Beep beep beep
That was my stupid alarm clock, trying to wake me up. but it's of no use you stupid thing, I'm your master. I was trying to turn off the alarm clock but it fell on the floor and made a cracking sound. So I think it's broken
Umm I didn't do it
with a lot of trouble I opened my eyes and went straight to my bathroom to do my business, I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around me.
I came out of my bathroom and stood in front of my wardrobe, trying to find me an outfit for today. Then I choose to stick with dark blue jeans, a grey crop top, and black jacket and combat boots
I let my hair down and let them fall in their natural straightway when I was done, I went downstairs and I heard two voices talking I reached the end of the hallway and I saw that there was a woman of maybe in her late forties. she had blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes. overall she is very pretty
"Oh Hope. there you are, come here and meet Mrs. Johnson, she is our neighbor and a very good friend of mine" Grace said introducing her to me
" it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson," I said extending my hand for her to shake, but instead, she envelops me in a hug
"I've heard so much about you dear, and now I finally got to meet you," she said pulling away
"Me too. Mrs. Johnson " I said with a very friendly smile
"Oh honey call me June," she said with a motherly smile, I think we will be good friends
"I was actually here to invite you to a dinner at my house today and my family too wants to meet you," she said squeaking like a little child, I smiled at her kind gesture
" we will be there June, I won't miss it for anything," I said happily with that she left
"are you ready for your new school? but before that. let's have some breakfast" she said going into the kitchen for some breakfast
"Ok," I said following her into the kitchen for some yummy breakfast
After breakfast, we were on our way to my new school.
20 minutes later we were at my new school, the school building was really huge, there were a lot of students some were giving me curious looks, some didn't care, some mind their own business.
I waved bye to Grace, and headed straight to the office but failed, after wandering around for 10 minutes I gave up and when I was just turning at the corner, I bumped into a guy. the books that he was carrying fell on the floor, so being the good person I am, I started helping him
"Thanks," he said politely, he is almost 6 feet tall, blond hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and dimples at the side of his cheeks, he is very good looking
" your welcome, " I said
"Are you new? you look pretty lost?" He asked looking at me sweetly
" yes, I am. can you please show me where the office is?" I asked politely
"Ya sure," he said holding his books in one hand and extended other for me to shake "hi, I'm Jason"
"Hi, I'm Hope," I said gladly accepted, his extended hand
" so let's go or you'll be late on your first day," he said giving a cheeky grin
"Ok, let's go" then we made our way to the office.
After getting my timetable, locker number, map, etc
Turns out Jason and I don't have any classes together ' oh coconut' I thought to myself sadly
we only have lunch together, I think I have to make some other new friends. he showed me to my homeroom which was math 'oh god! I hate math' I thoughts to myself again
As I entered. 20 pairs of eyes were on me, which made me shrink, I wish the ground might swallow me whole
"Ah! you must be Miss Smith, I must say that you're late on your first day" he said narrowing his eyes at me
"Sorry sir, I got lost," I said nervously at the ground
"you might want to take a seat, I am about to start my class," he said bored and not interested, I made my way to the nearest seat and sat down.
The class was very boring like always, when the class was over I went out and Jason was leaning on the wall when he saw me, he walked towards me
"Hey, how was a class without me?" He asked smirking at me
"It was ok," I said sweetly
"Come on let's have lunch I am starving, " he said dragging me, I'm guessing to the cafeteria
About some twists and turns. we made it to the huge cafeteria, all eyes were on me, some were glaring daggers at me. but I don't know why?
Jason dragged me to a group of people. I met them there were 2 girls and 4 boys all were equally handsome. blonde girl is clear, redhead girl's name is Jen, they were very sweet, a guy name luke had blonde hair. green eyes, well built, tall.
the guy on his right is Peter he is cute he is tan, blue eyes, well built, beside him is Jace has purple eyes very unique tan skin, well built, just like the others.
maybe they are in a basketball game or something. We talked for a sometime before the cafeteria door burst open