Robert’s apartment was not sealed. No official yellow tape stretched across the front door proclaiming it a crime scene. As I hesitated on the walkway it seemed to me that it looked like it had always looked. California standard issue white stucco, complete with yellowing palm trees and the soothing rumble of the nearby Hollywood Freeway.
I let myself in using my key. Locking the door behind me, I leaned against it breathing softly, eyes straining in the darkness.
From the other side of the wall came the muffled bawl of heavy metal music, but inside the cold apartment all was silent.
I didn’t want to risk turning on the lights. I switched on my pocket flashlight and swung it slowly around the room: your typical West Hollywood studio apartment furnished in early Montgomery Ward. A white sofa bed sat across from an “oak” armoire that doubled as an entertainment center. A Bowflex exercise machine took up half the living room. I glanced over the counter into the kitchenette. There was a sink full of dirty dishes. The apartment smelled stale — worse. I traced the stench to dead flowers in a wine bottle on the counter.
Pressed for time, I crossed to the armoire. Opening the top drawer, I sifted through the undershirts, underpants: several packs of condoms, shirt studs in a leather box, a packet of drugstore prints. I thumbed through the prints quickly. Tara and the kids building snowmen, raking leaves, celebrating a birthday, trimming a Christmas tree. Life without father. I tucked them back between the Lycra leopard bikinis.
It was weird going through Rob’s stuff. More painful than I expected. Pretty stupid getting choked up over his sock drawer, I jeered at myself. I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. I raked a latex glove through my hair, wincing as fine hairs pulled.
Rising from my haunches, I moved to the closet. On the upper shelf were two bulging shoe boxes fastened shut with straining rubber bands. When I reached for them a hard and flat object dislodged and fell, whacking me on the head. I swore then waited tensely to see if there was any response to that bump from the apartment next door.
Nothing. The neighbors were probably deaf, judging by the muted thump of drums and bass guitar. I recognized Great White’s “What Do You Do for Love.”
My flashlight picked out a high school yearbook, loose Christmas cards and a dildo. A dildo in a coat closet?
“For God’s sake, Rob!” I muttered, as I had been muttering for years. Like it was Rob’s fault he was dead and I was nosing through his personal belongings.
I snatched the dildo up, tucking it deep in the kitchen trash bin, freaking at the idea of Rob’s sisters or Tara going through his apartment and finding it. Just who was I trying to protect?
Returning to the living room, I lifted down one of the shoeboxes, folded myself cross-legged on the carpet and removed the lid. Bills, bills and more bills. Paycheck stubs. So many bills. So few paycheck stubs. I wished like hell our last conversation had not been about money.
I finished flipping through the stuffed box admitting that even if there was something there to find I probably wouldn’t recognize it. People don’t keep bank registers like they used to. There wasn’t a lot to make of some loose ATM slips and several returned checks in their envelopes.
I moved on to the next box. Bingo. Letters. Packs of photos. I pulled out the first envelope, recognizing that wild, green ink scrawl. I smoothed out the letter, scanned it quickly. It was signed “Black Beauty.”
Talk about your purple prose. “Sacre bleu,” I murmured.
I folded the letter up again, stuffed it in the envelope. From outside came a soft brushing sound against the wall.
I went rigid.
There was the scrape of a key in the front door lock. I crunched the lid back on the box and scrambled into the closet, pulling it closed.
Through the wood I heard the front door open and then shut. A band of light appeared beneath the bottom of the closet door. I stared at it in fascination.
A floorboard creaked.
I wondered if Robert’s murderer was prowling around on the other side of the door.
In the crowded darkness Robert’s clothes brushed against my face, Robert’s scent filled my nostrils. It was as though he stood there beside me during any one of the dozens of pranks we’d played as kids. I felt like if I reached out I would brush his hand. I realized I needed to take a piss.
Sweat poured out all over my body as I waited in the stifling darkness. I was surprised the intruder couldn’t hear my heart booming away; to me it sounded as loud as if someone were kicking an empty oil drum.
I stiffened as I heard a voice, low. The words were indistinct. Were there two of them? I pressed closer to the door, trying to hear, trying to recognize the voice.
Male. That’s all I could tell.
A few more unintelligible words, and then the unmistakable ping of the phone being hung up.
The floor creaked again. The band of light beneath the door vanished. The front door closed as quietly as it had opened. I heard the snick of the lock.
I waited quite a while just to be sure.
I expelled a long sigh. Cautiously, I opened the closet and stepped out.
The overhead light switched on. Detective Riordan leaned against the front door, one hand resting casually on his jacket lapel, shoulder holster within easy reach.
“That’s one of the oldest tricks in the world, Adrien-with-an-e.”
I wasn’t sure if he meant his or mine. I stood there breathing in and out in time to the heaving of the beige carpet. From a distance I heard Riordan drawl something else, and then the floor rose up and hit me in the face.
I came to lying on Robert’s sofa. Riordan bent over me, sharply, insistently, patting my cheek.
“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty. Come on. Open those baby blues. Wake up.”
I fluttered my eyelashes. Unglued my mouth. “I’m awake.”
Riordan quit patting my cheek. Stared down at me.
“Jesus,” I mumbled as the full picture sank in.
“Wrong again.” He took my wrist in a cool, professional grip. Looked at his watch for a moment. Grunted.
I watched him passively. I mean, the thing had gone way past humiliation. I couldn’t feel much beyond a mild curiosity. Had he been following me? Would he have shot me? And why is it the best looking ones are always straight?
“You know, English, maybe you should consider another line of work. I don’t think you’re cut out for burglary.”
“Are you going to arrest me?” Like I said, it was just mild curiosity. I was too tired to get worked up about it.
His eyes flickered. “I don’t know. What are you doing here?”
I pushed up on elbow, fumbled in my breast pocket for my pills, managed to get the cap off. “Could I have a glass of water?”
“You’re stalling.” But he went into the kitchenette and returned with half a glass of water.
I sort of think if (God forbid) I had HIV or AIDS it would be more acceptable. If you’re gay and ill people half expect that anyway. But this … I can’t expect another guy to have patience with it. I don’t have patience with it myself.
He regarded me in silence as I sat up gingerly, popped the pills, took the glass and swallowed some water.
“Thanks. How did you know it was me?”
Riordan snorted. “That’s your black Ford Bronco parked a block down, isn’t it?”
“Oh.” I took another swallow and set the glass on the carpet. I raked the hair out of my eyes. My hand was almost steady. I realized he had removed my gloves. I glanced around but didn’t see them.
He shook his head. “Listen, Brain Guy, I thought you wrote a book once or something. Didn’t it occur to you that we would be watching this place? Don’t you think we’ve gone through all this?” He indicated the shoebox lying where I’d dropped it. “What were you looking for?”
I didn’t like to say what had been in my mind: that maybe Rob had tried to blackmail someone. It seemed disloyal, though it was exactly the kind of far-fetched thing he would do.
I said, “Something you missed. Something that would point to who really killed Robert.” I met his gaze squarely. “I didn’t.”
Riordan grinned a crooked grin. “You do know, English, that that is what they all say?”
“I didn’t kill him.”
He considered me for a long moment with those light, keen eyes. He rubbed his nose thoughtfully. Then he said, “Suppose we go some place and talk about it?”
* * * * *