopeless. I really can't cope without an elder brother figure in my life."

"You don't have to apologize for anything, Jo. I know you haven't done anything." Lucas leaned in close to Josephine. His eyes fixed on hers with a deep, unwavering gaze. His voice was a gentle murmur, low and soothing, yet charged with emotion. Every word he spoke was filled with tenderness, conveying the depth of his love for her.

I used to long for the tenderness of Lucas, but now I'm so over him.

When the bond between us was cut, I stopped feeling anything for this man.

Lucas lifted his head to fix me with a cold stare.

He snapped, "You can't hurt Josephine like this. You need to apologize."

His voice was devoid of any warmth or interest.

I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling very small and insignificant in front of him, who seemed to regard me as nothing more than an annoyance.

"I haven't done anything wrong. I won't apologize." My voice faltered slightly.

I was surprised that Lucas could still manage to belittle me with his indifference, even though the connection between us had already gone.

"You ripped off her hair," Lucas said in the same cold, detached tone.

Before I could say anything, Josephine begged in a trembling voice, "Luke, please. Don't argue with that formidable woman. She's crazy. It's OK for her to hurt me. I don't mind putting it up for you. I would do anything for you because I know you would do the same for me. Just ask the soldiers to walk her away."

I felt a surge of frustration with my fists clenching at my sides. I wanted to jump at Josephine and rip that fake innocence off her face. But then I suspended that thought.

Bitches like Josephine thrive on other people's anger. They watch other people lose their temper as well as their dignity and sneer at them.

As I stood in front of Lucas, my heart felt heavy with emotion.

This was the end of my five-year marriage.

I got nothing but a sapphire pendant and some hair in my hands.

I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I knew I had to be strong and walk away from him, even though it felt like the last thing I wanted to do in the world.

The soldiers came and surrounded me. They were holding weapons in their hands, pointing toward me.

The tension in the room was so thick that it almost became tactile.

I took a last look at Lucas, hoping to see some sign of regret or love, but again, there was nothing. He was seemingly unmoved by the gravity of the moment.

"OK, I'm leaving right now, Lucas," I said and walked away.

But just as I walked out of the door, I heard Lucas' voice -


He said wait.

Does he realize that he has made the hugest mistake in his life?

Is he going to take me back?

"Jo's fainted! You have to transfer your blood to her right now!" Lucas' voice was anxious.

I turned back and saw Josephine's body dangling in Lucas' arms.

I couldn't believe that she was putting on a show like this when I already decided to walk away from their lives.

"She doesn't need my blood, Lucas. Her disease remains undiagnosed because there weren't any diseases to be diagnosed with," I said.

"What did you just say?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"She pretends to be sick and asks me to transfer blood to her, but not even a single drop of my blood gets into her veins. The nurse takes out my blood and throws it away along with other disposable garbage. I saw it a couple of times. This whole thing is a hoax!"

"Stop lying to me. Why would Jo want your blood if she wasn't sick?" Lucas' face was etched with anger.

I clenched my fists again. I retorted fiercely, "You call me a liar? OK, let's call the nurse and let her transfer my blood to Josephine right now. But only this time, I want to see my blood getting into her body. I need to warn you, when different types of blood mix together in one person, the person might die. But you don't need to worry, because apparently, my blood is the right match for hers!"

As soon as I finished the speech, Josephine bounced up from Lucas' arms like a rabbit.

What a miracle. She's alive.

Josephine grabbed Lucas' hands and pleaded, "Oh, Luke! You know what? I feel much better now. I don't think I need any blood transfer today. Just let her go now. We'll keep looking for other blood donors."

Lucas frowned at her and asked, "Jo, are you sure? You look as pale as a ghost."

I took up a bottle of make-up remover, opened the lid, and poured it on Josephine's face.

"What are you doing?!" She screamed, trying to cover her face, but it was too late.

The remover washed off the heavy makeup on her face.

After the white coating was gone, her original tanner, healthier-looking complexion was revealed.

"Don't cover your face, Josephine. It's time to show your real face." I said and pulled her hands down.

Josephine panicked while staring at me.

She looked like an awkward drenched dog with uneven white spots all over her face.

I took a glance at Lucas and said, "If I wore that much makeup on my face, I would look sick. But you know what? I don't need other people's blood to cure my unknown disease!"

Lucas looked as if he was in disbelief at the scene before him. Then, he stared at me. His eyes were blazing with something that I couldn't fathom.

I didn't flinch, meeting his gaze with unwavering strength.

"Goodbye, Lucas."

Having said that, I stormed out of the house.

As soon as I got out of the house, I tried to hold back the tears, but they flowed freely down my face.

They weren't tears of remorse, but tears of joy.

I knew I did the right and bold thing in my life today.

My fearlessness was shining like a beacon in the midst of a storm.

As the rage around me faded away, it became clear that I was not the one who was truly lost and alone.

It was Lucas, with his anger, his lover, and his taking-everything-for-granted attitude, who was truly adrift in the darkness.

I took out my mobile and dialed a number with trembling fingers.

It went through right away.

"Leah, where are you?"

Hearing my elder brother's deep, static voice, I choked with my own tears.

"Lucian, he rejected me. I'm free now..."

"Leah, stay where you're and I'll pick you up."

A few moments later, several men in black suits showed up in black limos.

As I approached the grandest black limo, my heart started to race.

The door opened and I saw my elder brother Lucian sitting inside. He was tall, with broad shoulders and chiseled features that seemed to have been carved from marble. His olive-green eyes locked onto mines.

As always, he was impeccably dressed in a crisp, black suit that had been tailored specifically for him. His perfectly coiffed hair was styled in a way that made me want to run my fingers through it.

"Lucian, brother..." I whispered, crying like a melting candle.

Lucian stretched out his long, muscular arms and held me against his chest.

"I'm here, Leah. No one will hurt you anymore." He kissed my hair and held me tightly in his arms. His voice was smooth as silk.

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