I don't want to be seen with you" The disdain in his voice made me realize that he wasn't playing around, his face stern and his eyes looking everywhere but my way.
What with the attitude? He... We were fine. No, we... Get a grip, Violet! It was all to get into your pants!
I bit my lips hard to stop the salty liquid that was threatening to pour out, I would never give him that satisfaction. I would never let him know that his words affected me that way.
I got out of the truck not forgetting to slam the door hard.
"Bastard!" I didn't even cringe when the word left my mouth as I watched him zoom off.
Why would he stop the chauffeur from bringing me to school if he doesn't want to be seen with me? I looked down at my dress, the signature oversized sweater and a pair of skinny jeans. My boots were okay, and so was my bag.
"I almost forgot I'm a nerd" I flicked my forehead.
Why would the school's most popular boy want to be seen with a nerd? Siblings or not. I was being delusional.
I was already late for my first class, it was so embarrassing to go in as all eyes were trained on me the moment I walked in.
Kill me now. It is a general class, the population was more than my normal class. Thankfully, I spotted Brenda at the back side of the class.
"Bitch, stay away from me" she muttered menacingly as I got to her, although her eyes were hidden behind the dramatic sunglasses she had on, I knew she was glaring daggers at me.
I slipped into the seat beside her muttering strings of apologies.
"Now, explain to me why you ignored me all night! " We were at our usual hideout on the rooftop of the library after two classes.
"We moved again"
"Oh..." Brenda took off her sunglasses exposing the black eyes she was hiding all day.
"That asshole was blowing some bitch's head last night after telling me he was down with a fever and couldn't make it to our date" Brenda brawled out.
"I can't believe it too. I broke up with him actually " She wiped the tears that had dropped during her brawl.
"I'm sorry"
"He was so good to me. How could he do that?!"
I pulled Brenda into a hug and let her cry out, I didn't know what to do in this situation. Just then her phone rang, and she pulled out the device from her pocket.
Unknown caller.
"It must be him. I blocked his number but he has been trying to reach me through other ways" Brenda sneered and turned off the device.
Brenda sobbed some more before cleaning her face," I want to get high on sugar" She proceeded to take out all sorts of sugary goodies from her tote bag.
I knew the bag was suspicious the moment I saw it in the class earlier.
"Yes! Let's get high on sugar" I nodded, if this would make her feel better I should join her. We don't have any classes again after all.
"He took me to watch the star two days ago. He... Said he would... Nathan is a bastard!" Soon enough, Brenda was high on sugar.
We sang, bawled and cussed together. I joined her too, cussing the devil of a stepbrother of mine called Lucian.
"Did... Did you say Lucian Archer?" Brenda hi-cupped.
"Yes, Unbelievably he is my new stepbrother" I admitted with a continuous nod.
The sugar was messing with our system, and Brenda sneaked in some alcoholic drinks too so we were tipsy.
"That ripped Greek god? You live with the walking sexiness now?"
"Sadly yes" I slurred
"Sadly what? It is happy! I'm coming for a sleepover, I need to get back at Nathan and getting drilled by Lucian is the best option" Brenda blabbered
"Okay, let's go"
"Let me call Nathan to come pick us" Brenda added and picked up her device.
"B!" Nathan's worried voice jolted me from my slumber, Brenda was still gulping a can of berry wine.
"What have you guys done" Nathan couldn't help but scold.
"Violet, let me have your phone okay? I have to call your chauffeur to come to pick you"
I readily handed him my phone and lay down to continue my sweet sleep.
"Are you getting stupid or something? Drinking on the school premises!" I rubbed my aching head as my mom continued to nag me.
Somehow, Nathan had called my mom when he couldn't find my chauffeur's number and my mom called my good and loving stepbrother to come and pick me up.
"I'm sorry " I muttered hoping it would be over soon.
Brenda and I never did that. We were the law-abiding students who made sure to stick to every rule but I guess we had a similar problem.
Men issues.
Mom finally left my room, leaving me alone with my good stepbrother. I ignored his distracting presence and made my way to the bathroom wobbly.
"Are you always like this? I mean you go to the library to drink?" I could hear the disdain in his stupid attractive voice.
My head was aching so I decided to ignore him and slipped off the bed for a cold bath but Lu-fucking-cian grabbed my forearm as I walked past him.
"You don't ignore me when I speak" He growled out menacingly, his eyes darkening as he gazed down at me.
He is so close that I couldn't think straight, especially with the hangover I'm having. I heaved out a heavy breath and looked up meeting his menacing gaze.
"I'm tired, please" I whispered pleadingly.
His expression looked surprised for a split second, he didn't expect me to react like that. I guess he forgot I was just a timid girl feigning confidence yesterday.
I couldn't keep up with him and his changing emotions. One minute, he's all over me touching and sucking and the next, he wants nothing to do with me.
"You owe me one" He blurted out and left the room before I could reply.
I owe him?
And how?
I couldn't think with my banging head so I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head as I stripped off my clothes.
I didn't bother to dry my hair and just wrapped it up in a towel, all I need right now is a bowl of egg noodles.
I wrapped a bathrobe around my nude body and made for the kitchen. I love this place because no overwhelming maids were scurrying about like other houses we lived in the past.
Some housemaids come to clean and all that but they don't stay past eight pm. It was past ten by now but I couldn't stop craving noodles.
Once I got to the kitchen, I got everything I needed for the meal and started my preparation. Soon a hot piping bowl of aromatic egg noodles was ready. I slurped the delicious delicacy in ecstasy.
I was cleaning up the used utensils when I felt a presence behind me. I didn't need to turn to know who it was.
"I'm craving late night meal too" His arms snake around my waist as he whispered to my ear, and the hair on my nape rose. His breath tingled the sensitive skin behind my ear just as his nose scraped the area lightly.
"What do you want?" I tried to think of any meal but the lewd thoughts forced themselves into my head.
His hands moved upward causing me to gasp as he grabbed my breasts and gave it a short squeeze.
"You know what" He replied like it was the most obvious thing.
I turned around to see his eyes hooded with lust as he stared down at my smaller frame.
"We are..."
"Step siblings with no blood relation" he cut me off and concluded with a raised eyebrow.
He is so hot!
"I agreed last night because you threatened me"
"I'm going to do that again"
His eyes shone under the light, evidence that he was enjoying whatever reaction he was getting from me.
What are my reactions under his scrutinizing gaze?
Fear? Maybe I was afraid that our parents would come down any moment.
Lust? Yes, I was dripping wet!
Denial? I'm not supposed to feel that way for my brother.
"Stepbrother" He corrected.
My eyes widened in surprise as he said that, did I say all those out loud? Or did he read my mind?