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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

"Yes. I'm making sure you win this bet. And I'm going to ask for a reward and I want a date."

His smile never wore off. He was so stunning and it makes me immovable. Fuck, am I crushing on him? I really can’t stop admiring him like some star struck fool.

I smiled as I felt excitement and giddy. "Okay." I looked down shyly.

He took my hand and dragged me towards the makeshift dance floor. The gesture took me by surprise but I reveled at the warmth his callous hand was giving me.

"Where's your friend?"

I froze as I almost forgot about my mischievous best friend.

I started to search for her. She was no longer standing at the bar or anywhere from my sight. Ugh. She obviously ditched me. How could I prove to her that I'm winning this when she's not even looking?

"She ditched me." I grumbled.

We stopped walking. He looked at me with amusement. I know what he was thinking. I was now feeling uncomfortable now that Mila was out of my sight. I think her head will be on my platter at tomorrow’s breakfast.

"I'm not lying. I swear. I'm going to kill that girl." I said exasperated, muttering the last part lowly so he wouldn't hear.

"Okay." He smiled with understanding. "Do you still wanna dance?" I eyed him almost in disbelief. I thought he was going to back out and leave me but he didn’t. I guess there was no surprise there considering he was actually a nice guy.

I looked at the crowd wearily. People dancing like they're going to have intercourse in the middle of the dance floor. There was sweat and booze all mixed together. I definitely don't wanna go there.

"Can we go outside instead?" He nodded without question.

"I wasn't lying, you know. I didn't come to you so I could have you all to myself." I said as we reached outside. I'm suddenly feeling embarrassed of the situation. Mila probably didn't expect that I would tell him the truth but I'm still going to kill her.

He chuckled. "It's fine." His head turned up, looking at the moon shining so brightly. I followed his action, admiring the view. The night was not as cold as I thought it would be. The night breeze made my skirt and hair wave slightly.

"A lot of girls are probably throwing themselves at you. Like the one who just walked away. I feel sorry for her but I can't lose my money. And not when I can have twice the amount." I rambled on.

He burst out laughing. His attention then shifted to me. His laugh made him show his perfect white teeth. Is that a dimple? Damn. "Really now?"

I tilted my head to the side studying him with his handsome laugh and of course his Adonis face- although he was more in the boyish side. Not to mention the Greek bod his hiding underneath that outfit. He really was so attractive. I can't seem to stop staring and admiring him. If my life wasn't so complicated, I would have easily fallen for him. Deep inside, I’m still that typical girl. I just don’t have time to entertain this feelings.

"Do you still wanna dance?" I asked after pondering. His laugh toned down now and he looked at me with his emerald green eyes. It sparkled with amusement and my reflection.

"I thought you don't like to join the crowd or did I assume wrong?" His head tilted to the side as he asked. A small smile adorned his face. Cute.

I smiled. "No, you're right. I don't think I can stomach the thought of spending more time there." Honestly, years of singing in front of a crowd like that would seem that I'm used to it by now but I'm not. I could never get used to it. But parties and concerts are different. I love the fact that in concerts, the crowd gather around to really enjoy music.

"Let's dance here." I suggested. We were just meters away from the frat house- well, mansion as Remi likes to put it, but there weren't many people here in their little garden. Everyone was inside getting wasted and probably high and satiated.

He raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "I don’t think the music will reach here. It’s pretty much muffled." He said with a shrug.

I grinned at him. A plan formed in my head. The music inside was slow. It was R&B. I opted for something different, something slow. Something not sexual. A certain song crossed my mind and it felt like it suited the night.

I reached for his hand and he took it with confusion and fascination. I put his hands on my waist and mine on his shoulder. His eyes continued to have sparks of amusement as he carries along with me.

I started to sway. He followed.

I imagined the beat, the rhythm of the music humming inside my head. I closed my eyes as I feel the breeze, the moon blessing us with her light, the warmth he’s giving me, my cold hands brushing against his neck.

I then started to sing.

It's late in the evening

She's wondering what clothes to wear~

His hands tightened around my waist as he heard my voice. He pulled me closer to him than ever before. I almost smile at his action.

She puts on her make-up and brushes her long blonde hair

And then she asks me, do I look all right?

And I say, yes, you look wonderful tonight~

I opened my eyes only to see his eyes swirling with emotions. His face was now serious. It was like he was studying me for something. The smile, the amusement, it was all gone as he stared at me like he was sucked by my soul. And he knew it and he wanted to be pulled in the vortex of my soul.

We go to a party and everyone turns to see

This beautiful lady that's walking around with me

And then she asks me, do you feel all right?

And I say, "Yes, I feel wonderful tonight"~

And then he kissed me.

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