The sight of him irritated me I couldn't linger, I just walked past him after a nice heartfelt “congratulations”
He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, “don't walk away from me when I'm speaking Bambino” he said holding my face in his big gruff murderous hands. I pushed him and he grabbed me again.
“You asshole let me go” I grunted trying to free my arm from his strong grasp.
“Why? Why should I let you go? you have grown over the years” he said looking at my chest and licking his lips.
I used all my strength to evade him as I yanked myself free and bolted.
A deranged Asshole and he smelled like alcohol too.
Thankfully far away from him, I readjusted the red gown on my body and straightened to hide evidence from the scuffle with my step sisters earlier.
The leaders of the other family soon arrived, The old family la Famiglia Nera family was present, their leader Don Antonio Argento and his wife Liana, with their children their son Silvio Argento and his sister Sophia as well as 3 other women whose identities I didn't know, arrived much later but separately.
bodyguards stood close by as well.
Another family just as ruthless as mine and Mateo’s.
Silvio looked in my direction, he didn't smile, but his eyes fixed on my chest, my breasts full like plum, he rummaged my body with his eyes in very uncomfortable ways and I immediately wanted the earth to open up and swallow me.
My father spoke first as picked up his wine glass,
“Welcome to Villa Rinaldi, today is a peaceful day because for once, for more than 10 years the 3 families are at peace” he said holding his glass to chest level, his glass resting on his burly body.
The others raised their glass, one of the three women who came in, one was American, an outsider and everyone gave her distasteful looks occasionally.
“Matteo “the shadow” Donatelli,” my father said as he tapped him on the shoulder and squeezed hard which made mate readjust himself on his seat.
“Like a son to me, I remember when you came to me after your father’s accident, sad and alone, devoid of life, but now look at you! You are now a Don in your own right!” he laughed softly and everyone followed in his delusion, everyone knew it was just a ruse to maintain his godfather status and keep Mateo on a leash.
I saw Luna signal my attention as she spun around slowly in my blue dress, I was instantly angry, she looked like she had been thrown inside my gown, her sister would not even stay with her most of the party, to avoid being photographed with her.
I hate today, I hate this party, I don't want to be here.
I watched for a little while as the Argento family and members of mine gathered around Mateo to congratulate him, It would be disrespectful if I just stood there and did not congratulate him in front of my father.
So I gathered myself and walked towards him, I stopped a few inches in front of him, but also enough distance away from his grasp, “Congratulations Don Matteo,” I said unexcitedly
as I watched his expression, he smiled at me, he looked rough, his tie was undone, few buttons were left open to reveal a small view of his chest full of hair, last time I saw him he wasn't this hairy, his face had changed too, he looked murderous.
he had the American woman on his arm, she looked at me, as she smiled sheepishly beside him.
“Baby doll, thank you, is that all you are going to say, bambino? We have unfinished business sister” he said looking at me, his eyes kept going over my body, I wonder if this whore of his is pretending not to notice.
He raised his head, looked down at my chest and licked his lips again.
His facial expression reminded me of the same one he had the day he destroyed poor Chaira’s heart, my poor friend attempted suicide days later, but she never recovered.
I immediately felt deep hate for him, I felt like his hands were creeping up my body and were going to snuff life out of me.
“Excuse me, Don Matteo, I'll take my leave now” I replied gently, I saw him raise the cup to his mouth and look at me with those devilish green eyes, and I left his presence immediately.
I walked around the room before I saw my stepmother shoot me dagger eyes from across the room where she sat talking with Liana Argento, and I knew it was my cue to leave.
I grabbed the bottle of champagne from one of the tables and headed for my room.
After I entered I felt instant relief, it felt like the whole room was burning and I needed to catch my breath.
I slumped on the bed, glad to be on it, I took out my phone from my bag and unlocked it to call my cousin Fiona.
“Hey girl,” she answered shortly “I've been calling you, you good? How's the party,” she asked me, I rolled on my bed in annoyance as the thought of Mateo’s smug face crept into my thought.
“God I just want to disappear, Fiona, I hate them so much, you know how they are, but you won't believe Tomas is taller now” I groaned and then chuckled at the end.
I heard her laugh at the other end “I wish I was back in Malta Fi” I said looking out through my room window into the garden.
“I know girl, it's just for tonight okay, after that we finally get our peace, the apartment Is just 1 step away,” she said calmly, I nodded in agreement, “tell me what happened when you saw him” she inquired as she giggled.
I fumed at the resumed thought of his Roguish face.
“Still a scoundrel Fi, you know how much I hate him” I replied to her as I got up from the bed and headed to the mirror to unzip my gown.
Then my door burst open, the door almost flying from its hinges, Matte stepped in and closed it behind him.
“Let me call you back Fi,” I said discontinuing the call as I tried to zip back up the gown he kept eye fucking.
“What are you doing in my room, please leave this is not the toilet, you have lived here long enough to know that,” I said brazenly as I gestured to the door “Please leave” I finished.
He looked at me for a little while, his eyes fixed on my body, I could feel this was going to end badly.
“Mateo.. Please lea..” as I spoke he walked up to me, frantically I looked around, grabbed my wine glass from my dresser and threw it at him, he ducked immediately but i could see he was visibly upset.
He soon reached me, grabbed my neck and pushed me against the glass window.
“So mouthy,” he said almost faintly, his breath reeked of alcohol, he pressed his lips on mine and kissed me with so much intensity I had to push him away with all my strength, his eye looked hungry, like a wild beast about to devour me.
“Mateo get out of my room” I cried but the music was too loud and he looked too intoxicated to understand logic.
I ran towards the door but he grabbed my arm and pressed my face to the glass window again.
“Where are you running off to bambino” he pressed himself against me and I could feel the hardness of his cock against my ass.
“I've been looking at you all night, only you, I like this red dress on you, I want to rip it off you and fuck you till you beg me to stop” he whispered into my ear.
The hair behind my head stood as they felt his raspy breath. “Stop this Mateo! You are drunk get off me you asshole” I yelled trying to free my arm behind me but he had me pinned good on the window, I could see the window my sister Serena with someone outside, I couldn't take a closer look.
I was much too distracted by this maniac.
“Let's play a little game like we used to,” he said, unzipping my gown with one hand and still pinning me down with the other.
“I don't want to play your stupid games, let me go Mateo” I cried again shaking myself and trying to free myself.
“No need to run bambino” he said as his hand pulled my gown free and it fell to my feet, with his knee he spread my legs further apart my arms still pinned behind me.
He pressed himself some more into my body as he used his free hand to touch my boobs before releasing it from its cups.
“Mateo” I whispered angrily “please stop this”
“No my sweet doll, I want to fuck you until you beg me to stop,” he said, he traced his finger around my thongs before moving down towards my shamelessly moist pussy, he touched the wet moisture and played around with my pussy for a while, I let out a small moan and I regretted it as my eyes started to fill with tears.
He brought his fingers to my face and licked it.
“See how wet you are for me, you have been thinking of me haven't you?”