Arya POV
Playing with Mathew was so fun, he kept calling me baby. Not like the sexy baby kind you call your girlfriend, the real baby baby. You get my idea, even with his teasing I loved playing with him.
We first played on his PlayStation and he let me win calling me a cry baby when I got mad for losing for the fifth time in a row. He told me he got a daddy, his name is jay and he's a part of the family. Mathew isn't he help with his daddy work sometimes but he mostly like to paint and he's really good at it.
We were sent outside to "play", one of my rules is to spend an hour out daily , it's a stupid rule in my opinion but matt said we can swim in the pool sometimes. For now we just played in the backyard there were swings, I pushed matt and he pushed me back.
"Well it was fun playing with you baby, you're not bad like the others" Mathew says.
"What others" I ask wondering how many littles there is the family.
"Well ghots's last little was a fake and total mess...and Hailey tend to play with her assignment"
Not really understanding I just nod, whatever that means for now I need to get off my feet. I'm out of breath from all the playing and hungry, I hope we get something good for dinner.
Mathew kiss my forehead and go find his daddy while I search for Leo, he and ace are in their office.
"Hey Ari you had fun today" Leo ask opening his arms for me. I don't feel okay hugging people yet even if it's my new cg so I don't go. He don't seem mad and keep smiling waiting for my answer.
"Yeah Mathew is so cool" I answer honestly.
"That's great baby I want you to make friends and be happy" Leo praise me making me blush, I was never praised not on these kind of stuff or anything really before.
Dinner came next, I had to sit next to Leo while I saw Mathew sitting in who I assume is jay lap. They shared a few kisses making me blush and look away, I love what they got. But I come with baggage I don't think I'll ever get to be this close to anyone.
I got chicken nuggets for dinner but I also got some broccoli and carrots to eat. I ate the yummy nuggets and left the yucky veg, I was going to leave the table until a hand landed on my shoulder making me sit back down.
"Eat your veg little girl," Leo said in his daddy's voice and I shake my head no, I don't like this stuff.
"Uh uh, I no want to," I say and try to get up again.
This time his hand circles my waist and he pulls me to his lap, it's not the physical contact that made me blush this badly, it's how swiftly he did it.
"Come on open your mouth," he says holding some broccoli for me.
"Uh-Uh" I mumble with my mouth closed.
"Good girls eat their veg," he says and I shake my head no.
I look around the table but no one is paying us any attention like they don't mind or care about our exchange.
"I'm not letting you go till you eat half of them" he told me in his no-nonsense voice.
I hate vegetables, I hate being forced to eat something but I don't feel like making a scene when the whole family is there.
I knew when I agreed for him to be my CG that he expects me to act like a little but I don't feel safe enough yet to go into my space. The last time I did that....god I don't even wanna think about him, ace saved me and that's all I should focus on.
So I ended up opening my mouth, eating half the veg quickly, and screwing off his lap.
"My good girl" he praised me and Hailey coo at me, making me blush and hide in Leo’s arm.
He lifted me up and we left the table, we went to his room.
"Wanna talk about it," he asked and I looked up at him.
"I know these are some major changes. You never had a CG before and I saw how many times you blushed already. We can talk about it, about anything" he offered me.
I think about it for a minute, I don't know what to say, it's weird just weird.
"It's weird that's all" I whisper.
"It's okay sweetly I just want you to be happy okay," he says.
He leaves me on the bed while be went to get a shower, he came back smelling like shampoo, his hair was wet and he was shirtless.
He got a dragon tattoo on his chest, sexy I think to myself, and blush to look away from his chest.
"Come on it's your turn," he says and I get up ready to shower.
I enter the bathroom to see the tub already filled with bubble water and a few toys lying next to it.
I looked at Leo and he smiled at me
"You want help?" he asks and I shake my head no vigorously.
"Okay honey enjoy your bath I'll be outside okay" with that he left me to bathe.
I don't think I ever had a bath with bubbles and toys, I played and enjoyed the water. Leo didn't bother me at all, he left me be, when I was done I told him. He said he got clothes for me ready on his bed and that he'll leave to let me get dressed.
I found a blue pajama with teddy bears all over them, I loved them. Once I was dressed and warm I felt exhausted, I slid under the covers they smelled like Leo making me smile while falling asleep.