There is only the weekend left before I start school. The near kiss that happened between Reed and I was never spoken. It was just a spur of the movement thing reed will never go for a girl like me. I really don't know why he tried to kiss me. I am really thankful that things didn't get awkward between me and Reed. I pet aerial for a while who is sleeping on my bed and go downstairs to find only blake and raven having breakfast. I greet them morning and make myself cereal.
"I really wish the boys would wake up early as you do and not wake up at noon to eat breakfast as lunch." Raven complains. On note, reed comes down looking hot with his bed hair. Wow, I have gotta get these thoughts out of my head. After the near kiss, I can't stop but find reed beautiful and handsome in all the things he wears or does.
"Mom can you please stop comparing us with kiara she wakes up early because she has all those makeup stuff to do before breakfast." reed grumbles.
"Honey if you know kiara at all you will know that she doesn't like makeup." raven deadpans. Reed just rolls his eyes and makes cereal and sits next to me. Soon Ryder also joins us.
"So kiara are you ready for school?" raven asks me. I nod and answer her.
"I am ready but just a bit nervous i have heard a lot about high school and bullying and stuff."
"Don't worry kiara you will do just fine you have a wonderful and bubbly personality people will like you and you will find friends." raven assures me. I soon finish breakfast and go upstairs to get ready for the day and just to my luck mother nature decided to visit me with that time of the month.
I wear comfortable clothes and go downstairs to get some snacks for my movie date with Netflix because I get terrible cramps the first day so I am not planning on going down anytime soon. reed sees me while going upstairs with all the snacks and ice cream and raises his eyebrow.
"Didn't you just eat breakfast?" he asks me.
"Yeah mother nature decided to visit me today so i am gonna be in my room all day and have a date with Netflix." I tell him bluntly.
"Okay so do you need any stuff i can run to the supermarket if you want?" reed asks me. I look taken aback for a moment. But I can't help but admire how he is not embarrassed by this instead he is asking me if I want anything.
"No reed i am fine but thank you very much." I tell smiling at him genuinely. He smiles back.
"So i am gonna watch a lot of movies you wanna join?" I ask him wanting some company.
"Yeah fine i have nothing much to do anyway." he tells me. We go to my room and I get comfortable on my bed whereas he lies on the bean bag.
"But i am warning you i am gonna watch emotional and sad movies" I warn him. I always get super emotional during this time so I watch sad movies and cry my heart out so I will be less emotional in the coming days.
"Fine what movie do you want to watch?" he asks me.
"The movie is called 'Ride Your Wave' it's a Japanese animation movie it's about a firefighter and a surfer who falls in love."
"Ok seems interesting." he tells me. And suddenly a thought strikes me.
"How about a bet? if you go without crying during the movie i will do whatever you want." I tell him with a smirk.
"Oooh, it's gonna be fun i accept. I am tough i am not gonna cry and you are gonna give me a kiss if I don't cry." he tells me with a smirk. Boy, you are so going down this movie makes everyone cry. I cried for days after watching the movie.
"Fine but if i win you get to buy me McDonald's for a week." I tell him.
"Deal but i am so gonna get the kiss." he says with a grin.
Soon the movie starts playing and I start crying when minato the firefighter dies. I glance at reed and he seems sad but he did not cry. I start reciting the lines along with the character. And soon enough my favorite line comes.
"Don't worry Hinako i will be with you until you can ride your own wave" I mutter along with minato. Soon the ending comes and the scene comes where Hinako is standing in front of the large Christmas tree and the announcer announces the Christmas message minato wrote for Hinako exactly a year ago when they visited for the first time before he died.
"Merry christmas hinako. Let's spend all of the coming christmas together always, always ALWAYS AND FOREVERMORE!" I glance at reed and I see a single tear escape his eye. He turns to me.
"He was going to propose to her wasn't he?" he asks with teary eyes. I simply nodded soon both of our tears start flowing. Reed comes over and hugs me and I lean into his touch.
"So looks like i won the bet huh." he lets out a breathy chuckle wiping his tears.
"Yes, you did. I never thought i will cry over an animation movie. But it had so much meaning in it. What is your favorite line?" he asks me.
"I will be with you until you can ride your own wave." I tell him doing the call sign that minato does in the movie.
"I am so glad we watched the movie kiara it made me realize the importance of life and also about true love"
"You know i want a person like minato to be my soulmate." I tell him.
He didn't say anything instead he turns his head and mutters something along the lines of 'i will try'. I know he lost the bet but I place a soft kiss on his cheek and go to wash my face. I am gonna have a serious headache after all the crying.
I come outside and find reed frozen with his hands on his cheek. I go and take my place on the bed ready to start the next movie. Suddenly I feel intense pain in my lower stomach I grunt and place both my hands on my stomach.
"kiara here take this pillow and lie down placing your stomach on it " Reed says and hands me the pillow to lie down. I lie down with my stomach on the pillow and after a few minutes, the pain visibly decreases. And I see reed choosing maze runner to watch.
"Thanks, reed i don't feel too much pain. How do you know all these?" I ask him clearly confused.
"I had a girlfriend and she used to go through the same thing and i picked up a thing or two from her." he tells me. This is the first time reed is telling me about his past or his girlfriend.
"Had?" I question him.
"Yeah we broke up." he tells me with no expression and he shakes his head trying not to remember something. I look into his eyes and don't see the same cocky and arrogant reed instead I see a normal teenage broken boy who is affected by his past. I didn't ask any more questions and we silently watch the movie and reed put his hand around my shoulder and I place my head on his.
Three more movies and two empty ice cream tubs later we go downstairs for dinner. After dinner, I go to my room and do my nighttime routine, and hit the bed. Reed has his walls up high and I am gonna break them down is my last thought before darkness takes over me.