But that would come. There was no need to rush things; they were off to a good start.
“I’m glad you like it. Cam wasn’t crazy about the food, but my brother’s spoiled rotten. He goes home a few times a month just so our mother can cook for him and he can complain that nothing else measures up.” Dominik took a bite of his steak, thinking about how Cam had mentioned their mother’s homemade BBQ sauce was ten times better. He had to agree, and their mother had been flattered, but as someone who didn’t have the luxury of home-cooked meals very often, Dominik was more than satisfied.
Sahara chewed slowly, a thoughtful expression on her face. “I’m a decent cook, but I find the best meal is one you don’t have to make.”
“Very true.” The act had begun, but Dominik could tell Sahara wanted to talk, so he gave her his full attention.
“Can I ask you something?”
He inclined his head, about to tell her she already had, but refrained when she hunched her shoulders and dropped her gaze. Whatever she had to say was too serious for him to start teasing her.
“You’re playing Grant’s team. I know you guys don’t like him because of the past, but…” Her brow furrowed. She looked frustrated. “What he did was horrible, but it’s in the past. He recently lost his mother and he’s trying to change. I don’t want him targeted because of me.”
Dominik clenched his fist under the table, thinking of all the times Grant Higgins had instigated fights on the ice, calling Sahara names and taunting those who cared for her. She should have pressed charges a long time ago and made the man pay for what he’d done to her. Dominik didn’t know the extent of Higgins’s abuse, but he did know Sahara had still had bruises when she’d joined the Cobras’ Ice Girl team.
The man wouldn’t even be playing in the league anymore if charges had been filed. Cases like this were on the news all the time, and no professional sports team would tolerate that kind of behavior. Unfortunately, rumors didn’t hold much weight, and Sahara seemed to have decided getting out of reach was enough.
Perhaps Higgins had made some drastic changes after his mother’s death. Dominik had a hard time trusting that, but telling Sahara as much would only drive a wedge between them. He had to take her lead, despite his misgivings.
So he schooled his features and nodded. “I’ll do my best to keep the games clean, but I take no responsibility for Demyan’s reactions. Higgins seems to enjoy pushing his buttons.”
“He won’t anymore. And don’t worry about Scott, I’ll talk to him.”
“Fair enough.” Dominik took another bite of steak as he shifted his attention back to the stage.
He could feel Sahara’s gaze locked on the side of his face. “That’s it?”
Brow arched, Dominik turned back to Sahara. He wasn’t sure why everyone expected him to react badly whenever they told him about their problems. He didn’t consider himself a judgmental man, but perhaps he came across that way?
“My turn to ask you a question.” Dominik steepled his fingers and regarded Sahara for a moment before continuing. “Did you expect me to be unreasonable? Or tell you how to handle the situation?”
She ducked her head and her cheeks reddened. “I don’t mind you telling me what to do.”
He tightened his lips and shook his head. “You know that’s not what I mean.”
“All right, fine.” She wrinkled her nose, a habit she had that he found endearing. And distracting. If they were at the club, he’d be tempted to spank her for what edged on brattiness, but they weren’t and he couldn’t let her lead the conversation in that direction.
Not yet anyway.
Tonguing her bottom lip, she studied his face. “Apparently kink is off the table.”
“A fact I’m sure the staff here appreciates. Bending you over the table to punish you for being a brat would make the other patrons uncomfortable.” So much for steering clear of that subject. Dominik leaned back in his chair and smiled at the way she covered her cheeks to hide her blush. “Will you answer me now?”
Picking up her glass of water, she took a sip, then licked her lips. “I respect your opinion, and I appreciate how you’ve stuck up for me in the past. I was afraid you’d be disappointed in me for forgiving him.”
“Have you?”
“I…” She frowned, as though she wasn’t sure. “I feel bad for him, and I’m hoping he’s serious about changing. I wouldn’t mind being friends with him, but I’m not stupid. I’ll be careful about it.” Her gaze met Dominik’s, and he could tell she was looking for his approval again. He wasn’t sure he could give it, but he inclined his head so she’d continue. “I don’t expect anyone to understand. I guess… I fell in love with him for a reason. Even though I’ll never feel that way about him again, part of me wants to see him as the man I know he can be. I can’t forget what he did, but not forgiving him feels like I haven’t moved on. And I have.”
Her reasoning made a lot of sense. Dominik was still concerned that Higgins would take advantage of Sahara giving him any opening to get close to her.
“What makes you think no one will understand? Everyone’s seen the steps you’ve taken to protect yourself. You’ve been taking self-defense for quite a while. You’re not the same woman who came to us with bruises, shying away from sudden movements.” He had to force his tone to stay level as the memories came to him and rage simmered within. The color had left her cheeks and he took her hand, knowing all she needed from him right now was his support. “I won’t lie to you. I hope you won’t regret offering him your friendship, but you’re not walking into this blindly. Forgive, but don’t forget. Even if he screws up—which he damn well better not—you’ve got to do what’s right for you.”
“Thank you!” Her eyes brightened and she lunged forward to hug him. Her lips brushed his throat as he held her. “Akira’s so mad at me, and Cort…”
She slipped out of Dominik’s arms and sat back in her chair. Then she went over what had happened with Higgins and Cort earlier that day. Dominik was tempted to call Cort and thank him, but Sahara wouldn’t appreciate that if she found out. His only option was to make sure she knew he’d be there for her no matter what.
Thankfully, she was eager to change the subject, so conversation moved to the playoffs and the next show the Cobras’ Ice Girls would put on. She brought up the club a couple of times with offhand, teasing remarks, but he refused to take the bait. Their interactions at the club they both went to, had mostly consisted of her acting out and him having to discipline her because he was one of the regular Dungeon Monitors. He missed seeing her there, but neither of them was ready to delve into the lifestyle. He couldn’t say for sure he was even interested in being a Dom anymore. To her or anyone else.
“Is it me?” She let out a frustrated sound when he dodged another remark about BDSM by bringing up her music choices for the Ice Girls’ next performance. He opened his mouth to assure her it wasn’t, but she cut him off. “I know I’m not the perfect sub, but I could learn to—”
“I’m not looking for a sub, Sahara.” He took her hand, squeezing gently to soften the impact of his words. He used his other hand to tilt her chin up when she dropped her gaze. “Hey, that’s not a bad thing. What that means is what we’re doing, right here, is all I want.”
She nibbled her bottom lip, her eyes sad. “But you need more.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Really?” She brushed her hand over her chest as though there were crumbs there, a crooked smile on her lips. “So do you like the dress? I’m happy I didn’t have to choose my own outfit; we would have missed the first act.”
Cheeky little thing, isn’t she? Dominik chuckled and tugged her closer, whispering against her lips. “Are you fishing for compliments, pet?”
“No, Sir.” She held still as he gently stroked her lips with his. Then sighed when he shifted away. “Dominik—”
“Watch the show, Sahara.” He wasn’t sure whether he should spank her or bring her home with him, but for the moment, she had a point. He did need to exert some control. Over himself. “You’ll like how this ends.”