Okay, so she had prayed for adventure, freedom. Something that would shake her world up
and make her live, for a change. A lover unlike any other. An event, an experience that would
change her life. Bliss hadn’t meant learning that the man she completely lusted after was a
vampire. She could have lived without that knowledge. It wasn’t one of those pieces of information
that she felt she needed to know.
Bliss opened her apartment door slowly the next afternoon. As normal, the shades and
curtains were flung wide, the early morning sunshine piercing the room in wonderful, vibrant rays.
A whimper of thankfulness escaped her lips as she rushed into the living room and locked the
door behind her quickly.
She couldn’t believe what she had seen the night before. She couldn’t make herself shake
the prayer that it had all been a nightmare. She would awaken soon. All she had to do was pinch
herself enough to wake up. Because, despite what she had seen, despite the fear, the
overpowering need to run, she had been aroused. Aroused and drawn to the dark vision as
nothing she had ever been in her life.
It had made her so damned hot she had needed to change her panties even as she ran for
her life, because she had creamed them outrageously.
She tossed her keys to the table beside her and leaned her head against the panel, breathing
heavily, exhausted from her fight to stay hidden the night before, certain that she was being
stalked. That the monster she had glimpsed in the bar’s private room was but one step behind her
“Well, perhaps more than one step.”
Shock exploded in her chest as she turned, eyes wide, and confronted the dark vision of her
worst nightmares. He stood in front of the window. The bright rays of the sun surrounded his tall,
muscular body, created a halo around his thick hair and held his expression in shadow.
She blinked, certain she was making him up.
“Shouldn’t you be in a coffin or something?” she gasped, her eyes wide as she felt her pussy
moistening further. This was too much. She wanted to fuck a monster. She must have lost her
“You watch too much television.” He tsked gently, his midnight-blue eyes filled with laughter
and promise. “That is the trouble with the world and those who inhabit it. They rely only on the
legends and the tales passed down from generation to generation or created within the pages of a
fiction novel. Yes, my dear, vampires exist.” His voice lowered to a dark, sensual throb. “And the
rules were never truly recorded properly.”
She could hear the amusement in his voice, the cool mocking knowledge that he had won.
Wet pussy or not, she wasn’t going to deal with this right now. Her hands gripped the doorknob as
she tried to turn it, to escape, to find a way to process this new information.
Except the door wouldn’t open. Her hands twisted the knob, while jerky whimpers that should
have been violent screams tore from her throat.
“Bliss, chill out.” He was right behind her.
Bliss swung around, her fist clenched, aiming for his head as she swung her arm. In an
instant it was caught within his broad palm as he stared down at her with dark, hot eyes.
“Such violent tendencies,” he murmured, his voice rough and deep as he pinned her against
the door. “If I didn’t know better, Bliss, I would think you didn’t like me anymore.”
He was laughing at her. She stared up at him in a haze of fury, fear and arousal, seeing the
amusement in his gaze as he watched her. The fury and fear she understood, but the arousal
made zero sense to her way of thinking.
“I would like you better with a stake in your heart,” she snapped, struggling against him as he
held her easily.
“Bliss, I am not going to hurt you,” he said softly as he pushed her hands against the door, his
body flush against hers, trapping her against the panel as he transferred her wrists to one hand.
The other stroked over her neck gently.
Bliss stilled at the touch of his calloused fingers against her skin. They were warm, rough,
sending erotic impulses of pleasure washing over her body despite the fear that filled her.
“Don’t you dare try to bite me,” she snapped as his head began to lower.
A smile tipped his lips, the sensual fullness of his lower lip curving sexily as his gaze
continued to hold hers.
“I bet you would taste delicious,” he whispered, his voice taunting her as his hand cupped the
curve of her neck. “Hot and sweet. I’ve wondered these months how you would taste, Bliss.”
Bliss trembled against him, swallowing tightly as his gaze centered on her lips rather than her
“You are not allowed to bite me,” she told him desperately. “I mean it, Cadan. There has to be
a rule against biting me somewhere.”
She tried to clear her mind of the sexual haze wrapping around her. Now was not the time to
be turned on, she reminded herself furiously.
“There are many rules about biting,” he murmured as his fingers caressed her neck. “I
promise, it wouldn’t hurt.”
Bliss tried to control the rapid race of her heart, the arousal building in her pussy and the
weakening tremors of fear that shuddered through her body.
He was still laughing at her. She could see it in his eyes, feel it in the air around them.
“Cadan, let me go.” She struggled against him with renewed strength, certain that if she didn’t
break free, within moments she was going to be begging him to bite her. To fuck her.
“Will you restrain this penchant for violence and bloodshed you seem to have developed?”
His head lowered, his lips smoothing over her brow. “It’s not fighting I want to do with you,
She stared up at him in surprise. His voice was thick with growing lust, his eyes becoming
darker as his expression tightened with hunger. Bliss knew she was in serious trouble when she
felt the juices sliding from her cunt to moisten the plump lips beyond. Her clit was swollen,
throbbing, demanding that she do something to ease the hunger that pulsed through her body
This was the temptation Cadan was. From the moment she had first met him she had
craved him. Unfortunately, seeing him for what he was hadn’t eased that craving in any way.
“Look, you really don’t want to bite me.” She shook her head firmly as his fingers continued to
stroke her neck.
“I really want to do a lot of things to you, Bliss,” he told her erotically, his voice stroking over
her senses like dark, rough velvet. “Things you could never imagine.”
Against her lower stomach she felt his erection. Thick, hard, barely contained by the dark
leather of his pants as he pressed against her. For one blinding moment, the memory of his cock,
thick and hard as it had pressed into the other woman’s body, overwhelmed her.
“Oh, I think I have a good idea now.” She twisted against him; if she didn’t get away from him,
if he didn’t stop touching her, she would be turning her neck to him willingly for a chance to spread
her thighs for him.
Bliss had never thought herself sexually easy, but she had known for weeks now that all
Caden would have to do was crook his finger and she would come running, panting and eager for
the fucking she needed from him.
She couldn’t explain it until she saw him with Marissa the night before. It had to be some kind
of weird sexual vampire energy, she told herself. They could control people—it was what all the
books said. He had to be controlling her, that was the only thing that made sense to her.
It still didn’t ease the arousal blooming in her womb, though. Nor did it slow down the
insidious slide of the juices from her pussy.
“Women amaze me.” He sighed as he watched her. “Must you fight against me like this,
Bliss? I would never harm you, surely you know that.”
He watched her as though it somehow offended him that she hadn’t automatically trusted in
him. She wanted to roll her eyes, but for now, her fear was making her a bit more guarded.
“Uh, aren’t you the vampire I watched stick his teeth into Marissa’s neck?” she asked him
fiercely. “God, Cadan. You fucking suck blood to survive and you want me to trust you?”
“Basically, yes.” His smile was too charming, too nice. Nice was not Cadan. Sensual.
Seductive. A charming playboy filled with wicked appeal. Yes. Nice? No.
“Basically, not in this fucking lifetime,” she told him incredulously. “You can just keep your
teeth the hell away from me.”
He stared down at her, wry amusement filtering into the cool depths.
“Well, we might have a slight problem with that, Bliss, my love,” he said softly. “Because I
really, really want to bite you.”