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Forbidden sexual relations

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PROLOGUE : Chanel is bored of her lousy home life and is ready to graduate and move on with her boring life. She atte...

EmotionUrbanTeencontemporarylove-triangleSad loveCheatingCounterattackCheatSecond ChanceRevenge


I stretched my drowsy limbs as I slowly open my eyes. The sunlight glints directly into my gorgeous face, blinding me. I yank my silk sheets over my head trying to protect my poor eyes. Harmony, my whore of a mother, opened my damn curtains knowing I hate that being the first thing I see in the morning.

You may think I’m being harsh calling my own mother a whore but when you see her sneak out in the middle of the night — with dad sleeping soundly in bed — and she comes home messy, sweaty, and smelling like sex, it leaves only little for your imagination to imagine ; ‘working out’ is one of them.

« Kill me now. » I mumbled as I felt her tug my sheets down, revealing my half-naked body.

« Hija when are you going to actually start wearing clothes to bed. » She asked.

{Translation : Daughter }

Even though I had my eyes closed I could feel her glaring at me because I wasn’t up yet. But I couldn’t help it, I needed my beauty sleep. Mother definitely could use the extra sleep, whoever was blowing her back out was definitely tiring her out.

« Mother, When are you going to stop cheating on dear dad ? » I mocked back at her, and you should have seen her face. She had a mixed expression of anger and embarrassment. My phone started to ring and I waved my hand, gesturing for my mother to leave me. She rolled her eyes and before leaving mumbled « Spoiled bitch. »

I sat up quickly in bed answering my phone as I tried my best to fix my shaggy long brown locks.

« Hey babe, what’s up ? » I said while practically dragging myself out of bed and towards my bathroom.

« You want to go shopping for our dresses ? » My good friend, Sam asked from the other line.

Ah yes. Dresses. Not for prom, or a quinceanera, I’m way past that, I mean I’m 18 now. But My quicea was pretty good. But we’re buying dresses for my daddy dearest’s party. Daddy is a businessman who owns one of the most successful water companies in the world, he just gives people plumbing or something like that. He partnering up with some guy who’s going to like help out daddy’s company even more. It sounds boring but I will always support my dad, even though he’s staying with my mother.

« So is that a yes ? »

« Yea, sure. » I said. I connected my phone to my waterproof speaker that was sticking to my shower wall.

I strip off my clothes, turn on the shower and step into it. The water soaked my skin as I stood there taking in the warmth of the water.

« I’ll be ready in an ho-. » I didn’t even get to finish my sentence before she interrupted.

« Okay Me and Maeve are coming ! Bye bitch ! »

I scoffed playfully. « That bitch hung up on me. » I said rolling my eyes while rubbing myself in cinnamon body wash.


After my lovely 20 minute shower, I brushed my teeth and dried my wet hair. I wrapped my towel around me and went to my closet, looking through my forest of clothes I finally settled on something. I pulling out a plain white shoulder dress. Yes I know it was ordinary but my body would make it look extraordinary. I slipped on a pair of red lacy panties and then the dress, yes I didn’t put on a bra, it would look weird to have straps showing that wasn’t needed.

« Hija, your friends are here ! » My dad yelled from downstairs.

I slipped on my ankle strap platform high heels before grabbing my white Michael Kors handbag and my wallet. I look at myself in the mirror before quickly exiting my room and running downstairs.

« Finally, you take forever. » Maeve complained but I just rolled my eyes and walked towards Daddy.

« Bye Dad, I’ll see you later tonight. » I hugged him and gave him a peck on his cheek before heading out to Samantha’s car.

« New ride ? » I asked as I bucket up in the front. Maeve was in the back and on her phone while the driver herself was in the front. « Of course. » She answered as she backed out of my driveway and made our way out of my neighborhood.

« Maeve, who’s making you giggle back there ? » I smile as I look at her through the mirror, she glances up and rolls her eyes as a response.

« It’s Noah. » Sam says glancing back at her too.

« Noah ?! As in Noah Jones ?! As in Manwho-« 

« Will you shut up ! » Maeve shouted as she kicked my seats. Me and Sam just giggled at her demeanor.

« It’s okay I won’t judge…But ! » I said lifting my perfectly arched eyebrow.

« Es una mala noticia. » I spoke under my breath so she couldn’t hear me. I didn’t want my best friend to get hurt, but this was her decision. I couldn’t stop her if I wanted to because to be honest, all three of us are stubborn.

{ Translation : He’s bad news }


We arrived at the mall 2 hours later because of a stupid construction on the road. We pulled into the mall parking lot, which was packed. I mean it was a Saturday, and California is crawling with teens.

We grab our things out of the car and head into the main building. We lived in Beverly Hills and our malls were huge ! We had almost everything.

« Forever 21 ? » I asked them and they nodded their head in agreement.

« After that can we get Starbucks, I need my white chocolate mocha. » Maeve groans as we make our way into the store.

« I agree, I need my hazelnut latte. » I giggled as I looked through some of the clothes. We talked and showed each other dresses that we thought looked cute. I know it was a formal event but I didn’t think it was necessary to buy some obnoxiously big poofy dress that I’d probably wear once.

After an hour of looking and trying on dresses, I finally found a good dress. It was sexy but still formal looking. It was a cowl-neck rose gold cami dress and when I tried it on, it fit my curvy body perfectly. All I needed were white heels which I had at home, and I’d be perfect.

We buy our dresses which didn’t cost much, about $350. But it was only because I saw a really cute bikini and maybe a few other things I liked.

We headed to Starbucks, order our drinks, and sit down at a table near the window.

« Girls is it just me, or are those guys checking us out ? » Sam whispered to us. I glance behind us to see three guys staring at us.

« What are you gonna do ? » Maeve asked while she took a long sip of her drink. To be honest, I’m used to this sort of thing, I mean I am the daughter of one of the richest families in Beverly Hills, and I am pretty. I promise I’m not an egoistic asshat, but it’s true. I got my smile and brown eyes from my dad, my body and face shape came from my mother so I’ll give her that.

« Hey ladies. » One of the guys smiled, his eyes were on my tits. Of course. But because I’m a total flirt, I’ll give him a show.

I pushed the rest of my brown hair to my back and leaned onto the table even more so my tits were popping out.

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