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Chapter 3

Astrid stared at the message on her phone, her mind racing. Who could it be? She showed the message to Kellan and her mother, their expressions mirroring her own confusion and concern.

“Astrid, there’s more you need to know. Meet me at the old park at midnight. Come alone.”Kellan frowned.

“This could be a trap. You can’t just go there alone.”Kira’s face turned pale, her hands trembling.

“We can’t risk it, Astrid. It’s too dangerous.”

Astrid looked between them, feeling the weight of their worry. Despite her fear, something inside her insisted that this was important. “I need to know who this is. They might have answers about who I am and what’s happening to me.”

Kira took a deep breath. “If you’re going, you’re not going alone. We’ll stay close by, hidden, just in case.”

Kellan nodded. “We’ll watch your back.”As midnight approached, Astrid made her way to the old park, her heart pounding.

The night was cool, the park deserted and silent. She stood by the large oak tree, the one she used to play near as a child, and waited.

Minutes ticked by like hours. Just as doubt began to creep in, a figure emerged from the shadows.

An older woman with silver hair and piercing blue eyes, her presence both commanding and otherworldly.“Astrid,” the woman said softly, stepping closer. “You’ve grown into such a strong young woman.”

Astrid’s breath caught. “Who are you?”

“I’m Selene, your grandmother,” the woman replied, her eyes a mixture of sadness and pride. “I’ve been watching over you, protecting you from afar.”

Astrid’s mind reeled. “Grandmother? Why now?”Selene sighed, glancing around cautiously.

“There are things you need to know, things your mother couldn’t tell you. You’re in grave danger, Astrid, and you need to understand your true heritage to protect yourself.”

Astrid’s heart raced. “What do you mean? What heritage?”Selene stepped closer, her voice urgent.

“You are part of a powerful bloodline. Your father, Dante, comes from one of the most ancient and influential werewolf families. Your powers are a result of this lineage, and they make you both a target and a beacon of hope for our kind.”

Astrid felt a surge of emotions—shock, fear, and an inexplicable sense of destiny. “Why didn’t my mother tell me any of this?”

“She was trying to protect you,” Selene explained. “From the moment you were born, forces within the werewolf community sought to use your power for their own ends. Kira wanted to keep you safe, to give you a chance at a normal life.”

Astrid’s mind swirled with questions, but one stood out. “What do I do now?”

Selene’s expression softened. “Learn to harness your powers, trust in those who care for you, and uncover the secrets of your past. Only then will you be able to face the dangers ahead.”

Before Astrid could ask more, Selene glanced around, sensing something. “We don’t have much time. They’ll be coming for you soon. Remember, Astrid, you’re stronger than you know. Trust yourself.”

With that, Selene melted back into the shadows, leaving Astrid alone, her heart pounding with newfound knowledge and a sense of impending danger.

As she turned to leave, Kellan and Kira emerged from their hiding place, their faces filled with concern. “What did she say?” Kellan asked.Astrid took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. “She told me who I am and that there’s more at stake than I ever imagined.

We need to be ready for what’s coming.”Kira wrapped her arms around Astrid, her voice trembling. “We’ll get through this together.”

Astrid nodded, feeling a surge of determination. She wasn’t alone in this fight. As they walked back home, Kira was lost in thought. She had recognized Selene the moment she stepped out of the shadows.

She knew that Selene’s appearance meant that the past she had tried so hard to escape was finally catching up to them.

Kira’s thoughts were interrupted by a sudden rustling in the bushes. She stopped, turning towards the noise, her senses on high alert.

“What’s wrong, Mom?” Astrid asked, noticing the change in her mother’s demeanor.

Before Kira could respond, a figure emerged from the darkness, his silhouette tall and imposing against the moonlight. His eyes glowed a striking blue, full of intensity and something else—recognition.

“Astrid,” he said, his voice a mixture of relief and urgency. “You’re in danger.”

Astrid took a step back, her heart racing. “Who are you?”

The man stepped closer, revealing his features. He was strikingly handsome, with sharp features and a confident demeanor that made Astrid’s heart skip a beat. “I’m Xavier. I’ve been sent to protect you.”

Kellan moved to stand between Astrid and Xavier, his expression wary. “Protect her from what?”

Xavier’s gaze didn’t waver from Astrid. “From those who want to use her powers for their own gain. There’s much you don’t know, but we don’t have time to explain everything here.”

Kira stepped forward, recognizing the urgency in Xavier’s tone. “If you know so much, then you must know we can’t trust you so easily.”

Xavier nodded, his expression serious. “I understand, but time is of the essence. Astrid, please, you have to trust me. Your life depends on it.”

Astrid felt a strange pull towards Xavier, an instinctive feeling that he was telling the truth. She glanced at her mother and Kellan, then back at Xavier. “What do we do?”

Before Xavier could answer, the sound of footsteps and hushed voices echoed through the park. Xavier’s eyes flashed with determination. “We need to move. Now.”

They hurried through the shadows, tension crackling in the air. As they reached the edge of the park, Xavier stopped, his eyes scanning the area. “We’ll go to a safe house. You’ll be protected there.”

As they moved, Astrid couldn’t shake the feeling that their lives were about to change forever. The secrets of her past were unraveling, and with them, a future filled with uncertainty and danger.

As they reached the safe house, Xavier turned to Astrid, his eyes filled with a mixture of concern and something deeper. “There’s so much you need to know, Astrid. But for now, just know that I’m here for you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Astrid nodded, feeling a strange sense of comfort despite the chaos.

As they stepped inside, she knew this was only the beginning of a journey that would test her in ways she couldn’t yet imagine.

Astrid wandered the safe house, trying to make sense of everything. Xavier approached her, his expression softening as he saw the worry in her eyes.

"Astrid," he said gently, "I know this is a lot to take in."

She looked up at him, feeling a mixture of fear and something she couldn't quite name. "Why do I feel like I know you, Xavier?"

He moved closer, his presence calming. "Because we're connected, Astrid. Our destinies are intertwined."

Astrid felt a warmth spread through her chest as she gazed into his eyes. "Xavier, all of this is so overwhelming. But when I'm with you, I feel... safe."

Xavier reached out, gently cupping her cheek. "I'll always be here for you, Astrid. No matter what happens, you're not alone."

Astrid felt a tear slip down her cheek, and Xavier wiped it away with his thumb. The intensity of his gaze made her heart race. "Thank you," she whispered.

Without thinking, she leaned in, and Xavier met her halfway. Their lips brushed softly at first, then with more urgency as the world around them seemed to fade away. In that moment, the chaos and danger outside the safe house were forgotten, leaving only the connection between them.

When they finally pulled apart, Xavier rested his forehead against hers. "We're in this together, Astrid. Always."

She nodded, her heart full of emotions she couldn't yet name. "Always."

As they held each other, Astrid felt a renewed strength and determination. She gently pulled away, giving Xavier a reassuring smile before continuing to explore the safe house.

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