The immense black wolf with its crimson eyes is there before her. It advances slowly towards her, but upon seeing her close her eyes and curl up in a clear display of the immense fear she is experiencing, it halts a few steps away from her. It sits back on its hind legs and watches her, doing nothing more, slowly wagging its tail from side to side. Gil is still trembling with fear, and although he has stopped, she continues to back away until her back hits the trunk of a tree, where she remains, unsure of what to do next.
She observes that the wolf makes no move to approach her again; on the contrary, it lies down with its head resting on its front paws, never taking its now golden eyes off her, tail wagging gently. She doesn't know what to think—it's a massive wolf! She notices how it lowers its ears in a clear sign of submission to her. She knows this because of the many times her father has explained what that gesture means in dogs and wolves.
She has always been fascinated by the wolf documentaries she watches on television with her parents. She loves to see all that they do and has always wanted to meet one. The one before her now far surpasses any she has seen on those programmes. None featured a wolf of the size of this one lying before her, seeking her attention. Eventually, her curiosity overcomes her fear. She stands up and takes a tentative step towards where the wolf continues to watch her.
"I… my name is Gil," she stammers. "I always see your eyes. You're not going to hurt me, are you? I'm just bones, I assure you I'm not much of a meal."
Gil speaks nervously as she edges ever closer to the wolf, one small step at a time, just as she has seen the handlers do. Suddenly, the wolf lifts its head and remains still, its ears pricked up as if listening intently. Gil stops, frightened, wondering if it will attack her, and also, why didn't she flee when she had the chance? Now there's no escape, seeing as the wolf rises, towering over her!
She closes her eyes again in anticipation of the attack, which doesn't come. Although she hears it advancing, and when she thinks she'll be devoured, to her astonishment, the wolf licks her face, covering her in slobber. She reacts to this gesture nervously.
"Oi, don't do that, it tickles!" she cries out, still scared but laughing at the same time, "Are you tasting me? See, I don't taste good, do I? Ha-ha-ha... You are... you are... you're the most beautiful and largest wolf I've ever seen in my life!"
Hearing her laughter, the wolf wags its tail joyfully and licks her face again. She doesn't pull away from the affectionate gesture and, although she laughs again nervously, she calms down upon seeing that it won't attack her. She notices how it wags its tail happily and pants in front of her—a grand display of friendship that fills her with joy.
"I see you don't want to eat me," she speaks more calmly, stroking the wolf that pants happily under her touch. "Alright then, we'll be friends. Are you alone? Is that it? Is that why you come to see me, so we can be friends? I'm alone too. Well, not alone—I have Mum and Dad—but I don't have anyone to play with. I'll play with you. Agreed?"
The wolf looks at her and nudges its head under her hand, which begins to scratch behind its ear. The wolf purrs and happily lies down beside her; she sits without stopping her caresses and talking to him, still somewhat nervous and scared. She can't believe that an animal of such enormous size has chosen her as a friend—or has it?
"You're so big!" she exclaims as he places his massive head on her lap. "Hey, do you want to be my friend?" she asks without ceasing her strokes.
She doesn't know why she feels so secure now. No one will be able to harm her or her parents as long as she has this wolf. She feels it purring against her chest, and she likes it. She adores it when her dad does the same to lull her to sleep!
"I know you can't talk; it doesn't matter. We'll be best friends, I'll do the talking for both of us. I like the sound of your chest, I love it. My dad does the same to help me sleep when I can't. Could you do it again, please? I'll lie down here to listen better. I love your soft fur, my wolf. That's what I'll call you; you'll be my Wolf. Or would you like me to give you a name? No? Ha-ha-ha..."
She laughs as the wolf shakes its head vigorously in response to her question, which she takes as a refusal.
"Alright, don't get upset; I won't give you a name. I'm not saying I'll make you my pet, that's not it; I just want to know what to call you—we'll be friends. But since you don't like it, I'll just call you Wolf. You'll be my Wolf, whom I'll look after, love, and play with. You have to come and see me every night, agreed? For now, we won't tell Mum and Dad. We mustn't scare them, but later on, so you can come into my room and we can play.
She doesn't know when she falls asleep, her head resting on the back of her Wolf who lulls her with his purring until her breathing slows and she is enveloped by his huge, furry tail which covers her completely. Gil is still a small and slender child. As the night cools, he releases some of his warmth to heat her. He watches over her attentively, never ceasing to sniff at her from time to time.
When Gil wakes up, she is astonished to find herself in her bed, thinking that everything that happened was just a dream.
"Gil, get up, girl, today is your first day of school," she hears her mother's voice calling her. "Come on, we don't want you to be late on your first day; Mrs. Rita is going to accompany us."
"I'm coming, Mum, I'm coming," she replies and dashes to the bathroom. As she removes her night attire, strands of black hair fall from it. It was true, it wasn't a dream; the red eyes belong to a wolf! And they change to gold like mine. She is filled with happiness knowing she has a friend. She bathes, dons her uniform, and rushes out to find breakfast already served on the table.
"Good morning." She greets her parents as they enter the kitchen.
"Good morning. Are you nervous?" asks Nara
Gil looks at her and feels scared about her first day of school. "Yes."
"You needn't be. You'll see, they won't make fun of you this time. You're special, daughter," says her father Serafín, though he looks nervous too.
"Thank you, Dad."
"Hurry up; the school isn't far, just two blocks away," explains her mother Nara, as she bustles about packing and arranging everything Gil needs to take in her backpack. "But today we're going in Mrs. Rita's car; your father has arranged it, and he'll be her driver."
"Really, Dad?"
"Yes, daughter, I know a thing or two about cars."
"And you know how to drive?"
"Yes, I learned quite well. Now go on; we don't want to keep Mrs. Rita waiting."
"Gil, don't come home alone; wait for your dad; he'll pick you up every day," Nara cautions her.
"Alright, Mum."
Serafín and Gil depart in Mrs. Rita's car, with Mrs. Rita introducing Gil as her granddaughter. The school is large, filled with many children her age who look at her with curious but shy smiles. Despite wearing blue glasses, her hair remains white, shiny, very long and thick, drawing everyone's attention, especially with the intricate hairstyle full of braids and ribbons that Nara and Mrs. Rita had fashioned for her. After all the introductions, her parents and Mrs. Rita leave, and she feels frightened.
"Gil," calls the teacher, "come sit here next to Luna."
She gestures to the seat beside a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes who looks at her very seriously and then turns her gaze forward.
"Hello," greets Gil, but receives no response.
Finally, after a morning full of enjoyable classes, it's time to go home. She watches as Luna is picked up by an impressive black car and slowly all the children leave until she sees her father's car arrive. She runs out happily and climbs in.
"Dad, you're late," she chides. "I was scared of being left alone; please don't do it again or I'll walk home."
"Sorry, Gil, I had some deliveries to make and got held up. You won't do such a thing, and next time if I'm delayed, don't wait outside; stay inside like the other children, with the teacher," he admonishes her. "How was your day? Did you like it?"
"Yes, I liked it a lot. The teacher is very nice, although she sat me next to a girl who gave me a strange look and then I moved to another seat," she recounts happily to her father. "Dad, can I ask you a question?"
"As many as you want, daughter." Serafin replies as he drives the car.
Gil watches him for a moment as if afraid to ask the question until she finally makes up her mind. Dad, are there wolves as big as you?"