Manik Malhotra
30 years old, gangster, and the drug lord. He is the head of 'Silent Assassin', the deadliest mafia gang in the world. He is hot, handsome, with a sharp jawline and muscular body. He is ruthless and arrogant. He is feared in the entire world. People call him Death Angel and Lucifer, as he doesn't think twice before pulling the trigger of his gun.
Cabir Dhawan
He is a cheerful person who always keeps joking around. But as there is a famous saying, 'Appearances can be deceptive, same is the case here. He looks jovial, friendly, and a funny person but is dangerous. His gun did more talking than him. He is the owner of TSA Casino, where all illegal work is carried out secretly. The right hand of Manik and a member of Silent Assassin.
Dhruv Vedant.
Hot, handsome with a well-built body and a sharp jawline. He is merciless, ruthless, and dangerous. The right hand of Manik and a member of Silent Assassin
Alya Saxena
She is beautiful just like an angel but she sins like a devil. She looks fragile like a porcelain doll but can kill more than 100 goons all alone. Girlfriend of Dhruv Vedant and loves him a lot. A member of 'Silent Assassin'
Harshad Saxena
Brother of Alya. He is hot, handsome. He handles drug delivery. He trains all the men of Silent Assassins.
Soha Khurrana
Girlfriend of Harshad Saxena. She works in the TSA Casino and carries out drug dealing secretly. She is beautiful, hot with long silky hair. Any man can fall for her beauty. A member of 'Silent Assassin'.
Abhimanyu Singh
He is the hot, handsome, golden-eyed guy. He is sweet and kind but once he loses his patience and temper even the devil shivers. He is a hacker. He can hack any machine, gadgets, or decode any code or passwords. A member of 'Silent Assassin'
Mukti Singh
Wife of Abhimanyu Singh. She works in the TSA Casino along with Soha and carries out drug dealing secretly. She is tough, strong, and a wildflower. Her beauty and guns kill a lot of people. A member of Silent Assassin.
Navya Dhawan.
Wife of Cabir. She was just a normal girl who worked as a doctor in the hospital. One day, Cabir saw her and he fell in love with her at first sight. He kidnapped her and brought her to the mafia world. She feared him and all the members of Silent Assassin's at the first but gradually she started to accept them. She works as a doctor in their gang and treats the members who get injured. She is sweet, kind, and beautiful.
Ritvik Dhananje
A member of Silent Assassin. He resembles Cabir in his behavior. He is a jolly and funny man but can turn into a devil when needed. He also trains the new member who becomes a part of the gang.
The most dangerous gang in the world. There are more than 400 members in the gang. If once a person becomes a member of the gang they cannot leave the gang until they die. The members of the gang have a tattoo on their body of a scorpion. They are faithful and can die for their gang. All the members are well trained in martial arts.