Granna had decided to stay for a few more days with her friend and had delayed her trip.
I was spending my days in peace.I didn't return to the pack house as was decreed by the future Alpha and remained in the cabin.I found I enjoyed living here more than the main house.The rain had stopped after the initial downfall on my first night here.The weather and the cabin were proving to be agreeable to my health and peace of mind.
The garden was flourishing.Small shoots had started decorating the barren surface of Earth.Everyday opened with a new ray of light.The hope which had left my side was starting to return albeit really slowly.Living alone was helping to gain a new perspective on life.
I could relate with Aeran's hatred but what he did that day made me realize that the idol picture of him imprinted in my heart had a few cracks.He wasn't as perfect as I had thought.He had his faults as well.The fear he invoked in me was becoming natural.I never imagined I'd be afraid of him.Now,his name alone had me gasping for breath.His hate ran deeper than I had analysed.I couldn't foresee that hate going anywhere anytime.
I didn't let myself dwell on what happened that day.My coping mechanism was to ignore the reality as much I could.That's how I was able to live with myself.Cope with my cowardliness. Being away from them all was a huge help.
Aiinata had become a good friend.She came everyday and spent as much time with me as she could.In a way she was another reason I had a smile on my face nowadays.
My routine was simple. I got up,dressed and went to my garden,came back,ate, talked with Aiinata and slept.But this time there was always a smile at the end of the day.No sorrow.No grimace.No pain.No Leann.No Ravine.
And no Aeran.
I hadn't seen anyone since that day.I felt safe this way.Yes, I was hiding.And who can blame me.I welcomed this respite from everything and everyone.One thing was very peculiar as well.I didn't wake up crying in the middle of the night.I slept well and deep .It seemed as if this cabin was proving out to be my good luck charm.
It was the most hopeful and joyful I was since leaving Ma.I'll ask Granna if I could stay here.But then I 'll have to tell her how I reached this cabin in the first place.?!.That'll open more closed doors I had kept hidden from her.
No,it was better if Granna didn't knew about this small request.It would be best for everyone concerned.
As I was watering the plants I felt someone's eyes on me.This was becoming a daily occurrence as well.I ignored it most of the time.Thinking it must be someone from the pack itself.Maybe they wanted to know how I was faring.?And I did my best to portray that indeed they have not broken my spirit.They can harm me physically all they want but they'll never touch that inner strength.I waited to know what will come out of this spying game they played.
Now this constant feeling of being watched was wrecking with my brain.I was losing my patience.I wasn't some animal they had to keep their eyes own.
It was such day that I decided to confront the interloper.
There it was again.I looked up from the ground into the thorny branches around.I got up and went out to look about.
"Is someone here..?" I called out gathering courage.
"Aiinata,is that you..?" I asked concerned.Only she knew where I spent my days.
I cannot let them do this to me.I have to fight .I walked the few steps along the enclosure.My dread was evident.I turned the corner only to halt in my tracks.There he was standing .A cigarette dangling from his lips.Still staring at me ,he pulled out the cigarette and keeping them in his fingers blew out the smoke.His eyes still on me. Before it could aggravate him further ,my eyes swept down.
It was a fear or flight reaction. I chose the latter.
Without thinking anything I turned around and started running back to the cabin leaving everything behind.I didn't look back and ran with all my might.I can't stop.I can't stop.
If he catches me he'll definitely ...
Reaching the log cabin I hurried inside and locked the main door tightly.Then not stopping I raced to my room and locked it as well for good measure.Making my way to the dark corner near the window I slid down and brought my hands over my bend knees.I was trembling.He won't come here,will he..?
The racket of the front door being pushed open reached my ears.I covered them up with both my hands.No,no,no.
I kept on chanting."Holy Mother,please save me.Don't let him catch me.He'll do worse than before.I just know it.Why is he doing this I haven't even done anything.I don't even look at him anymore.Please please please please." I kept on whispering. Repeating.
The thud of steps had me shrinking further into my corner.I stopped breathing altogether.Perspiration dotted my forehead.Involuntary my vision blurred.Everything around took the red hue.I closed my eyes tightly fearing the worst.No this cannot happen.Talk about worst timing.If he knows about this secret of mine.I can't even fathom what he'll do..?!
The steps stopped in front of my door.Any moment he'll open the door and again drag me out.He'll hurt me.My trembling worsened.I felt dizzy because of the lack of oxygen but still didn't dare breath in fear of him finding me here.Not making any sound.
I waited for the door to be pushed open.But no doors were thrown open,no one dragged me anywhere.After a few moments which appeared like hours to me,the steps receded back.I heard the clamour of the front door opening again.
I let go of the breath I was holding for so long and loosened the tight grip on my knees.Opening my eyes I looked around at the familiar surroundings and tried to control my inner turmoils.
Why was he here..?
What did he want.?
Was Aeran the one keeping his eye on me..?But Why..?