I already submitted my resignation letter but I still need to stay there for a month for the turnover.
I am going to Mr. Snob tonight because of the driving lesson.
I actually I am quite nervous because he look so strict. I hope we don’t clash because I often clash with those who has that kind of personality. My personality is too strong for them that why we clash.
I was about to call for a cab when my phone rang. I furrowed. It is an unknown number. Who could it be?
I shrugged then I answered my phone.
"Alli?" Omg! His voice is so someone. Who could it be?
"Yes? May I know who's on the line?" I asked.
"Andrew." Oh its Mr. Snob.
“Oh Andrew! I am on my way actually I was about to call for a cab.” I said because I was worried he will yell at me.
But wait I am not yet late.
"Where are you?" He asked coldly.
"I said where are you? I'll pick you up!" He sounds so pissed.
I just rolled my eyes.
“I’m here at Shangri-La at the east wing.” I answered him.
After 15 minutes he is already here.
He went out of the car to open the door for me. In fairness he is a gentleman. I just smiled at him and went inside his car.
Alli stop acting cute that’s not who you are. And when did you became cute? I scolded myself.
He immediately went inside his car. “Your seatbelt.” He remind me.
I frowned. Wait what did he said? Oh seatbelt!
I was about to get the seatbelt when he took it and put the seatbelt for me.
His face is too close to mine.
“I said your seatbelt.” He said seriously.
I felt myself blushed because of what he did. And his breath smells nice. I didn’t expect that because he doesn’t talk much so I thought his breath don’t smell good. But his breath smells so fresh it as if he just finish brushing his teeth with mouthwash.
"T-thanks" I stuttered because of nervousness.
I am not used to wear seatbelt. Its not my first time to ride in the shut gun seat of the car, but with the people I’m with putting a seatbelt is not a big deal. But oh well safety first!
In less than 30 mins we arrived at his driving school. And I found out that aside from that he also has a car shop. Maybe he really likes cars. But it looks like he only does that as a part time.
As per my research he also managed their family business which is hotels and resorts. At the age of 26 he is already the CEO of their company. Same goes with Lance and Mike. I think Vince is the only one who hasn’t start in taking over their company. But they said that being an actor is also part of his training.
We have started our lesson. He put me in the car they use for their student. I was still in the shut gun seat while he was in the driver's seat. He teach me the parts and functions of the car. And the basic rules of driving like the signs that is seen on the road. This lesson really drained me.
"Do you have an outline there for me to review?" I groaned.
"What?" He said frowning.
"I mean you'll not expect me to memorize everything you said now right?" I said while crossing my finger that he will not scold me.
He sighed. "Don't worry there is. You will need that for your written exam."
“Oh I see.” I just said.
We finished our first lesson. Since its dinner time, we decided to have a dinner together.
"Andrew?" I broke the silence.
"Yes?" He replied.
"Are you really like that?" I can’t help but asked. Sorry curiosity hits me.
"What do you mean?" He frowned.
“Like that. You don’t talked. You look like you don’t know how to laugh.” I said.
He smiled. My eyes widen. Am I seeing things right? Mr. Snob smiled at me! Wow this is an achievement!
“Can’t you answer me?” I said.
He shook his head. “Its not like that. I just don’t find any reason to laugh. I might look crazy if I laugh for no reason right?”
He has a point there. Suddenly I want to see him laugh. And I want that to be my mission.