BTS_official @bts_bighit
ARMY GAME DAY 1: Post an individual cute selca.
"A cute selca?" Jimin raised an eyebrow. "Is this the game?"
"I think they will ask us to post a different picture every day." Taehyung said.
The older rubbed his chin. "Okay, let's take a cute one then." He said, before unlocking his phone's camera.
"You look good Jimin-ah, you should post it." Taehyung said, after looking at Jimin's selca.
"Okay!" The older smiled. "And you don't need to try, you're naturally cute." He told his friend who was now blushing so hard.
" He told his friend who was now blushing so hard
"Hey, don't say that." the younger blushed.
"Why? I'm only telling the truth." Jimin winked.
"I can't beat a million of cute girls..." The blond said.
Jimin put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Trust me, if I was them, I would definitely choose you over a million girls."
Taehyung widened his eyes after hearing his Jimin's words, he knew that he was telling him this as his best friend but he wished it was more than just a friendship.
"Now, let's go! Jackson hyung just invited us to dinner." Jimin said after looking at their friend's text.
"Welcome! Welcome!" Jackson received them in the front door.
"Woah! Your house and Jimin's never stop impressing me." Taehyung exclaimed looking around him.
" Taehyung exclaimed looking around him
"I wish I was an architect too." He pouted.
Jackson put his arm around his shoulders. "But you have us, just tell us how do you want your house to be like and we'll do everything."
Taehyung chuckled. "I need more money for this."
"Don't worry Taehyung-ah, we'll be rich in no time." Jinyoung came from the kitchen, holding a glass of wine.
"How do you know that?" The younger asked.
"Well, I believe in our talent, so I feel that our brand will be popular very quickly." He winked.
Jimin grabbed Taehyung's arm. "Don't worry Tae, even if you don't succeed, I'll build a house for you." He said, making the younger blush and shiver at that sudden contact.
Their friends rolled their eyes.
"Instead of encouraging him to work harder you're spoiling him." Jinyoung said.
Taehyung clinged onto Jimin's arms. "Why? You're jealous?" He smirked.
Jimin chuckled. "Tae is my baby boy, I can do anything for him."
"So kinkyyyyy!" Both their friends cringed at his words.
Taehyung just remained motionless, still surprised.
"Did you post cute pictures?" Jackson asked.
"Yes, we did earlier." Jimin said after taking a sip of wine.
"I wonder what they're gonna ask us to do tomorrow." Taehyung rubbed his chin.
"Damn, there are too many pictures!" Hoseok exclaimed. "We indeed have a lot of fans."
"Pfft, they're trying too bad to look cuter than me." Jin chuckled.
Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah we know that you're worldwide handsome."
"Yoongi hyung, you've been staring at your phone since earlier what's wrong?" Jungkook asked the older who didn't hear a single word of what he said.
The younger walked closer because he was curious at what he was looking at.
GOT_JAMS @ParkJimin
"Cute huh?" Jungkook teased his hyung who jumped on the cushion
"Cute huh?" Jungkook teased his hyung who jumped on the cushion.
"The hell?!"
The younger started laughing. "I know you already like him. I mean I can't deny that he's really handsome." He said. "And his name is Park Jimin right?"
"Shut the fuck up." Yoongi groaned.
"There aren't much fanboys around h-oh!" Jungkook widened his eyes after seeing a particular picture. "I like this one!"
"My son said he liked someone?!" Jin came out of the room. "Let me see." He said, getting his face closer to the screen. " have a nice taste." He whispered to the younger and winked at him.
"I love his hair and look at those eyes and that smile and ugh shit he's cute." Jungkook left a heavy sigh.
Jin slapped his head. "Don't curse!"
"Aish it's already too late." Jimin yawned. "I should go."
"You're not going anywhere. Tomorrow it's Saturday, so no work and all of you are drunk so you should spend the night here." Jackson said.
"But we don't have any clothes." Taehyung said in a tired voice.
Jackson rolled his eyes. "I don't have a huge dressing for nothing, choose whatever you want to wear." He said.
"Where are we going to sleep?" Jinyoung asked.
Jackson left a sigh. "You guys ask too many questions." He stared at Jinyoung, "You sleep with me. Taehyung sleep with Jimin. That's it!" He said, before going to the bathroom.
Jimin scratched the back of his neck. "Well, let's go to our room."
Taehyung's heart was about to burst after hearing that "our room".
"You shower first?" Taehyung asked his friend, after closing the door.
"You can go, it's okay." Jimin said.
"No, no just go Jimin." Taehyung said.
"Then...shall we go together?" The older asked with a seductive voice.
Taehyung dropped the phone from his hand. "What?" He asked, his mouth wide open.
Jimin burst out laughing. "Look at your face! I was just joking Taehyungie don't worry!"
"Ah..uhm..I know! Of course you're joking..." he said, disappointed.
"Hyung what are y-" Jinyoung almost had a heart attack when he entered the dressing and found a half naked Jackson.
"You like what you're seeing?" Jackson smirked.
"W-what? No, no!" the younger rubbed his hair. "I just came to borrow some clothes." He said, awkwardly.
"Sure, choose whatever you want." The older said, pointing at the clothes.
"Uhm, I'll just take these pants and this shirt." Jinyoung said.
Jackson chuckled. "I know that you sleep with only boxers on, why do you wanna wear all these clothes?"
The younger's cheeks became as red as roses. "Well, I'm not at home so..."
"My home is also your home Jinyoung-ah" Jackson cut him off. "Just stay confortable."
"Jimin, you're sleeping?" Taehyung asked after coming out of the shower.
"Uhm, no." Jimin hummed, under the cover.
The younger slipped nervously under the sheets next to his crush.
"Play some music on your phone, I love your playlists." Jimin said, with a sleepy voice.
Taehyung chose an R&B and Soul playlist and offered his friend an earphone. "This can help you sleep easily." He smiled.
"You know what can help me sleep easily?" Jimin asked.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"Your warmth." Jimin whispered, before putting his arm around the younger's waist and bringing him closer to his naked torso.
Taehyung was hypnotized by the coconut smell on Jimin's chest. "Y-you smell so nice Jimin." He mumbled.
Jimin chuckled and kissed his friend's blond hair. "Good night Tae."
"Good night Chim."
Yoongi spent his night playing the Inspector Gadget role.
He kept scrolling Park Jimin's profile but didn't find any personal picture among a dozen photos of houses and interiors. He wanted to see more of him, to know more of this stranger.
"I'll just wait until tomorrow to see another picture." He mumbled to himself before turning off his phone.