Episode 3
Location: The black eagles Hunter clan
Kara's POV
"Oh shit....,this aint good" I whisper,eye roaming the environment, searching endlessly for an escape route.
"Good morning her princess" a hastily approached guard greets, slightly postrating before me.
"Good day Dolan" I respond, stuffing my drenched hair behind my ears.
"Another walk?" He whispery questions, wiredly cringing his face.
"Yeah Dolan, another walk" I reply head bent while running my toe against the sandy ground.
"I wanna believe you roamed within the clans boundaries alone, no sneaking past the boundaries occured right?" He adds, staring inquisitively through my fidgeting skin, temporarily putting aside the royal respect and abidiance.
Being next in line for the clans throne,all deserved honours and respect are surely acquainted to me but with involvement to dad's orders and authority,those respect in similar occurrence seems temporarily buried and paused.
"Yes Dolan,I did roam within the clans boundaries alone" I lie, stammering visibly.
Really hopes he buys the not so perfect pretence else am in for dad's rage,not excluding his deadly wrath.
"Okay princess, permit my assistance to your room?" He requests, stretching forth his plain white palm while his eyes suspiciously roams through my drenched blonde hair.
"Thanks alot Dolan" I giggle, wrapping my palm over his, earning him piercing and jelousey filled glares from fellow male hunters.
Well,who wouldn't be jealous, majority amongst all present male hunters possess a thing or two towards me.
All desire my hand in marriage, applying every possible means to earning my trapped love and attention and with Dolan seen besides me, heading romantically towards my room, tonight certainly might be his final night and slumber.
"You lied right?" Dolan masculine voice booms, pulling me outta my imagination.
"Huh?... What do you mean?" I question, feigning ignorance.
"You lied didn't you?. You strolled past the clans boundaries, your highly drenched hair and cozy skin explains it all. You went for a swim within the woods right?" he chuckle's.
"Whatever you caught me but I bet you understand being locked up and unable to leave a particular kingdom isn't fun,it sure sucks" I protest, pouting childishly.
"Of course I do but you need understand your dad,the king's cares majorly about you and our safety, he'll demand our lifeless head if ever a hair strand admist your numerous hair goes missing. You also need understand you sneaking outta the palace dosent endanger you alone,it endangers your dad and every citizen of the black hunters clan,such endangerment and mistake is what your dad and everyone avoids and I advise you perform the right decision by adhering your dad's rules and orders to prevent such unforgettable mistake" He advice, halting slowly before the royal mansions gigantic entrance gate.
Staring deeply into his greyish coloured eyes, memories regarding our limited childhood times surfaces through my memories, forcing a sly smile up my lips.
"Thanks alot Dolan"
"I'll be certain to put your advise into consideration" i add, earning Sly chuckles from him.
"Gotta return to my post,see you later oldie" he mocks, heading backwards .
"Dolan" I call, halting his hasty retrieving steps.
"Me sneaking outta the clan should please be between us,I can't afford enraging my dad for the untempt time" I plead, returning sly smirks up his lips.
"My lips are sealed princess,your secret is safe with me" he assures, placing his right palm against his chest, proofing his loyalty and honesty.
"You're the best Dolan,thanks alot" I squeal, pecking his lower chin before sprinting past the envy consumed guards into the royal castle, leaving Dolan drowning within his world of happiness.
Heaving in heavy and deep breaths,I carefully push open my rooms entrance door, earning slight quaking sounds from it.
Tip toeing towards my bed side lamp,I happily flip it on,illuminating the once dark, room, revealing it's normal sized space and bluish coloured designs and decorations,designs well fitted for a princess.
The walls all decorated using matured stickers and photos of celebrities. The wardrobe perfectly situated within the rooms right hand corner,also the king sized pink coloured mattress situated within the left side region of the room,the room floor beautifully decorated using a matured blue and black coloured combined carpet, overall, the room appears magnificent, deliquent and alluring.
"Hmmmmmmm, another successful sneak out" I chuckle, crashing feets agape on the king sized comfy bed, allowing it's woolish nature surface through my skin and hair follicles, sending pleasuring sensations up my brain.
Gazing up towards the ceiling, memories regarding the hot sexy and run away stranger clouds my memories.
His appetizing and hot alluring vanilla and strawberry scent,vigoursly quaking my humanoid bone,his long jet black brunette hair flying in accordance to his fleeing pace,his muscular structure bestowing him a hotter fleeing appearance and finally his agility and excessive sprinting pace powerful enough to make any girl drool before his feets. Regardless of my inability to view his facial appearance and front view,he back side still screams perfection.
Placing hot immaginary images of him within my head,a sly seductive smile eludes my lips.
"I best his beauty compares to Zeus" I thought, reddening my outer cheeks and chin bone right before unwanted images of Dolan clouds my memories, darkening my brightened expression.
Though Dolan and I may have been child hood friends but me developing emotional filled feelings towards him certainly seems akward.
Don't get me wrong, Dolan himself literally attains perfection,his blonde and curly hair frequently tied in ponytails similar to Korean martial artist's,he's hot muscular structure earning him the females attention and finally his demi god pretty face and mistake excluded chiseled jaw line finalizes him every females desire but despite his perfect qualities,the fire of love towards him seems impossible brewing up finally trapping him within my friends zone.
Drowning deeper into comparism between the brain spinning hottie stranger and childhood Dolan,nasty and naughty laughter's both elude my lips.
"Another successful sneak out?" she squeal, barging uninvited into my room.
"You're uninvited Alex" I remind, glaring threatening at her.
"Whatever Kara" she scoffs
"So how was it,what so called myths,mysteries and adventure were you able to uncover?" She questions, having looks of scarcasism roaming through her face.
Well Alex my second and final childhood friend after Dolan,not just any child hood friend rather my child hood best friend. Same way I'd been with her same way she'd been with me through every thick and thins and every crook and cranes. She'd been my upliftment during my drowning days,my back bone in times of fall and lots more.
"I actually uncovered alot of mysteries today" I chuckle, earning naughty stares from her.
"Firstly,a hot and demi god stranger" "Though I was unable to glimpse his face but he definitely possess a hot backside".
"He smelt completely of strawberry and alluring vanilla, alluring enough to pull literally every female towards his direction,not excluding me" I explain, broadening the naughty looking smile up her face.
Alex never changes,once a pervert, always a pervert.
"So you claim this so called face unidentified stranger appears hotter compared to Dolan?" She questions, explaining sacarcism using both palms.
"Oh Alex,I hate you" I mumble, fidgeting with my fingers.
"Am waiting...." She reminds, staring naughtily inquisitive at me.
"Ohk,so is he human, werewolf or vampire?. If human is he a hunter?,if yes what hunter clan and much more?" She bombards, expecting lengthy response.
"Sorry to burst your bubbles Alex but I wasn't opportuned a conversation with him,he fled the second he noticed me advancing towards his direction, denying me the desired conversation and a glimpse of his demi-god face but I believe his human,my werewolf detector detected nothing, not a single werewolf trait" I reply, making Alex burst into an unexpected laughter.
"This really is hilarious,The stoned hearted princess Kara drooling over a facial unindentified male. Oh, I wish to see the clans male attention if brought to notice about this latest news" she giggle's wiredly.
Such day certainly gonna be a war zone here withinin black hunters clan,the male definitely will attempt trailing this so-called hottie to claim his lifeless head before midnight.
"So Kara,do you intend conversing with our hottie stranger any day from now?" Alex inquires, earning hasty nods from me.
"I sure desire a conversation with him,I need a glimpse of his facial appearance,his hot spell drooling front appearance,his deep masculine and brain spinning voice and much more the undying desire to inhale his alluring vanilla and strawberry scent clouds my soul and it seems impossible letting go off it. He's in my head Alex" I respond, clutching tightly to my skull.
"Then get him out" she hiss, feeling unborthered.
"Well that's the challenge you dumb ass, getting him outta my head seems impossible,the undying urge to get a hold of him empowers his image within my head" I explain.
"Then I believe you're all alone because I seriously have zero idea the source of your undying and wierd love towards a back sided stranger" she scoffs.
"Whatever, uncaring friend" I accuse feigning hurt, making her chuckle in disbelief.
Come in"I order, slightly pissed by the unexpected knocks from the door.
Watching the door carefully slide agape, emitting it's usual quaking sounds,a sword equipped guard slowly emerges head bend.
"Good day her highness" the guard greets, postrating slightly.
"Good day" I respond,not sparing him a glance.
"His highness,the king currently demands your presence down at the palace room. He claims it being essential and a must excluding all excuses" he announces before quietly exiting the room.
"Ohh Dad am freaking exhausted" I grumble.
"You've got this girl,I believe in you,as adviced,be yourself and avoid enraging him" Alex advices, pulling me into a tight warm and comforting hug.
"I'll patiently await your return,we've got alot to speak on regarding your unidentified prince in shiny armour" she whispers, earning light chuckles from him.
"I doubt he's a prince" I defend, wiredly cringing my eyes and facial expression.
"How sure are you,just head over to your dad before he impatiently rages and demands your head for the untempt time" she mocks, earning playful glare from me.
"See you later babe" I finalize, blowing over a reddened lip kiss to her before exiting the room.
Walking past numerous guards through the narrow and perfectly tiled hallway, numerous thoughts regarding my dad clouds my memories, sending fearful shivers down my spines.
"Just as planned,act calm and avoid enraging him" I whisper, tingling continuously with my fidgeting finger's.
Dad as always remains a brick hearted king, despite me being his child and next in line for the so called throne,his dumb rage exceeds towards me also. Despite him being human,his rage appears intimidating similar to an alpha werewolf, sending fear and lost confidence down his foes.
He remains a strong headed king,deeply enraged at the slightest mistake. Numerous times has he attempted killing me for sneaking past the clans boundaries against his order.
Involving him in my latest life and discovery seems not so much of a wise idea,even mom hers possess slight chances cooling down his rage. I view him a living volcano,an explosive awaiting the most powerful force and power to finalize it's eruption and explosion. I sincerely having no idea regarding the clans rapid growth under his rage filled rule.
Standing before the palaces room entrance door,I heave in deep heavy sighs before sliding it ajar, ushering myself into it's cozy and beautiful appearance.
Standing similar to a criminal before dad seated proudly on his magnificent golden throne amidst two other smaller silver and bronze coloured throne,sweat glands trickle down my chin despite the numerous air conditioner appropriately ventilating the room.
Slowly adverting his reading gaze from a book towards my direction,his expression darkens in genuine rage before blurting the least expected question.
"Why were you a sneaky pest to the woods earlier today?" He questions,his venomous voice etched with pure rage as he clenches his fist, leaving me both numb and paralysed.
"How did he figure out?"
The question alone rings continuously within my frightened and ideas empty brain.