The arrival of the earl’s groom brought his request back to the forefront. I had no choice but to comply with the summons. I smoothed my hair under my cap as best I could and wiped my hands in the folds of my apron. It may seem silly, but I was meeting Duncan’s father and my natural desire was to make a good impression. Why? I couldn’t say. It just was.
My mind whirled as I followed the young man up the wooden stairs of the tavern to the Earl’s room at the end of the hall. I’d never been on this floor of the inn and couldn’t help feeding my curiosity a bit. The walls were covered with flocked paper and appeared smooth and well kept. As we progressed down the hall with its well tread-upon floor boards, I noticed the doors grew further and further apart; indicating that the rooms they led to were slightly larger and intended for their more important guests. This made sense, since the noise of the tavern was also quite muted this far back in the building.
The groom had barely tapped his knuckles against the polished oak door when it swung open. The earl’s valet bowed and motioned me to enter. I hesitantly passed by him while I scoped the room for the earl. I found him sitting in the shadows on the opposite side of the room. He was so near the thick tapestry draperies that he could have easily been lost in them, had he chosen to be.
I stood, motionless, while the valet stepped quietly out into the hallway and carefully closed the door behind him.
We were alone.
I don’t know exactly how much time passed in silence. It was probably less than what it felt like, but it was long enough for panic to start spreading through me. My legs threatened to turn to rubber and collapse at any moment while my arms felt like they’d been filled with lead. Not only couldn’t I move them, but their weight was bound to pull my torso to the floor with swiftness when my legs finally gave out.
That was exactly what was about to happen when he spoke and stopped the process with three little words, “Good evening milady.”
I stood frozen, unable to make sense of his statement. My panic was immediately transmuted to curiosity. After an even longer interval of silence, during which I managed to regain control of my facilities, he spoke again.
“I fretted you were lost to us forever. ‘Tis splendid you found your way back,” he continued.
If there was ever a time when I could admit to being stuck on stupid, this was it. I had absolutely no idea what he talked about and no idea how to respond. So, I just stood there like an idiot and stared at this shadowy figure that obviously had me confused with someone else. I forced myself to relax enough to find my tongue.
“Might I know with whom I speak?” I stiffly asked while I searched my mind for an idea of how to correctly handle this situation.
This mistake in identity could actually work in my favor.
“Of course,” he said as he stepped slowly into the light.
My heart caught in my throat as I stared at the man who could have easily been Duncan’s older brother. With the exception of a stronger jaw line, graying temples that blended in with his light hair, and lines that spoke of his years on earth, they had amazingly similar features. His height was very close to Duncan’s. If I stood them back to back, I think I’d be hard pressed to measure a half inch difference in Duncan’s favor. Their body type was so similar they could have easily exchanged clothing. What caught my breath in my throat were the eyes. They were the same, piercing sea foam blue eyes that captured my heart and changed my life.
I suddenly felt very dizzy.
“Are you unwell?” he asked as he rushed forward to steady me.
I felt a twinge that could only be compared to a light electrical shock run up my arm as he held my elbow to steady me. It created an odd mixture of unsettling comfort.
He felt familiar; comfortable.
Yet, being near him also felt scary and, possibly, a little dangerous.
Confusion mingled with frustration and fear as I pierced through to the recesses of my mind to somehow pull up the reason why I’d have this mixture of emotions and feelings when I’d only just met this man. He obviously felt he knew me and I was apparently held in high regard. This leverage could be used to get me close enough to Duncan to pull off what I’d come to do.
It was imperative that I said and did the right thing. This was not an opportunity to waste. I might not get another.
I grabbed my head and allowed my legs to go limp.
“Come, my dear,” he said with genuine concern as he guided me to a nearby silver and aubergine colored dauphine chair.
I allowed him to lead me as I scrambled for a plan.
“Your time travels have clearly taken more out of you than anticipated,” he said softly.
Okay. I wasn’t expecting that. My body froze for a second before I collected my wits and went along with it. Apparently the plan was working itself out without my brain getting involved.
“I believe so,” I weakly replied.
“I hate that you returned as this,” he said as he swept his arms over my person. “I regret my duties prevented me from receiving you sooner. There was jargogle of times and places. Please forgive me.”
“Fret not,” I replied with a weakness that wasn’t completely false. The sudden change of events had literally knocked me off balance. “I require but a bit of rest.”
“Of course. Let us get you home where you belong. I have no doubt you long to burn those rags and soak in a soothing lavender bath. I shall send ahead to inform Elizabeth to be prepared,” he said as he walked toward the door.
I listened while he gave his valet, Jonathan, instructions on preparations for our leaving and did my best to release the tension that threatened to become a permanent condition in my muscles. I wondered how long it would take before I was actually in that lavender bath. I could already feel the water swirling around my tired bones and aching muscles.
When he returned, I grabbed both his hands in mine.
Startled, he gasped and knelt before me.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
“I beg your assistance with a difficulty that has arisen,” I said softly. I allowed my eyes to brave his mesmerizing orbs. I felt that the sincerity of contact was needed in order to pull off my ruse, “I have lost much of my recollection. ‘Tis coming to me in bits and pieces, but I fear I shant know all I should know and people shall question me.”
He chuckled.
“Our house will ne’r think a thing of it,” he assured me. They are well aware of your mission and, although they might be surprised of such a side effect after several successful trips already completed without such a side effect, they shall remain loyally silent.” He massaged his chin while he thought, “It might not do to have you enter society until you have regained your memory. The house guests and staff are one thing… society…. hmm, ‘twould be best to take precautions. I hope you agree.”
Wow, that was way too easy. I had no idea who this lady he mistook me for was, but I wanted to thank her, profusely, for the opening she gave me into Duncan’s home and life. With any luck, I’d be heading back to the future with my mortal honey by my side within the week. Things were looking up.