Shot 10
"But." Aradhya
"At least now stop drama. here all knows the truth and remember one day will come when you only have this money but no one will be there with you." He said
"We don't need anyone too, if we will get money then we will never come in your path." Ram and Aradhya said, making their Colours reveal openly.
Abhimanyu just smiled, and went from there with Saira.
Muskaan, and Shaurya side both were playing with each other. yeah after a long time they were happy. for Muskaan she was going to her Aunt. Now no will tease her in parents meetings when just her Uncle or sometimes Dada Grandma come.
From now onwards her Aunt will be there, and pamper her like she dreamt.
And Shaurya, however he felt protectiveness in Saira's arms but when outside he used to get in a fight all used to ask him to call his father. Now he will tell them he has a friend who will never let anything happen to him.
Yeah both children see their parents in Saira and Abhimanyu.
At Saira and Abhimanyu side,
Both entered in his room, Saira was still silent. Abhimanyu was continuously blabbering something, but she was lost somewhere.
"What happened?" He asked, shaking her shoulder, she came in trances and nodded in nothing.
"Saira we spent 6 long years together, so tell me what's bothering you?" he asked
She stood up, and went near the window.
"I become a little confused, whatever Mr, and Mrs Agnihotri did was all for money. but instead of punishing them you promised to give all properties to them. why? Isn't this like a reward?" Saira
He back hugged her, and kept his chin at her shoulder.
"In the starting days it'll be like a reward, they will enjoy as much they want but after some time when they have this money but not anyone on whom they can spend this then they'll realise the importance of relations. but Saira that time they'll not have anyone. and you don't worry I have my own savings. I know that is not that much as compared to Agnihotri properties but that will be enough for me, you, Muskaan, Shaurya, and our babies." He said with a nuzzling nose in her neck.
She felt proud of her choice, but soon her cheeks become red when her brain got his last words.
"You want our own baby too." She muttered
He stopped romancing, and made her turn towards himself who was all shivering due to his touch.
"Yes I want, don't you?" He asked
"I do too, but will they accept it? might be they feel insecure." Saira
"Point but leave all this for further, if we will face this situation then we'll talk about that later, but for now just happy." He just, and kissed her forehead.
"Let's move, I have to go home too." Saira said,
"Don't go, be here." He said little dramatically
"I can't. moreover Mr Abhimanyu you still don't have the right to stop me." She said pushing him.
"I have all rights on you, just I don't show." He whispered, pulling her close.
"Is that so, Mr Abhimanyu? Then I want to see your rights." She muttered, and softly pecked at the corner of his lip.
"I have the right to kiss you anytime and anywhere." He said capturing her lips.
She is about to respond, but disturbed by two cute voices.
"We came." Muskaan, and Shaurya said at the same time.
Abhimanyu freed her lip, and immediately stood straight.
"But what you were doing." Shaurya asked
"Nothing just something went in your Aunt's eyes. I was just helping her." Abhimanyu said without taking breath. Saira rubbed her eyes supporting him.
"Aunt are you fine. show me your eyes." Muskaan asked
Saira gave a look to Abhimanyu, he smiled sheepishly and ruffled his hair.
"Aunt, first go and wash your eyes. and then." Shaurya said and held Saira's hand.
"Now I am fine, your friend and your Uncle already did great help. Now I do not need any of your help. let's go home." Saira said, holding Shaurya's hand. She angrily glared at Abhimanyu, and moved from there.
"Please Aunt just for today, we all will have lots of fun and I'll show you some cards too which I made for you." Muskaan said
"Yes Aunt be here only. see it's already night how we will go and the gate must be closed too. It's not good to disturb anyone at night. what happens if anyone will think of us as thieves." Shaurya said, Saira arched her eyebrows and about to speak something but interpreted by Abhimanyu.
"Saira now just agrees, you can sleep in Muskaan's room with her, and Shaurya will be with me. Friend, are you okay with it.?" Abhimanyu asked, Shaurya nodded in yes and looked at Saira for answers.
Muskaan, and Abhimanyu too looked at her for an answer.
"But. (Listening to this , all of their faces fell down.) What will we do? Still there's a lot of time for sleeping." Saira completed making others jump in happiness.
Trio hugged her, and smiled widely.
"We will do lots of things, first we all will play some games then we will eat dinner together and before sleeping we will go on the terrace." Muskaan said
"Yeah great idea, and after that you both will tell us a story then we will sleep." Shaurya
"Okay you both think of some game, and Abhimanyu you go change your clothe.till then I'll see what's in the kitchen." Saira said
"I will change, I don't need to go alone, I'll come along with you." Abhimanyu sternly said.
She nodded in yes, and went with him. while Muskaan Shaurya became busy in thinking what to do.
Saira entered the kitchen . There were only noodles, and some snacks were there.
"You all eat this?" Saira said, revolving her eyes.
"Yeah, or sometimes we order pizza but why are you asking?" Abhimanyu casually said
"Nothing." Saira said, making faces.
"After marriage I have to do lots of work for these Uncle nieces." she thought
At other hand,
Ram and Aradhya were busy spending money. They were booking a spa. hotels. and many more things.
This night became beautiful for everybody, after playing dumb sheraz. They ate noodles. and went on a terrace where they all enjoyed themselves very much, sometimes by counting stars or jumping while seeing the moon. Or by chasing each other. indeed life is going to be more beautiful for them.