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Chapter 9: Whatever it Takes

It was past 10:00 before Ella got up the next morning. Normally, she was up when Rome was, kissing him goodbye as he headed off to the set. That day, she was having a hard time. Little sleep the night before, nightmares about being with Henry, and thoughts of what might happen if he were to find out the truth, who she really was, plagued her dreams.

After a shower and a quick breakfast, she decided to go for a walk on the beach to clear her mind, but it wasn’t helping like it usually did. Henry said he’d call her later that day, and she knew he would. Probably earlier than later. She was supposed to see him again soon enough. The idea that she had to pretend like she liked him, like she wanted to be with him, made her sick to her stomach. Maybe they shouldn’t go through with this….

The sound of her cell phone ringing had her jumping in the wet sand. She pulled it out of her pocket, terrified it would be him already, but it wasn’t. The familiar number made her face light up. Fae. If only she could tell her fairy godmother what was truly going on. She would have some good advice. But she and Rome had decided not to tell her since she’d already disapproved of the fabrication. Telling her now would just irritate her even more, and Fae was too old to have two kids messing with her emotions.

“Hi, Fae,” she said stopping and sinking down on a rock nestled among the sand dunes. “How are you?”

“I’m just fine, young lady. Now how are you?” There was something about Fae’s tone that made Ella a bit squeamish. Did she know something?

“I’m okay.” She tried to sound nonchalant, like she meant it, but when Fae spoke again, there was no denying she couldn’t hide her true feelings from the woman.

“Really? You’re not feeling guilty about anything? Maybe a little nauseated or anxious?”

Ella sucked in a deep breath. The fresh sea air didn’t make her feel less of any of the things Fae had just listed. “Fae… what do you know?”

The old woman laughed sharply. “Did you think you could pull one over on me, missy?” She wasn’t angry, just scolding in the way a grandmother might get onto a beloved granddaughter. “I might be confined to an assisted living facility, but I still have my sources.”

“I think I know what you’re talking about…” Ella began. “But I’m not positive. Can you be a little more specific?”

“Have you not seen the cover of The Daily Dish?” The local gossip rag was one of Fae’s favorite sources of the news, if what it published could be categorized as such. “You’re the talk of the town--Juliet Montague.”

Again, Ella found breathing difficult. “No, I haven’t….” Had they taken a picture of her with Henry? Why hadn’t she learned her lesson about paparazzi? She hadn’t even seen any photographers in the club, just other socialites out for a good time.

“Well, there’s a giant photo of you with Henry Caron, his arm around you, you smiling up at him. The two of you look rather cozy. I’d almost believe that smile was genuine if I didn’t see the tension in your eyes. You, young lady, have a lot of explaining to do.”

Now, the urge to see exactly what Fae was talking about was overwhelming to the point, Ella knew she had to get off of the phone and look at it. “I’ll call you right back,” she said. Fae hardly had the first syllable of protest out before Ella hung up on her.

She quickly pulled up her web browser and searched for the article in question. Sure enough, there it was. The headline said, “Frenchman Gets Cozy with the Mysterious Montague.” Swearing beneath her breath, Ella read through the article. It was short. Basically, it said that the two were spotted having drinks at Chavet, but that it was obvious they were seeing each other by the way they were touching each other and kept kissing! The last two words made a fire burn inside of her. She hadn’t let that disgusting pig kiss her even once! On the cheek didn’t count!

The last paragraph of the article also had her blood boiling, “Earlier in the year, sources had Montague romantically linked to Rome Verona, but now that he is obviously attached to several other young actresses and models, there must not have been room in his busy schedule for the protege. Either that or Juliet told Rome au revoir!”

Growling, Ella balled up both hands and pounded them into the sand. “You stupid assholes! Think you know so much!” She just hoped Rome hadn’t seen it and didn’t actually believe what it said was true, that she had been kissing Henry. He wouldn't believe that, would he? He must know that if she had had to torture herself thusly, she would’ve told him about it--right after she threw up and brushed her teeth.

Hastily, she selected his name in her recent calls, but he didn’t answer. “Hey, baby. I just read a disgusting article in that nasty gossip rag, The Daily Dish, that says they caught Henry and I kissing last night. Just in case you saw it, or he came by to gloat, I wanted to make sure you know that’s not true. I would’ve definitely told you if it was. Anyway, I hope your filming is going as well as possible. I’ll talk to you soon. Love you.”

Still furious, she hung up and called Fae back. Her friend answered on the first ring. “That is disgusting,” Ella said before Fae could even get out a hello. “I definitely was not kissing Henry Caron.”

“Don’t blame me, dear. I’m just the messenger. Besides, now you can plainly see just how ridiculous this plan of yours is. I told you not to go through with it. I see I wasted my words.” She didn’t sound angry, just a bit… exasperated.

Ella sighed. “I know, Fae. I was hoping you wouldn’t find out. I didn’t want to worry you. Rome and I talked it over, and we feel this is the only way to make sure that Henry gets what he deserves, not just for failing to help me when I needed it, but he also did buy the production company just so he could try to ruin Rome. He told me as much last night.”

Fae was quiet for a few moments, reflective. “So… you decided to go behind my back in your devious scheme, even though it is only because of our friendship that you’re even in a position to do this. Is that right, Ella?”

The hint of disappointment in her voice was unmistakable, and it made Ella immediately regret her decision. “Yes. I hated being less than a hundred percent honest with you, Fae, but it’s the only way.”

It was Fae’s turn to let out a sigh. “I don’t believe that’s true. I believe there is the way that lets you keep your dignity and go on about life without having to stoop to his level.”

“Not if I’m going to prevent Rome from making ten horrible movies,” Ella reminded her.

“He could make them good somehow, through his own efforts.”

“Not with these scripts. They’re awful, Fae. And Henry is purposely sinking tons of money into these productions just to get back at him.”

“Now, why would a man do that, Ella? Clearly, you haven’t looked at Henry’s motivations very deeply. He must be hurt in a way you’re not quite taking into consideration for him to go to all of that trouble just to get revenge.”

Ella had examined his motivations quite well, she’d thought. “It’s similar to what happened with my father and Rome’s,” she explained. “They’re so motivated by hate, they’ll do anything to ruin the other person, even if it comes at the cost of their own happiness.”

“What a miserable way to exist.” Ella could practically hear Fae shaking her head. “I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Isn’t that punishment enough for this poor Henry fellow?

“No.” Ella’s answer came quickly enough to startle both of them. “No, Fae. I want that company out of his hands, and if that means I have to pretend to be his girlfriend for a little while, so be it. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you Fae, but that’s just how it is.”

“I see that I can’t talk you out of this,” Fae said with another loud exhale. “Very well, then. If I can’t beat you, I will join you. If you’re going to do this, you have to do it right. You’ve got to be so beguiling, he can’t possibly say no to you. I’m afraid that might take more than kissing, Ella.”

“I’ll do whatever it takes.” Ella meant it--as revolting as the words were coming out of her mouth. Revenge on Henry Caron was more important to her than anything at the moment, and she would get it, if it was the last thing Juliet Montague ever did.

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