"You three will start learning to fight. It will be necessary when you are human. We would only fight in our feline forms when it is in a dire situation." Liu Gang said looking to the three children.
"We will do so your highness." Peng Wei gladly accepted as he had been training from his father. Peng Lim smiled knowing that his son was rather prepared for anything.
"Alright! Finally!" Liu Feng was excited wanting to learn for a long time. Liu Fu Juan looked down holding her hands together. Liu Gang knew his daughter was having mix emotions.
"What is wrong Fu Juan?" He looked to his daughter as she blinked a few times.
"Father when I learn everything and know how to fight. Can I ask for one thing? Once I learn it all and you have to agree no matter what." She said as everyone looked to her wanting to know now. Liu Gang looked to his daughter as he thought about it. Pausing for the longest time he sighed thinking about it.
"Very well. When that time comes then I will grant you what you asked for." He looked down to see his daughter smiling. "Everyone is now dismissed. Tomorrow everyone undergoes training to improve and self protect another." Liu announced as everyone bowed before leaving.
Liu Fu Juan laid in her bed, looking up to the ceiling she kept turning from side to side not being able to sleep. She didn't know if she could train well enough but she had to try.
Hearing the rooster crow loud, Liu Fu Juan awoke at the time that they were supposed to in the early morning. With Liu Feng and Peng Wei there were many children around. They looked to one another as if they were all preys to another.
"Alright as you all know, I am Peng Lim but you all call me Senior Lim due to my age but also that you all are my disciples." Peng Lim looked to them all as they nodded. "Any of you have any questions?"
Liu Feng raised his hand. "What will you be teaching us for now?"
"You all will be learning with these." Peng Lim pointed to the wooden swords. "Like these fellows had to." He then pointed to two young fellows. Li Fu Juan smiled not seeing them in such a long time.
"Uncle Li! Uncle Yahui!" She yelled loudly running up to them. Both were openly hugged by her as she smiled. Both were now twenty-two years old looking at their little niece who revolved around their world.
"How has our little niece been?" Xue Li said looking down to her noticing little changes. She smiled seeing both of her uncles that tried to stay in her life since they would be gone most of the time.
"What are you both doing here?!" She questioned most as they would be out in other towns and kingdoms.
"We decided to pay everyone a visit but also to be your teachers." Xue Yahui said making Liu Fu Juan gasped. She jumped up more excited than ever that her uncles are finally staying.
"Better be ready. This isn't going to be easy." Xue Li tossed a wooden sword to Liu Fu Juan as she caught it.
"Uncle Li, how did you and Uncle Yahui learn your ways to fight?" She questioned as they perked up feeling their spines shiver.
"Both of them were taught by none other than your Aunt Rong." Peng Lim said as he remembered clearly how they were trained. Liu Fu Juan looked to them blinking a few times with confusion.
"Let's not bring up the past now. Okay, the first thing you all will do some practice." Xue Li had the follow his every movement. Using the wooden sword they practiced everyday and every season.
Eight years later...
The changing of time passed fast as they all grew wielding no longer wooden swords but swords that they designed made of metal and silver.
"Fu Juan! Fu Juan! Where did she go!?" Liu Feng said with irritation.
"Well she is your sister and you have to find her no matter what." Peng Wei said smirking while holding his sword tightly in his hands.
"Well your an only child so your lucky. Ahhh!!! Where could she have gone. Come on let's go look some more." Liu Feng sighed angrily walking along with Peng Wei. Liu Fu Juan smiled and giggled seeing how her brother and friend didn't even notice her presence hiding in the tree.
She wondered along the forest loving how she felt so free. She had just turned eighteen wanting to feel a little free for a bit away from the palace. Turning to hear a heavy breathing, she looked to a direction deep within the forest.
Going deeper in the forest, she walked slowly, listening to her surroundings as she was trained to do. Entering in a cave she can sense someone was there alive and seeking for help. Looking closely she looked upon a heavily injured armored man. Bending down to him, she saw him heavily injured unlike anything she had seen before. Seeing his wounds as she was then pinned against the rock wall behind her.
"Who are you?" She looked to see the injured man with his strange sword at her throat. Seeing this gleaming red eyes and common dark black hair. She wasn't afraid or anything but saw sadness and coldness within him wanting to comfort him. She had remembered who he was like it was yesterday. He had the armor of a General as they heard footsteps approaching.