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Chapter 4: Frankly he deserve to die

Jessy's P.O.V

He's coming for me, I can feel in deep within my soul. Every day for the past eight years I've lived in constant fear of Mik finding me, but now I knew that the time has finally come.

I smiled at my husband, Frank, who was telling me how his day went. I pretended to be interested, but my mind was on Mik. I felt like the most horrible person in the world because I knew that when Mik found me, he would kill Frank.

"Willa baby, are you feeling alright?"

I nodded my head, "Yes, of course, it's just morning sickness I think."

Frank beamed, "I still can't believe that you're pregnant, we've been trying for so long now, I was starting to think that It would never have happened."

I tried my best to keep my smile in place, I wasn't as happy about my pregnancy as Frank was, I never intended to get pregnant in the first place. For years, I pretended to want a baby with him, but the truth is, I took all the precautions to prevent it from ever happening, but by some miracle I still got pregnant.

It might make me sound like a heartless bitch, by I didn't want to ever have another man's child. I wanted to keep that as only belonging to Mik. Silly, I know, when I'm giving my body every night to another man, but since I needed to do that in order to survive, I couldn't help it. If it was up to me, if Mik had just let me live my life in peace, I never would have needed to sleep with another man.

"Mommy, what's morning sickness, and how can you still get it even though it not morning anymore?"

Gemini, looked confused as she asked the question, and Jasper rolled his little eyes next to her.

"It's the baby that's making her sick, and mommies call it morning sickness because it starts in the morning but lasted all day."

I laughed, this was just like Jasper, he always tries to outdo his sister. You'd think that because they are twins they'd be very close, but it's like they're always in constant competition with each other.

Frank chuckled, but like always, he tried to defuse the argument that was on the verge of happening between Gemini and Jasper. He's so good with them, even better than I am.

I'm the parent they come to when they want their own way because I'm easier to manipulate, but Frank is the one they turn to when they have a problem and want advice.

"Remember we talked about mommy having a baby in her tummy, well, because the baby is growing, mommy is feeling a little sick. But, don't worry, mommy will be all better soon, and you'll have a baby brother or sister to play with."

Gemini smiled then turned to her brother and stuck her tongue out, I knew what was going to come after that, so I got up from the dining table and ushered them up as well.

"Ok, you two monkeys, it's time for you to wash up and get ready for bed, you've got a very big day tomorrow. It's the first day of your new school!"

I tried to put as much excitement into my voice, but my kids were both moaning, they found the idea of having to attend a new school quite horrifying.

They've asked many times why was it that they had to change school, and I've explained that it's because Frank has got a new job, but to they still thought the idea of changing school sucks.

It took some doing, and lots of bribing on my part for my children to finally accept that going to their new school was inevitable.

I carried out their nighttime routine with them, giving them a warm bath then reading them a bedtime story. I tucked them in then went to join Frank in the kitchen.

He was clearing the last of the dishes away when I entered. There was already a glass of non-alcoholic wine waiting on the counter for me, so I picked it up and started sipping it while he finishes off tidying the kitchen.

"So, what do you want to do with the rest of your night? We could watch a movie, or I could give you a bath, read you a bedtime story and put you to bed?"

I couldn't help it, I chuckled, "I quite like the sound of that last part."

He was standing in front of me. He took the glass from my hand and rested it on the counter, then he put his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You know my only mission in life is to please you."

I laced my hands around his neck, "Well, I feel compelled to help you achieve that mission."

He leant in and kiss me, then he scooped me up in his arms bridal style. The move was so sudden that I squealed.

As he carried me up the stairs, I thought back to how he was when his father first introduced him to me. Frank was not happy about the arrangement, he was upset with his father for choosing his wife, and I was the one who took most of the heat for it.

It took a year of us living together for him to fully accept me, but if I had to guess, I'd say that Jasper and Gemini were the ones who help him to come to terms with the idea of a readymade family.

I sometimes feel guilty for using him, but I knew that I had no other way around it. I just pray that Mik never finds us, because I know that he'd kill him.

Mik's P.O.V

"I don't have time for this bullshit, did you find her or not!"

Leon, the private investigator that I've been working with to help me find Jessica, scratched his bald head. He has a flair for the dramatics, he liked to drag out things and keep people guessing. If it were any other time, I would have found his antics amusing, but Jessica has eluded me for years and my patience was running thin.

"Don't f**k with me right now, Leon!"

The old fool just took his sweet time retrieving whatever information he gathered from his computer. I was half tempted to just shoot him and be done with it.

"Ah, here we are, Jessica Shay, AKA Willa Parrish, married to Frank Russo..."

Married! The bitch went and got f**king married!

My hands were itching, I could feel the anger and rage boiling inside of me, but there was also something else there too. Jealousy reared its ugly head, but I squashed it.

Jessica Shay was mine, and I think it's about time that I got what belongs to me back. I didn't wait for Leon to give me the rest of the information into her life, I just grabbed the paper with her address on it and stormed out of his office.

It was after eleven at night, but I couldn't wait one more minute, I knew that going in blind could get be killed, but the thought of letting Jessica spend one more night in another man's bed did not sit well with me.

On my way to get her back, I stopped off at the house. Kinsley was in the kitchen talking on my phone, her tone was very hushed and when she saw me, she quickly hanged up.

I ignored her and headed for the basement, her eyes widened when she saw where I was going.

"You found her, didn't you?"

I didn't answer, I headed to the basement with her following me. Grabbing the nearest duffel, I started filling it up with every weapon I could find. I might be going in blind, but at lease, I'll be armed, heavily armed!

"I'm coming with you."

So far, I've been ignoring her, but if there is any chance that I might get killed, I didn't want her getting caught in the crossfire. This is my fight, I'm going at it alone.

"No, you're not, Kinsley and that's final."

She tried to protest, but I was already heading out the door. She ran to catch up with me, but I stopped her.

"This is not up for discussion, stay the f**k out of this Kinsley!"

She narrowed her eyes but ended up turning around and heading back inside, and without wasting any time, I got into my car and drove the hour-long journey to where Jessica was hiding.

I had a lot to think about while I drove. I never thought the day would come when I'd find her, and to be honest, I had hope that I never did. I didn't know what I'd do with her once I get my hands on her because I loved her as much as I hated her.

A part of me wanted her dead for what she did, but another part wanted to hold her in my arms and protect her. I'm fighting a constant battle with myself, but no matter how it turns out, every part of me wanted to punish her.

In a little over forty-five minutes, I arrived at the house. It wasn't a small house by any means, but it also wasn't a mansion. From what little I could remember, from the intel Leon was telling me, I knew that the man she chose to marry is heavily involved in the mob. So, the fact that the house wasn't guarded, puzzled me.

I parked my car out of sight, and surveyed the place, the lights inside of the house was turned off, as was the lights of the neighbouring houses. I was wearing all back, so I would be hard to detect if anyone chose to look outside. For some reason, the streetlights on that block were all busted, leaving me to believe that someone didn't want their neighbours knowing what they were getting up to at night.

When I was satisfied that the house was safe to enter, I grabbed the duffel from my car and went around the back. When I got to the door, I was greeted with one of the most advance security systems that I've ever encountered.

I swore, wishing I had Killian here to help me, but since it I didn't, I tried all the techniques that he taught me, hoping that one would work. I knew that I had to get it right the first time because I didn't want them waking up to find me breaking in, I wanted to have the element of surprise on my side.

After I disabled the alarm, I grabbed the gun out of my bag, I attached the silencer on it, swung the bag over my shoulders, and entered the house. Slowly, I made my way through the house, I kept alert just in case I was wrong about the house being unguarded. As I was about to head up the stairs, a picture on the table by the steps caught my eyes and I picked it up to examined it further.

Staring right back at me, was Jessica, her blonde hair much longer than when I last saw her. She looked older but still as beautiful as ever. She was smiling up at the guy who I presumed is the fool she married.

On the outside, it looked like she was happy, but from looking into her eyes I could tell that she was haunted, her smile was for show. I replaced the picture and continued up the stairs.

The first room I came upon was empty, so I walked on, opening two more doors, and in the fourth room, I found what I was looking for. There she was, lying in bed with Frank Russo. My blood boiled just looking at them, the way his hand was draped across her body made me want to shoot him where he lay.

A minute passed before she opened her eyes and look right at me, there was no surprise on her face just acceptance. It was like she knew that I was coming for her.

"Hello Jessica, or is it Willa now?"

She kept her eyes on me as she got into a sitting position, trying her best not to wake Frank. My eyes shifted to him then back to hers, I could see the fear in her eyes, but it wasn't for herself, it was for him. She knew that I wanted to kill him.

"He hasn't done anything wrong, Mik, I'm the one you want, not him."

I chuckled, "I beg to differ, little Jessica, he has tasted what is mine, I've killed people for less. Now, get up and get dress, we're leaving."

Without hesitating, she got up, but her movements woke up the idiot beside her. He looked at her and smiled, but when her frightened eyes shifted to me, he turned to look.

When he saw me standing there with a gun pointed at him, utter surprise showed on his face.

"Who the f**k are you, and why the f**k are you in my house?!"

I ignored him, "My patience is running thin, Jessica!"

Frank looked confused, poor sob, he didn't even know that the woman in his bed wasn't who she claimed to be.

Jessica rushed around the room, pulling clothes from here and there. Frank and I just stared off at each as she got herself together.

"What the hell is going on, Willa, who the f**K is this man?"

She stopped shoving clothes into her bag long enough to say, "I'm so sorry Frank."

The fool looked heartbroken, served him right, he should have done his background on who he was getting into bed with.

When she was finished, she started pleading with me to not kill him, but there wasn't any way that I could leave him alive, knowing that he touched her.

"Mik, please, you don't have to do this."

She was standing so close that I couldn't resist touching her, so I trailed my hand down her face, catching her and myself by surprise.

"Still so f**king beautiful."

"Get your f**king hands off of my wife!"

Both of us turned to Frank, but I was the one who spoke. I think it's about time that good old Frank got a crash course on who the woman he married really is.

"Ah, but she is not your wife, the woman you married doesn't exist. Willa Parrish does not exist, Jessica Shay, on the other hand, is mine."

"Please," Jessica begged, but I ignored her.

"You see Frank, what I despised more than anything is people touching what is mine."

Frank eyes widen when he finally understood what I was getting at, but it was already too late for him. He was a dead man the moment Jessica walked into his life.

Without any remorse, I aimed right between his eyes and pulled the trigger three times, I knew that the first bullet killed him, but I wanted to make sure that he never got back up.

Jessica screamed into her hands, turning her head away from Frank's dead body. I didn't want to stay there any longer than I had to, so I grabbed her hand and started pulling her out of the room.

When I turned to go back the way I came, she started pulling her hand away from me, looking back behind her.

"Mik, wait, I can't leave, I can't leave them!"

I looked at her confused, "Who the f**k is them?"

She bit the corner of her lips, with a guilty look in her eyes. Her eyes drifted behind her again, then back at me.

"My kids."

The f**K!

"Your kids?"

She nodded her head, looking away. the rage that took over me was something that I've never experienced before. She f**king had kids for that idiot!

"You mean, yours and Frank's kids?"

She never answered my question, "I can't leave them here."

When her eyes finally reached mine, I said, "Maybe I should just shoot them too."

I let go of her hand and started walking past her to the room that she was looking at. My gun was in my hand, but as f**ked up as I am, I knew that I would never kill children.

Jessica started pulling on my hand, grabbing my shirt and begging me to stop, but I ignored her, but then she yelled something that made me froze on the spot.

"What the f**k did you just say?"

"They're yours."

She was crying and shaking uncontrollable, but I didn't know if it was an act or not.

"Am I supposed to believe that I magically f**ked two kids inside of you, on two separate occasions, and somehow missed both pregnancy?"

She shook her head from side to side, "They're twins, Jasper and Gemini when I left I was pregnant with them. They're yours, Mik."

I stared at her like I've never seen her before, "You were pregnant and you never told me!"

I took a step closer to her, I wanted to f**king strangle her. The bitch let another man raise my children!

"Give me one good reason why I should believe anything you say, and why I shouldn't shoot you right here."

Her voice shook, "J-Jasper has the same birthmark as you, in the same place as you."

I knew the birthmark that she was talking about, it was one that shaped like a rose on my right shoulder. I never liked that damn thing.

"You better not be f**king lying to me, Jessica."

"I'm not, I'm not."

I gestured to the room, "Show me."

She nodded and led the way. When we got to the room, I saw two sleeping children, the girl in a bright yellow bed and the boy in a green bed. Jessica walked over to the boy, but I didn't follow her I just looked at them.

These kids could be mine, I felt so f**king confused, I could barely handle the one that I have at the moment, now two f**king more.

She gently tilted him on his side, pulling his shirt back to reveal his right shoulder. I walked over and looked, feeling like I've been hit by a ten-ton truck when I saw an identical mark on the kid's shoulder.

Without taking my eyes off of him, I told her, "You've better have a good f**king explanation why another man was rising my kids."

I looked at my watch, "But it's going to have to be when we get out of here. Pack a bag for them, then grab the girl and I'll carry the boy."

She nodded her head, then went about shoving clothes and toys into two bags. She handed one to me and kept the other one, then gently picked the girl up and I did the same with the boy.

They stayed asleep, all the way to my car. I didn't have any kids seat in my car, so Jessica sat at the back with them, cradling them in her arms.

I tried my best to keep looking in the front, but my eyes kept drifting in my rearview mirror, looking at two head of dark blonde hair.

My kids.

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