The next day...
"Charla will direct you to your chair and acquaint you with the office." Saying those words Charles pinged and immediately there was a knock at the door. "Sir you called me?" A gray haired woman in stiff business skirt and a shirt came inside. "Yeah Charla, meet Aliza she is my new secretary cum personal assistant and Aliza she is Charla the head of personal department. Charla please acquaint her with the office and show her the desk. "As you say sir." Charla nodded and Aliza followed her out.
Aliza looked around in awe at her new office room. The walls were painted in Gray and cream delightful combination. To one of the walls was a huge glass window where she could record the busy city life of people. In the center was a huge African wood desk with high profile comfortable chair attached. Aliza could never dream she would one day be an employee of a well to do concern like Richmond Industries.
On the center of the desk was an Apple Laptop placed. Aliza's eyes went wide in amazement. Charla who was standing beside her patted her shoulder in cheerfulness. "Here is your new Apple mobile. The CEO's number is already fed in this and the others you can add depending on your choice." She handed her a brand new smooth mobile carton. Aliza's eyes glittered in happiness and choked on her speech as she thanked Charla. Using an Apple laptop and mobile was incomprehensible for the middle class girl like her.
Later Charla introduced Aliza to the staff, the cafeteria and the coffee machine where she had to make coffee everyday for Charles.
Tomorrow night is going to be a huge business deal of drugs. Charles returned from his office early to Sarte - the club he owned and where most of his cocaine trades are done. No sooner he entered the bar, the bar attender bowed to him and forwarded Charles his usual drink. A scantily dressed dancer with glitter all over her body and breasts bulging out walked to Charles. "Good Evening boss, you called me?" She asked him polite.
Charles nodded after sipping the contents of the Bourbon in his glass and spoke. "Tomorrow we are going to have a huge trade of Coke Laila. Tell the dancers to be ready. Nobody will be forced on sex against their willingness and I take the responsibility of it." His eyes were serious and sharp looking straight to Laila. "You and your colleagues will be paid double on what you are paid for doing overtime tomorrow and the next day all of you can take an off. The only thing I want to be sure is you and your team should be efficient to divert the cops from this covenant."
"You are the most liberal pay master I have come across in my career sir. We are always pleased to do the extra work because you amply fill our pockets. I will keep my team ready." Laila answered professional and bowed to Charles before taking her leave. Lighting a cigarette Charles dialed his sister's number. "Hello Princess, how is college?" He spoke cheerful to Edith. With the information his sister delivered he wasn't happy. Edith had joined her college late and was denied of hostel admission because the rooms were full.
His innocent sister was obsessed with a manipulative rogue and the Rodriguez family couldn't risk her to stay outside the college hostel. "Wait do not call dad yet. You are still in the college campus. Am I right? Do not leave the campus until I call you again. It is late in the night and unsafe for you to go out." Charles ruled on Edith and dialed the next most warrented number - the Dean of New York University. "Thank you very much Mr Mandela. My sister will join her classes from this Monday." Charles spoke crisp and disconnected the call.
He then called his best friend Allesandro. "Hey man, how are you?" Charles asked his friend nipping the ash of his cigarette in the ashtray. "I have a request to you about my sister. Edith lost her hostel accomodation because of joining late. I want you to accommodate her in your home so that she will stay safe away from that wolf and also complete her education. I have already spoken to the Dean of Newyork University and she can continue her graduation there without a problem." Charles took a sip of his drink and chatted for a few more minutes with his best friend. Later cutting the call he exhaled a huge sigh. Edith's matter is settled.
That night after she returned home Aliza was on top of the world. Her Uncle and Stella were going to an anniversary party of one of her friends. Andrew left to his friend's place and would stay for the night. Aliza took a relaxed bath and put on her old but comfortable night wear. After she gets her first month salary she plans to buy a few dresses and official wear for the office but till then she had to adjust with the little she has.
She made some beef sandwitches and steamy chicken soup to go by and sat for dinner. After long years of wait Aliza was finally bestowed with something cheerful to happen in her life and she cannot stop but is tickled pink. Relaxing on the sofa with her dinner plate in her lap Aliza put on her favorite movie in Netflix and started to watch it.
Not even half an hour has passed, it was nine in the night when the door bell rang. Aliza wondered who was at the door step. Her uncle and aunt wouldn't return this early from the party and Andrew wasn't expected before tomorrow morning. Perplexed she went to the entrance, stared through the peep hole and the air blocked in her throat peeping at the person on the other side.
Bolting the chain Aliza half opened the door and spoke through the gap. "Hello Fredrick, aunt Stella and Uncle Nelson had gone to her friend's anniversary party. You can come and meet them tomorrow." She answered Fredrick Stella's brother in an anxious voice. "Do not play stupid games with me. Did I tell you that I came to visit Stella? I'm here to meet you. Fucking open the door now, I am dying here in cold." He snarled.
Aliza plastered a fake smile and opened the door in trepid. Fredrick wobbled through the entrance entering inside. His shirt was half tucked and the huge stomach was bulging out from his low tucked pants. A smell of cheap alcohol was leaking out from him. "Get me a bottle of soda." He commanded Aliza after taking a glass from the crockery shelf.
Sitting on the sofa of the front hall he poured himself a drink and some more in another glass. "Fredrick you are already drunk. Please stop drinking and relax to bed." Aliza told him in a shiver gathering her last bit of courage. "Did I ask for your advice?" He roared at Aliza in anger. With quivering hands Aliza placed the bottle of soda on the table.
"Come on give me a company." Fredrick extended the glass to Aliza. "I just had my dinner. I'm full." Aliza told him in begging orbs. "I did not ask about your interest. I told you to drink." Aliza took the glass in her cold hands. She was sweating profusely even in the coldest month of winter. Creating as much distance between them she sat on a single chair and took the glass.
"So it is true that you're over the moon grabbing a job at Richmond Industries. That sexy hunk, Charles Rodriguez.... I heard worst things about him. He is a play boy and a manwhore. Stay away from him as much as possible." Then what are you, a saint who worships woman? Aliza wanted to ask but she controlled her bursting instincts. "Do not build hopes that you would work too long with him. Within next six months we are getting married and you will resign from that job. Is it clear?" He roared cleaning the glass of its contents in one swoop.
"Yes...." Fredrick opened the chips packet he bought with him and munched on them. "I did not hear you." Aliza gulped heavy. "Yes..yes Fredrick. I will resign from the job as soon as we are married." She restlessly played with her fingers answering him. He immediately bent forward and slapped his hand on the table shaking the articles on it. "Damn it! It is not after marriage, it is before marriage." He stressed the last two words. "Okay....okay as you please Fredrick." Aliza's face went pale with discomfort.
"Now come on give me a kiss." He waved his fingers like calling a dog and patted on his lap. "I wish..." Aliza choked in her voice. "I wish kisses and hugs are after marriage Fredrick." The next moment he was in front of her pulling her hairs. "You whore, you keep whoring around with that sexy hunk CEO and you thought I will keep my hands folded? Come on give me a kiss otherwise I will make you resign that idiotic job tomorrow itself."
"Please no..." Aliza pleaded. Fredrick held her neck so hard that the mark of his fingers could be seen. He pushed her to the wall and Aliza hit her head. An instant bruise was being formed on her forehead. He forcefully kissed Aliza and bit her lip when she did not open her mouth for him. Blood began to ooze out of her rims. He hastily opened the first two buttons of Aliza's top before squeezing her breast and gave her a hickey on her throat.
"No amount of concealer will help you with those marks." Fredrick gives a sadistic smile. "Now every one in your office will see you as mine including that handsome hero." A disgusting look involuntarily crossed Aliza's features. "Do not dare to give me that look." He threatened. "You averse me. Isn't it right, and now you're going to bear the fruit of it. He lifted her and walked to the bedroom. "Leave me...leave me please." Aliza begged.
"Next time you disobey me, you are surely going to be fucked. Give me what I want and you will live happily. Kiss me now. Otherwise I'm going to rape you right here." Aliza raised her head and gave a trembling kiss to Fredrick. "That was simply amazing." He remarked.
Little did Aliza know that was a blunder she made.