Berry looked into the mirror to apply final touches to her makeup. Today is the party. After making sure that every arrangement is right, she came home to have a quick shower and change.
She wanted to buy a dress that would cover her legs because she didn't want to show them. So, she bought a black dress that was tight from the top and flowy in the bottom. But in the process, she ended up spending too much. She looked at herself in the mirror from top to bottom.
'Oh, this was an extravagance I can't afford. Why did I spent so much money for this dress', she thought?
But God she looked good. She only looks good on her good days and this is definitely a good day.
She decided to let her hair loose and took her clutch. That's it she was good to go.
She entered the hall where the party was taking place and started looking for Mr. Wild. She spotted him entering and made her way towards him.
"Mr. Wild", she called to get his attention.
He turned, "Oh, Berry? For a second I thought it was someone else. But then your baby cheeks gave you away. You look gorgeous young lady. You should dress up more often".
"Thank you Mr. Wild", she said getting a little awkward because of what happened in the morning.
Mr. Wild got emotional in the morning as it was his last day. Berry had started crying too. He asked her to keep meeting him and even shared a few words of wisdom. Berry was going to miss him.
"How are you holding up?", She asked
"Oh, I'm fine, tough as an old boot. But make sure I don't cry when I give my final speech"
They both started laughing.
"See?" he continued, "I'm not that old to make a young girl laugh". His face got serious, "but I mean it about not letting me cry. Understood?"
She nodded trying to keep a serious face when she still felt like laughing.
"I should go have a word with the guests", he said.
"And I should go and see if everything is working fine", Berry said turning around.
"Oh, loosen up Berry, everything is taken care of. Go and enjoy the party. It's an order. Remember I'm still your boss till today", he said
Berry smiled and nodded.
After Mr. Wild left she was all alone thinking what should she do now. Normally she would take care of all the things in the party and leave as soon as her job is done. She never stays.
She could perhaps go to their colleagues but she's not that close to anyone. Everyone was in their group and she would only be an unwanted member there.
Berry could never make close friends. It's something in her nature. She never lets anyone get close to her. So, if anyone tries to get close to her, they would always be talking about them. But as soon as they start asking her about her, she panics and start making her distance fearing that they might know too much.
She hates that about her. She has to change it otherwise she will always be alone. Just like Mr. Wild.
Looking around she went to the bar and sat on the stool. Berry had never tasted alcohol. She detests it with all her heart. It brings back many ugly memories.
"Do you have anything that is non-alcoholic", she asked the bartender.
"We have lemonade", he suggested.
"Sure, I'll have one"
While the bartender prepared her drink, she looked around. She should attend more parties like this. Maybe then she would feel less awkward. She was not enjoying it at all and all she wanted to do was go back home and watch TV.
But she had spent a lot of money on this dress specially for this party. Crazy as it might sound, she was only sitting here because she wanted to get her money's worth.
She is so stupid. She should have stayed at home. She already has so much money shortage. But she still bought this dress and now she's not even enjoying the party. It's all Nona's fault.
While she was busy with her self-beratement, her eyes fell on a man. He was very tall. His brown hair were slightly curly. He has a beard which was perfectly groomed. She cannot see his eyes from this distance. He seemed busy in conversation with someone.
"Your drink ma'am", she turned back. She just now realized that she had turned her stool fully and was staring at the man. Good Heavens! What was the matter with her? She can't just stare at someone like that. What if he would have caught her?
She sipped her drink. Eww it was so bad. It was too sugary. Okay just half an hour more and then she will leave. That will be enough torture for this dress.
"You should try the wine", she heard a voice beside her. She turned to see the same man that she was staring at earlier.