“Please….. don't do this to me, please,” Ha...
Broadway Burlesque, a popular club for mafias from all clans, was bustling with activity. The loud noise from the room was a testament to the fun everyone was having every night. Two cars stopped in front of the club, and a guard quickly opened the door before a cool leather shoe appeared. A handsome man around thirty years old emerged from the car, surrounded by his loyal men. He had a roll of weed between his lips, and his glare was as cold as ice. He didn't say anything to them; his expression was blank. He started going into the bar, and two men followed him, while the rest waited outside beside their car.
The bouncer at the door bowed respectfully before opening the door for him. He went in without sparing them a glance or acknowledging their greetings. His two closest men followed behind him. He is Alessandro DeSantos, the Italian number one mafia lord, respected and feared by many clans since his clan is the strongest.
Inside, the loud music and smell of whiskey and cigarettes filled the air. People were having fun, some publicly having sex, while others enjoyed themselves. All the people present looked dangerous, with tattoos and piercings. Alessandro went straight to the VIP lounge where senior mafias usually stayed. The staff and bartenders bowed their heads as he walked past them.
He finally entered a room where a man, Pedro, sat on a couch, surrounded by three naked girls. One was sucking his d**k, and the other two were playing with him. He kept grunting shamelessly, while strippers performed. Alessandro stared at Pedro with a blank look on his face, getting tired of the way Pedro wasn't saying anything.
"Like I expected, Godfather Marco sent you, can't he come himself?" Pedro asked.
"Can we start with the reason I am here?" Alessandro said calmly, his voice sounding attractive and dangerous at the same time.
"You are just like I hear, Godfather Marco must be really proud," Pedro said. Godfather Marco was actually the only person Alessandro respected in the whole world, he was like a father to him.
"You have two minutes left," Alessandro said again, he hates it when he keeps talking and this man is making him do just that, and he is already getting irritated by that.
"Okay, okay, calm down Alessandro," Pedro said, and he glared at him immediately.
"I mean Venom," Pedro corrected himself, no one dared call Alessandro by his name, he was called Venom.
"One minute remaining," he said, and Pedro nodded to one of his guards. The man came closer with a small briefcase. He opened it, and they saw drugs inside.
"Check it out," Alessandro said, and one of his men picked one up, he nodded after checking it.
"I thought we were trusting each other now, I can't sell fake stuff to you," Pedro said. A briefcase was dropped in front of him, and Pedro smiled after seeing the cash.
"Why don't we hang out one of these days?" He asked, but Alessandro was already out of the place.
"That kid," Pedro scoffed angrily and took a drag from his pipe. "The job's done, boss," one of his guards reported to him, and he chuckled.
"Let's see how Marco is going to cope without his backbone," he muttered with a dangerous smile, but the smile suddenly turned to a frown. He dropped the pipe, and the three girls returned to the room. Soon, he was having a lot of fun, and he couldn't wait to see the outcome of the game he just started.
"The hell," Reaper exclaimed the moment he saw their guards on the floor, they were all dead, no one survived.
"The car tires burst too, who is responsible for this?" Butcher asked.
"Boss, I think it's a setup, you should leave now," Reaper quickly said while looking around.
"You both leave with the bag," Alessandro said calmly.
"But boss..." "You hear me," he cut Butcher off.
"Okay, boss," they bowed respectfully and started running out. They hadn't even taken a few steps when their car suddenly exploded. They turned back in fear and couldn't see their boss because smoke was everywhere. They could also see some men coming out of the club with guns.
"Let's go, the boss will be saved," Butcher said and dragged Reaper with him.
"Bastardo," Alessandro cursed and managed to stand up. His body was full of blood because of the explosion, and he was really weak right now. He hid behind a car while men looked around for him with their guns. He suddenly dashed out, and they started pursuing him while he ran. He was still feeling pain because of the impact of the explosion.
"F**k," he groaned as a bullet rammed into his shoulder. He turned and shot very fast, taking five men down before continuing his run. They kept pursuing him and shooting him. They were really bent on killing him. Two bullets rammed into his back, and he fell to the ground. He was feeling so much pain. He started shooting while rolling around on the ground, dodging bullets like a pro, and managed to kill nine before standing up. He started running, and the remaining six pursued him. He went to hide at a corner, and they passed him. He came out after some time and kept dragging himself away. His blood kept dropping on the floor as he walked. He was losing consciousness, but he knew if he didn't find a good place to hide, he would be killed.
He tried to call his clan but realized his phone was not with him. It might have fallen as he was running.
"Sh*he cursed and continued dragging himself away…
Alessandro was still running while holding on to his bleeding shoulder, though he couldn't stop the one from his back, he kept staggering and it was sure that he was going to collapse soon. The image of his parents and younger brother dying right in front of him while he couldn't do anything to help came to his head. He was just ten then, he couldn't. All he did was hide like a coward and watch his parents and brother dying in the worst way ever. He can't die now, he has to finish those responsible for his family's death. If he dies now, they will live happily with their family, how could he allow that? He can't, never. With that thought, he started running very hard. "I can't die, I just can't," he kept muttering as he continued his run.