Chapter Seven
The knock came on the main door to the suite the next morning, just after a quick breakfast of bacon and toast purchased from the restaurant downstairs. She came to her feet slowly, sending out a cautious mental feeler for any signs of aggression outside the wood panel.
She sensed Torren then, slipping into her mind, watching cautiously.
Can you tell who it is? she asked suspiciously.
I don’t feel danger. No sign of aggression. The knock came again.
Gripping the heavy blaster pistol strapped to her side, she moved slowly to the door. She lifted the long weapon from its holster, keeping it at shoulder level as she quickly turned the door knob and threw it open. She moved to the side of the frame and brought the weapon to bear on a more than impressive chest.
She breathed out deeply as she stared at the visitor smirking down at her.
“What the fuck do you want?” The instant antagonism was followed by a hard pulse of moisture between her thighs.
Without waiting for an invitation, he placed his hand on the door and pushed past her, stepping into the room.
The aggressive arrogant move had her forcibly tamping down the power that sparked inside her. She could feel her stomach tightening, heat flaring in the depths of it. He lifted a brow mockingly as he passed her.
She quickly holstered the blaster as she moved back into the room, slamming the door behind her. Fury surged hard and fast through her veins as she fought the overwhelming response as the man turned to face her.
Her senses were going crazy, impressions tumbling in on her, a confused jumble of fear and knowledge. And danger. She could feel it licking over her flesh like a lover’s caress.
This is your doing, she accused Torren furiously. I know this is your doing. You can’t hide it, you son of a bitch. What are you up to?
You don’t know any such thing. Settle down, Carmella. See what he wants. Torren’s demanding presence did little to still the sudden confusion running rife through her.
Her eyes narrowed on the stranger as his gaze flickered to her heaving breasts beneath the snug fit of her black top. Her nipples peaked, and her senses fractured beneath the lust in his eyes when they rose back to hers.
“I would think what I want would be obvious by now.” His blue eyes were sparkling with laughter as he watched her.
Carmella snarled. Arrogance strengthened every line of his face and glittered in his eyes.
“Well, let’s pretend it’s not,” she suggested sarcastically. “Who the hell are you and what are you doing stalking me?”
He crossed his arms over the black shirt he wore, causing the material to stretch over the bulging muscles of his arms. Strong, thick muscles. She gave herself a mental shake as she felt Torren’s amusement.
If this is your little buddy, Torren, I’ll roast you when I find you, she promised him silently.
“I imagine Torren’s been in contact with you by now,” the stranger suggested softly. “He sent me to bring you to him. I’m Ryder.”
Carmella stilled. He didn’t say Torren had sent him to help her find him, but to take her to him.
Torren? Does he know where you are?
It’s possible. She could hear the mental shrug in his voice. If it’s really Ryder, then anything is possible.
And how the hell am I supposed to know? She watched the other man carefully as she mentally thought of all the ways she could kill Torren. Slowly.
Ryder watched her mockingly as she fought for answers, his demon’s blue eyes tracking each curve of her body until he returned to her face. When he saw her gaze, a confident, sensual smile crossed his expression. She could see the male superiority in his gaze, the complete assurance that she would do as he wanted.
The aggressive arrogance in his attitude had her forcibly tamping down the power that sparked inside her. She could feel her stomach tightening, heat flaring in the depths of it. He lifted a brow mockingly.
Carmella. Torren’s warning thought drew her attention from the other man. You’re bleeding power again. Rein it in.
She breathed in deeply. The amount of psychic static her powers generated would bring any and every PSI agent within a ten-mile radius running if she weren’t careful.
“My shield covers you,” Ryder told her as his lips quirked in amusement. “Go ahead and get mad. I’m sure I can handle it.”
He wore arrogant superiority as easily as he wore the faded black jeans. His voice resonated with it, sparking something inside her that she tried to convince herself was anger alone. But she knew better. And she knew Torren would as well.
Son of a bitch, she didn’t need her lover trampling through her mind right now. It was strange as hell to lust after another man while the man she had fucked more than once looked on. But it was also discomfortingly arousing. It added an edge she didn’t want to look deeply into.
“And how the hell am I supposed to be sure Torren even knows you?” She propped her hands on her hips as she watched him distrustfully.
“Because I just said he did.” He shrugged his wide shoulders, his arms still crossed over his muscular chest as he watched her, almost laughing at her.
“Oh, and I’m just going to accept that,” she assured him, thickening the mockery in her voice. “I don’t think so, big boy.”
He chuckled, a low, rough sound that caused her cunt to clench heatedly.
“Torren told you I was coming, Carmella. He’s with you now. The code was simply Ryder. Or, ride her. I rather liked the idea of the latter.”
You didn’t, she hissed silently, furiously.
Oh come on, Carmella, I’m sure he misunderstood. But she heard the laughter in his voice. The knowledge that he most likely had done just that.
Ride her! She hoped her snarl conveyed itself across the mental channel. Ride her! I should let him while you watch, you sick bastard.
The surge of lust that speared her mind shocked her. The thought of it aroused him almost as much as it did her.
“I don’t know you, and Torren never mentioned you to me,” she assured him softly as her hand lowered to palm the butt of the pistol. “Try again. Get the code right this time.”
“You didn’t have a code with Torren, but you slept with him,” he growled, a glimmer of possessive anger sparkling in his gaze. “Now you’ll sleep with me.”
Damn, he sounds kinda pissed over it. Carmella ignored Torren’s amusement at the other man as she stilled. She belonged to no one but herself, yet this man acted as though he had somehow claimed her for his own. A claiming she had no say in. She didn’t think so.
“Torren doesn’t acknowledge you,” she informed him softly. “And you have no rights to me. Period.”
“Yes, he has acknowledged me.” His eyes narrowed on her expression. “As a matter of fact, he’s rather amused right now, I believe.”
“Prove it,” she challenged him, her senses flaring, anticipation spreading through her body. She could force the fight she needed so damned bad, then she could talk reasonably. She would show him first, though, that she wouldn’t be mocked. She wouldn’t be ordered. Not unless he could do what no man had before.
“I can give you what he couldn’t, Carmella,” he told her softly. “I can make you submit.”
Her eyes widened as she felt her face pale. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t you?” he asked her softly. “I think you do, baby. And I think you’re dying to find out if I can.”
You expect me to just follow this bastard? she snorted silently to Torren. What does he do, buy his arrogance wholesale?
Torren’s answering amusement wasn’t much help.
Carmella watched Ryder as she stilled the pulse of arousal and fury churning through her system. Emotion only clouded her mind, and as desperately as she needed to find Torren, she would be damned if she would just accept and follow anyone.
Unfortunately, Torren was doing little to help her. He was neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything Ryder was saying. His amusement whispered through her mind, as though he enjoyed the confrontation playing out before him.
“And I think you’re a bit too damned arrogant,” she growled. “I want to find Torren, not fuck.” She forced the lie through her teeth as she faced him. “You aren’t saying anything to convince me you can help me with that.”
“That’s your pride talking,” he said softly. “You already know Torren sent me. And trust me, I can find him. But not without boundaries. I lead. You follow. It’s that simple.”
Nothing was that simple. Carmella could sense the hidden currents flowing from him, the dominance that was as much a part of him as the blue of his eyes, or the brilliant white of his hair.
She breathed in deeply, fighting for patience as she stared across the room at him. He was too forceful. Too dominating. She could feel her body tensing, the urge to fight swelling within her. He made her want things she knew would never truly exist, and it terrified her.
She pushed her fingers restlessly through her hair as she fought to think logically. Okay, Torren had sent him…
I wouldn’t send anyone that couldn’t do the job right, Carmella. His thought was suddenly strong, pulsing. He’s saying all the right words, but I don’t know for sure.
His suddenly cool demeanor worried her.
Then how the hell am I supposed to know? she snapped silently.
There was no answer forthcoming.
“Standing here looking at you isn’t a hardship, but it’s not getting us any closer to Torren either,” Ryder smirked. “Are you ready to ride or not?”
The blatant sexuality of the question had her hackles rising instantly.
“Excuse me?” She could feel her power pulsing, energizing.
The grin that tilted his lips did little to ease her mind. It was pure sexuality, unapologetic, richly sensual.
“I’m ready to leave now. Get your things and let’s go.”
He expected her to just follow him? To mindlessly accept that he could be trusted?
“I don’t think so.” She braced her body, watching him carefully. “I don’t just follow anyone, Ryder. Not even on Torren’s command. Which he hasn’t given me, by the way. It’s not going to be that easy.”
Challenge? she asked Torren.
There was a long, thoughtful silence. It’s the only way to know for sure. I know how he fights. But the challenge you put out last night might get you more than you’re bargaining for.
Her responses leaped in a betraying surge of arousal at the thought. She smiled slowly, watching Ryder’s gaze darken at the movement.
“Torren’s a smart bastard.” She shrugged her shoulders negligently. “But I’m not exactly stupid. You haven’t yet proved you can lead and until you do, you’ll have no loyalty from me.” He was cocky enough, Carmella gave him that. If arrogance and superiority equaled strength, then he’d have it licked. But they didn’t. They often equaled a too-large ego and too little power.
Carmella smirked in Ryder’s direction.
His gaze became hooded, sweeping slowly over her body as she stood facing him. She kept her body loose, prepared to jump. She wouldn’t let him surprise her.
“Who said anything about wanting your loyalty?” he murmured, the blue of his eyes deepening. “The strongest rules and rides. Are you sure you can handle that?” The sexual connotations had her brow rising slowly.
Her lips quirked at the challenge. “Think you’re man enough?”
“Oh baby.” He grinned then, and there was no hiding the heat of lust that flared in his gaze. “I know I am.”