His words struck a cold stiletto of fear into her, even as she wondered why he called her elf-girl. Kimberley tried to go limp, hoping that if she stopped struggling he’d lose interest in tormenting her like this, do what he’d no doubt come to do to her, and then leave her alone.
He felt and saw her go limp and smiled. It was pretty much all she could do now, but that wouldn’t work either. Still gripping her by the hair, his fingers still probing a bit more deeply inside her, he bent his head to take her nipple into his mouth. Her felt her stiffen momentarily as he began to suck on it, gently at first. After one faint shudder, she went slack again, as if she were trying to escape to some place inside herself. When she did that, he began to slowly bite down on the swollen nubbin of flesh until she whimpered in pain and began to writhe again, trying vainly to pull away. He let go of the nipple and looked into her eyes- frightened now- giving her head a rough shake for emphasis.
“You stay right here, elf-girl,” he told her. “No tryin’ to duck out on us.” His other hand kept probing her, his thumb finding her clit and massaging it as his fingers pushed inside. She was getting a little bit wet now, in spite of her fears and his own rough handling. He needed to get her a little bit wetter, or taking her wouldn’t be all that much fun for him either. She winced as he manipulated her, her hips twisting, trying to get away from his hand and what it was doing. He looked into her eyes and laughed. “I think you’re startin’ to like this.” He grinned at her. She tried to shake her head ‘no’, but he tightened his grip on her hair so she couldn’t. He gave her head one last rough shake before letting go so he could move to kneel between her parted legs. She raised her head, eyes wide, shaking her head‘no’ vigorously and trying to protest through the gag. He just laughed at her as he began unfastening his pants one-handed.
“You made me chase you down,” He told her. “I earned this.”
He started to guide his cock into her with one hand, supporting himself on the other. She wriggled and twisted, keeping him from succeeding until he cuffed her roughly on the side of her head. Half-stunned for a moment, she was still long enough for him to push the head of his cock in. He shifted his weight, bracing himself with an arm to either side of her, and began a slow, deliberate thrust, watching her eyes as he did so. She was tight, very tight, and not all that wet. He was about halfway in when she recovered from his slap. Her eyes went huge, looking up into his in shock, surprise, and even a little fear. She seemed to try to shrink away from him, whimpering at first, unable to tear her eyes away from his until he had slowly forced himself all the way in. She lay very still, except for a constant faint trembling he could just barely feel.
He felt so…big! His grinning face was inches from hers, his breath warm on her. She could feel him filling her, slowly, deliberately. There was nothing she could do about it. The ropes at her ankles bit into her as she tried instinctively to pull her legs together, force him out. There had been no foreplay, unless his rough handling of her counted, and she was far from ready for this…it HURT!
Fully inside her now, he paused for a moment, feeling the warmth of her around his cock, softly squeezing it. He thought he could feel her first fluttering contractions, and he moved his hips in a slow circular motion, watching her eyes so he could see what was going on in there. Her eyelids drooped for a moment, and he felt her whole body relax briefly before those eyes went wide again, staring almost blankly right into his. Then she shut her eyes tight and she began to buck and writhe under him as she tilted her head back and screamed through the gag.
Only Kurt and Lloyd heard the muffled scream, and they grinned at each other over the flickering campfire.
She still wasn’t very wet as he began pumping her, slowly at first. Her wild struggling was a further turn-on for him, and he began to thrust harder…faster…until he was slamming into her with each stroke, each stroke driving another muffled grunt from her. He could feel her growing wetter as he did, in spite of the struggles, the protests and even the tears she was now crying. He grinned. Part of her taut little body was starting to run on automatic now, betraying her. He was fairly sure he could make her come whether she wanted to or not, and even more sure that she was probably great fun in bed under other circumstances. But…he could feel his own orgasm starting to build, and the object of the exercise was not to adjust themselves to give her pleasure but to adjust her to give them pleasure. She would learn. He sped up his thrusts, feeling her struggling increase, hearing the noises she made grow louder.
Kimberley felt her captor suddenly jerk hard against her, groaning, followed by more, weakening spasms and quieter groans and knew for certain she’d been taken and used as his body sank down onto hers, making it hard for her to get a full breath. He was big, muscular, hard, warm and heavy, and still deep inside of her. She quit struggling, aware now of the faint numbness in her toes and fingers, how tightly the ropes clenched her wrists and ankles, how terribly sore she was. She kept her eyes closed and tried not to move. After a long moment, he raised himself up on his arms again. She shuddered, feeling his mouth on her nipple, sucking at it, tonguing it. Then he nipped it lightly between his teeth and she yelped weakly, opening her eyes at last. He cuffed her alongside her head again, almost affectionately.
“You got a lot to learn yet, elf-girl,” he said to her.
He got up, slowly, enjoying the feel as he slowly slid out of her. He stood over her for a long moment, lighting another cigarette. After a moment, she gave up trying to kill him with her glare, and turned her head away, sobbing. He chuckled, “This part ain’t so bad.” He told her. “Just the initiation. It gets harder. You’ll see.”
He took a few steps away from her and urinated into the grass before zipping up and going back to the campfire. Kurt was already standing, waiting his turn, and he waved him on with a grin. “She’s tight, man.” He told Kurt in a voice loud enough for elf-girl to hear. “And she’s all yours now.”
Kimberley groaned hopelessly. Three of them! She prayed fervently that it would be over soon, and could not help looking up to see who her new tormentor was. It was the squat, powerfully built, baldheaded one. He looked obscenely eager as he came over to her, big hands clenching and unclenching. She stiffened as he approached.
Long minutes later, she was screaming through the gag again. He was handling every part of her body with paws like padded vises, squeezing, poking, prodding. He seemed to enjoy her screams, and if she could have she’d have stopped making them, but the one time she did he’d gripped and twisted her nipples until she gave up. He slapped her, hard, here and there for variety: Head, ribs, hips, thighs. Half-stunned and completely scared, she was almost grateful when he interrupted his rough torture to mount her, letting her take his full weight as he fucked her hard. She tried to look into his eyes, hoping to get some scant sympathy, but all she saw there was a brute, mindless purpose and she closed her eyes and turned her head, letting him use her.
That did no good. When he felt her go limp, he stopped fucking her, raised himself on one massive arm, and slapped her into wide-eyed attention.
“Move, bitch.” He growled. “Move for me or I’ll twist them little nips of yours again.”
The threat was enough. As he started fucking her again, she began to move her hips for him as best she could, trying to match his fast and powerful rhythm.
“Better,” he grunted, and went on mercilessly. Kimberley felt her breath being driven out of her by his weight and thrusts, felt herself going lightheaded. Her abused body began to feel somehow detached, her hips still moving in time with her attacker’s. Her heels tried to dig into the ground for traction, but the grass offered no purchase.
Then he was done, with a sudden series of spasms accompanied by deep, animal grunts. He buried his bald head into her neck, his breath hot on her bare skin as he emptied himself into her. She was barely awake when he pushed himself up off of her, then stood up. He nudged her in the ribs with a booted foot to get her attention. She looked up at him blankly.
“You’re gonna hafta do better’n that,” he said to her. “But it’s early. You’ll learn.”
Kimberley groaned, the tears coming again. She desperately wanted this to be over. What had she been thinking ever to try this? She watched as the bald man ambled back to the campfire. She felt cold, uncomfortable and desperately alone. Soon the third man would be coming over to use her too. She tried to squeeze her eyes shut tight enough to hold in the tears.