Caitlin poured herself a drink and turned a deaf ear to the commotion around her, letting the song's pulsating beat travel up her spine. Amy was currently in the restroom, and it was anyone's guess how long she'd be gone. Amy was, at best, naive, and at worst, a flake. While Caitlin certainly wasn't perfect, she had been a good friend for a long time anyway, and everyone has their share of problems.
She had just finished her major paper, finals were over, and it was the first day of winter break, so she decided to go out and celebrate. Outside from Christmas, her life revolved around exerting authority and taking on responsibilities. Play was on the agenda for tonight, and she was going to indulge.
While the lights flashed, "Get Me Off" by Basement Jaxx pounded loudly from the speakers. The room was pulsating with the heat of many busy people. A thick veil of stale perspiration, cologne, beer, and sex filled the air.
The song's message resonated with Caitlin, and she often found herself nodding along. She hopes that someone will free her as well. Too much time had passed since she last had sex with someone who wasn't a chunk of costly silicone.
What the hell. She poured the last of her drink and set the empty glass on the bar behind her. She felt an urge to give in to the rhythm and dance along with the others.
She walked out onto the dance floor, feeling the bass line tug at her stomach. After finding a relatively empty area, she surrendered to the music and allowed herself get carried away. Her shoulders shrugged and her hips swiveled as her spine loosened.
She reached up and clipped her hair out of her face, then rolled her head back to unwind. Her attention was riveted on the large frame of a man dancing a few steps in front of her.
Rather than actually dancing, he was simply taking in the titillating atmosphere of the groping, writhing crowd. Her natural inclination was to press herself against his back and glide down. Feeling a strong need to cup that amazing derriere hidden beneath that denim. As his back was to the light, she had just a limited glimpse of him. Whenever there was a blank, she'd create her own story. Just try to picture the sensation of running your fingers through his hair.
She was completely swept away by the story and the rhythm. As her eyelids closed, a calmness pervaded the room. If going out was making her have filthy Penthouse Letter moments about complete strangers in nightclubs, she clearly needed to get out more.
She wasn't exactly a nave child. But, after spending the summer in Ireland, she decided to rein in her more rebellious tendencies. She had finally put her head down and realized that she no longer needed to live for her exes, especially Adam, but for herself and her future. The road was sometimes alone, but it was always hers. She guarded her studies and her time like a hawk because she knew all too well how simple it was to let herself get distracted by other people.
That she couldn't remember the wild, hard, stealthy sex she'd had on a bar wasn't true. Indeed, I said it three times. To herself, she gave a little chuckle at the thought. It seemed like she'd lost touch with that part of herself some days, but she knew it was still there and needed to make more of an effort to recall it.
Despite her bar stance, feet apart and prepared for impact, she was thrown forward when a warm, substantial body made contact with hers.
'Sh*t, I'm sorry.' She was righted by the strong grasps of hands on her upper arms. Strangely, the place where he touched her reverberated with waves of sensation.
Wait. That utterance...
Caitlin looked around and met Eamon Blake's amber-brown gaze. All good feelings were triggered by recalling his voice.
“Cat? It's great to see you again, damn it! As he hugged her, she saw his pearly whites show.
Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around his neck and took a deep breath in of him. She hadn't seen him in four years, yet he still had the same pleasant aroma.
To be fair, he was naked at the time. Interestingly enough, Caitlin developed a soft spot for Eamon in his nude state. When he stripped down to nothing, he was fantastic. Or perhaps extremely horrible, which would have been even better, she thought.
“Eamon! What on Earth are you doing in Seattle?" she asked, lips on his ear. She knew she should pull away because sticking so closely to his body was unhealthy, but just at that moment her hormones were in charge.
At the present time? I am having a wonderful time. Even over the club's music, Eamon's voice sounded incredibly private due to its depth, slight scratchiness, and undeniable sexiness.
After a brief embrace, he placed her down but kept an arm around her waist as he led her toward the bar, deftly navigating the crowd.
After they had left the dance floor, he looked at her again. You look beautiful, sweetheart. I haven't seen you in a very long time, but from what I remember, you've improved greatly. His lips curved into a grin. That's a great recollection, though. Why are you in this area tonight? What's the name of your boyfriend?
"It was executed with great ease. But no. "There's no boyfriend." Please say "amen" if you agree. I accompanied a pal. I can finally breathe now that finals week is done.
So far, this night just keeps getting better and better. I'd like to treat you to something, if that's okay. I really want to talk to you. If you're going to college, by all means, fill me in on your plans.
At that same moment, Amy staggered to her feet, her arm encircling none other than Nathan Rich. “Hi! Hey, see who I tracked down!
Caitlin's distasteful sneer was not muted in the least. Where did you put that? Where is it, exactly, in the bathroom (behind the toilet)?
She received a smarmy grin from him. Attempting to come across as charming. But jerks lacked any endearing qualities. They were complete jerks. I know it's not my fault, Caitlin, so please stop acting like it is. I wouldn't have been able to tell you any different, yet he is my closest buddy.
She'd never had the chance to punch Adam, so getting the chance to strike Nathan at that moment was perfect. Unfortunately, her future as a lawyer would be severely compromised if she were to go to jail on assault charges.
“Kathleen. KATHLEEN is how you say my name. Her sigh was audible. Whether out of laziness or subtle hostile prodding, Adam had always pronounced her name as Kate-lynn. To be fair, his other little lapdog pals did the same thing. I'm not going to talk to you about that. She wished her buddy Amy had more sense than this idiot when she turned to him. I'm going to have to leave right now, Ames. Perhaps, we'll cross paths again at the office sometime this week. Please tell me the meds are helping, Nathan.
As his arm drew closer to her torso, Eamon let out a chuckle of astonishment. As a result of her anger, she had actually overlooked his presence.
Once again facing him, she smiled. No need to waste your time, but I could introduce you. Are still up for catching up, or are you here with a girlfriend/friends?
There's no girlfriend. Cat, if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't be talking to you. The man shot her a glance. I used to work here, but that's finished up, so how about we go out for a late dinner?
It was both intimidating and exciting the way he dominated her personal space like he belonged there. When he spoke, he moved in close enough for his lips to brush against her ear and his breath to ruffle the strands of hair at the nape of her neck. His thumb glided at her waist, back and forth, back and forth.
Yes, let's leave this place immediately.
Amy reached for her hand. Asking, "Are you crazy? It seemed like you were done with Adam. On tonight's show, the focus is on you. I will have Nathan go. "I apologize."
Caitlin's weakness towards males, despite her deep affection for Amy, was bothersome. But she tolerated Amy's eccentricities just as Amy tolerated her own.
In this case, Caitlin gave Amy a bear hug. I'm done with Adam, and unlike your partner, I don't need antibiotics. Listen, you know how this works. For whatever reason, you find him attractive, and I can appreciate that. But please, stop attempting to force us to get along with one another. From my perspective, he is a lowlife pig. I have solid grounds for this assumption. I'm going to depart while you hang out with him. I hope to see you soon. To be honest, I was starting to feel exhausted.
Who's the hot one here? Amy scanned Caitlin's body for signs of Eamon.
"Do you recall when I told you about that time I spent working in another country?"
Where is Dublin's pub? Ohmigod! That guy, right there? Caitlin saw Amy's eyes widen in surprise and Eamon's body tense as he strained to hear.
“Yep. "I'll see you later.
What I want to know is every last detail, Caitlin. And you will see the bright side of Nathan someday. Caitlin wanted to give Amy a good shake for being so foolish, but her buddy Amy's innocent expression made it impossible. I mean, she was helpless. Amy was an independent young woman who could handle the consequences of her actions.
Just please put an end to it. I mean it when I say that. She gave Amy a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze of the hand before letting Eamon lead her to the front of the dance floor. “Bye!”
The front of a downpour was in the air, and the night was cold and damp. Caitlin enjoyed the increase of static electricity that accompanied the impending rain.
Once they were a fair distance away from the club's entrance, she began to adjust to the stillness. In order to get her attention, Eamon ran his hand up her arm.
He inquired, "Did you drive?" and for a split second she allowed the softness of his accent enrapture her senses before responding.
That's not what I did. I rode the bus to Amy's place, and she drove us here in her car.
"OK, that's great news. My vehicle is parked a few blocks away. I have limited experience in the Seattle area. Only my third visit, actually. Could you recommend a restaurant for me to eat at?
Half an hour later, they were face to face in a cozy little nook where the vapor from the pho noodle soup filled the air.
Eamon was stunned by the unexpected turn the night had taken for the better. It had been four years since he'd last seen Cat Moore. Had occasionally, and fondly, recalled her in the period since. Even still, having her physically opposite him seemed preferable to his recollections. She was attractive enough that any guy who spent any time with her would quickly grow fond of her. She was the bright spot of the last summer before his father got sick, and her wit and intelligence made him laugh more than anyone else.
So what have you been up to these past four years? Laughing, he nodded his head.
It's you first. Just what are you doing in Seattle? You claimed to be employed here, right? She wore glasses with narrow, rectangular lenses so she could better observe him. Something indefinable was lent to her, yet it served him well. Unique and funky, they made her look like the savvy college girl he used to stay up late discussing obscure Scottish bands with.
She had delicate lashes that he knew were ginger against her cream-colored cheeks while she slept, and the lenses brought up those details beautifully. He had taken pleasure in observing her rest. Once she was awake, she was a whirlwind of activity: her mouth was always moving, her eyes were sparkling, and her hands were always flying. In contrast, while she slept, he could observe her in all of her glory, taking in her features as she rested and refueled for another day of constant action.
The remembrance was accompanied by a taste of the refreshing Vietnamese beer. I work as a photographer. This is mostly for business use. I have a few clients that need me to come here to do shots for them. Who owns that place we were just in? We spent the day in Golden Gardens park, where his wife sells her jewelry. That location is just stunning. Successfully completed a large amount of tasks. In addition to my payment, they bought me drinks. In addition, I have a short-term shoot scheduled with a local record label. I'm working as a publicist for a few of their musicians. To fill the spaces in between, well, there's enough beauty here to keep the strictly aesthetic side of me occupied.
Her head nodded, and a strand of her ethereal red hair slid forward. She tucked it behind her ear nonchalantly and proceeded to eat her noodles with chopsticks.
When did you start taking photos seriously?
"So tell me, how did a publican from Dublin wind up in America gunning up alternative rock bands and jewelry makers?"
“Yeah.” To get his attention back on her mouth, she grinned in her own unique way. In spite of her restless nature, she had always been the type of woman who could enjoy a long kiss.
He observed her movements, which he found to be methodical and frugal. Some grace could be found in that. She was no longer the independent young lady he had slept with for three months. He had to assume that maturing was something everyone did.
My father fell ill and passed away two years ago. I was eight years old when he gave me my first camera. I used to be a photographer, but I had to give it up when I became the pub's owner. When asked, he simply shrugged. "However, he did get me to swear that I would pick up my camera once more. I couldn't say no to him. My mother encouraged me to give it a shot, and now my sister and her husband operate the bar. It took a full year after I made the decision to go for it before I saw any signs of success. I was successful in making a few sales. You'll recall that my sister-in-law is a native American. She made preparations for the required documentation. That's why I came to perform here. Circumstances have brought me here for the foreseeable future. A mere three months ago, I opened a studio in the Los Angeles area. Even though it's in my basement, I still consider it a studio.
"I'm sad for the loss of your dad. To put it simply, I had a great time in his company. I was schooled in the art of the ideal pint. If memory serves, your mom was totally on board with this because she was so incredibly proud of you. When she smiled, those delicate pink lips revealed pearly whites. While he was within her, she would nip at his shoulder, and he remembered the feeling. Shivering, he looked at her.
The air between them was thick with the chemistry of the long, languid minutes that passed between them. Eamon didn't think he'd ever wanted a woman that badly before.
He overheard her mutter, "My apartment is not too far from here," and he understood.
He got up, leaving a gratuity on the table, and she reached out and took his hand.