So it looks like she had some decisions to make. Tally was by herself as she sat in the little gazebo that was located in the middle of the park. She looked out at the placid blue of the pond, on whose banks the gazebo had been built. The bench was made of wood and had a rough surface, but it was not uncomfortable. Even though it did little to extinguish the flames that were raging through her body, the gentle breeze that rustled through the tree branches above her was reassuring.
She had lost all sense of composure. At the very least, she was as out of control as she believed it was possible for her to become. She was well aware of the fact that she had fled from that office and from Lucian and Dev like a scared little virgin. She was nothing if not well aware of this fact. She was anything but a virgin. And despite the fact that they might not be aware of it, she was forthright enough with herself to admit the reality of the situation.
She had apprehensions.
When she was first delivered to Conover's, she had no idea what was going to happen there. She was aware that she lusted after Lucian and that she yearned for the opportunity to feel his touch. She wanted to fuck him until she found even a small amount of relief from the desires that were plaguing her. When Dev was introduced into the equation, she went from being excited to downright ecstatic. She had the impression that there were two men at her disposal. Unbelievably potent, and able to satisfy all of her carnal desires in equal measure. She was caught off guard by the dominance aspect as well. Neither did she anticipate an increase in the intensity of her desires. Her requirements were nearly suffocating her at this point. wants that she had no right to want at all.
She watched as a group of ducks made their way along the grassy bank and then dove into the refreshing water below. She couldn't help but crack a grin whenever she heard one of their slow quacks or saw one of their goofy antics in the water. Once upon a time, and many years ago, she would have pursued them. She would have splashed around in the water and dared anyone to take away the pleasure that it brought her.
Now, she concealed her enjoyments, kept them in the shadows, and only permitted them to leave the house under the most stringent of conditions. She could tell that Lucian and Dev were not going to give her control over the circumstances under which those desires were expressed. Or how they would be played if they were played.
"Are you still sulking?" Her body jerked in reaction to Dev's deep voice, and she turned her head to face him as he entered the shady gazebo and took a seat across from her. His legs took up most of the space, and his enormous frame gave the impression of completely filling the relatively small open building.
She reminded him with a serene expression on her face that she did not pout ever. She hoped that she actually experienced the same level of patience as she had forced herself to appear to have. "All I was doing was appreciating the quiet."
A tranquilly that she was sure had vanished for good at this point. Dev Conover gave off the appearance of a typical scoundrel. Every woman's fantasy of sensual pleasure was embodied in him, from the excessive length of his jet-black hair to his emerald-green eyes to his toned muscles. He was the shadow to his brother Lucian's light, and he was as physically dissimilar to his sibling as it was possible to be. However, she had a sneaking suspicion that on the inside, where it really mattered, they were too damned similar.
He gave her careful attention while leaning back against the seat with his arms stretched out along the back of the chair. A smile tugged at the sides of his mouth as he watched her.
He finally muttered to himself in a low voice, "I had you pegged as the Dragon Lady." "I was expecting you to spring out with your claws drawn; what I didn't see was you running away as if you were afraid of the two of us."
In spite of the fact that he had just described exactly what she had done, she raised her eyebrow in a mocking manner.
She remarked while shaking her head, "Devril, really," as she made the statement. There are some things that are worth getting worked up over. Some of them aren't really worth the time you spend on them. It's possible that both you and Lucian fall into the second category.
“Perhaps?” The devilishly alluring curve he played with his lips caused her to start drooling.
She took a few deep breaths and restrained herself from rolling her eyes, despite the fact that doing so required a lot of patience on her part. In spite of the fact that he was quite attractive, he was incredibly annoying.
"Are you trolling for compliments, Dev?" She exerted a lot of effort to keep her voice calm and in check. It would be unwise to give him any reason to believe that you are vulnerable. As Lucian did, he would seize the opportunity the moment it presented itself. "The next time you go fishing, you'll need to bring better bait." She stared at his lap in an insulting manner for a moment before averting her gaze and raising her brow in sarcastic delight. She would never in a million years admit that bulge was anything other than amazing.
He was silent for a considerable amount of time. Just long enough for her to become accustomed to the sounds of summer that filled the covered area and become comfortable with them. She found more solace and tranquilly in this location than in any other that she was aware of.
When he finally got around to questioning her, he did so with malicious amusement and asked, "Have you ever had sex in public?"
She cast a scornful look in his direction. "Of course, I've done that. However, I no longer feel the need to put myself in danger by engaging in behaviour that could result in a charge of public obscenity. Just as you ought to have."
His eyes were intent on analysing, and there was a clear indication of a challenge in them.
“Hmm. Maybe.” A sexually astute grin formed on the corners of his lips. "But don't you find that part of the excitement?" He removed his arms from the bench and positioned them so that his elbows were braced on his knees. Because he was now leaning forward towards her, he was much too close to her; the small gazebo seemed to be filled with him, and the painfully increasing sexual tension was uncomfortable.
Strong, calloused hands settled on the sides of her knees, his thumbs caressing over the delicate, silk-covered flesh as the rest of his fingers rubbed together. Tally's attention wandered to those enormous hands, which were clearly very capable. Imagine how they would feel on her body was almost too simple a task.
"Tally, I really want to fuck you. So bad it's like a hunger. You have spent the past year flitting around and teasing us in an attempt to exert control over each and every step of this simple dance that the two of us have been engaged in. What is it that you still don't understand? It's completely out of my hands."
Tally responded to the challenge by narrowing her eyes. She took a slow, steady breath in and then leaned forward, observing rather smugly the slight spark of astonishment in his gaze as her hands ran up his arms, her nails dragging over the tough, muscular skin of his biceps. She continued to run her hands up his arms until she reached his shoulders, at which point she leaned back and took another breath. As she turned her head to look at him, she felt him tighten his grip on her, and she saw his knees shift as he moved forward, enclosing her legs within his own.
"Control can always be exercised." She then gently exhaled over his lips as they slowly began to part in the slightest way. "Everything is determined by the level of control that you wish to achieve."
She moved her hands from his shoulders to the buttons on his shirt as she did so. She undid the first one, then the second one, and then spread the material out to the point where her hands could lay flat against the warmth of his chest.
At that moment, the gleam of combat appeared in his eyes. While her nails flexed against the tough muscle beneath them, he murmured, "You could be biting off more than you can chew, kitten." "You could be biting off more than you can chew," "I have not the slightest bit of concern about being accused of indecency."
She mused to herself in silence that he would not be there. But as she had explained to him, everything depended on who controlled it and how it was controlled.
She moved in closer, her tongue coming close to her lips as if to lick them, but instead she glanced at his lower lip as the sexual tension in his gaze increased.
She asked him, "Would you give up control, Devril?" as his hands moved to her waist and his fingers lightly gripped her. She did this as his hands moved to her waist. Would you give me permission to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it?
The promise was all that she required at that point. She took another step forward, her teeth catching the allure of his upper lip and nibbling at it in a seductive manner as she did so.
His grip became even more strenuous.
"How much pleasure are you able to endure, Dev, before your self-control gives out?"
As his pupils suddenly contracted, she slid her hands down his chest, making a rasping sound with her nails. There was not even a single warning. There was no playful banter, and no one asked for permission. Before she could outwit him, he had her seated across his lap with one hand entangled in the long strands of her hair. He tilted her head back as his lips came into contact with hers.
He devoured her. As the sharp blaze of heat at her scalp caused her to exhale in pleasure, his tongue brushed past her lips and pressed against them. The thrill that she got from his strong fingers grabbing and pulling at her hair was so decadent; at the same time, his lips were expertly moving over hers while they were heated up.
First there were passionate kisses, and then there was a decisive victory. This kiss was the decisive factor. His tongue pushed forward, opening her lips as it did so, and took possession of her mouth as if it had been made specifically for him. And her mouth was quick to agree with everything he said.
She let out a groan as intense, contrasting sensations ripped through her body: the dominance of his lips and tongue taking what he wanted, his hands, one tangled in her long hair and the other splayed against her lower back as he held her close in his grip, the warmth of his chest, and his cock, hard and insistently pressing beneath her ass. She felt his cock hard and insistently pressing beneath her ass. She wiggled against the heavy erection, relishing the deep male groan that vibrated against her lips as it stimulated her erection.
Had she believed that he was in charge? Perhaps of her, but not of his inclinations or needs. Even though his lips devoured hers, she didn't seem to mind. It was a masterful move on his part, but she didn't seem to mind when his tongue got tangled up with hers. While she fought to keep her own control, her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, her hands were holding tightly, and her nails were digging into his back. Despite her efforts, she could feel her senses dispersing beneath his kiss.
The hand that was resting behind her moved and swept over the curve of her ass, down her thigh, and all the way to the bottom of her skirt.
"Son, if you go much further into this area, we might run into some trouble."
Tally stopped moving when she heard the amused voice. As Dev's head began to slowly raise, a look of sheer terror flashed across her face. He looked at you with eyes that were filled with lust and heated demand, but the arrogant curve of his lips spoke for itself.
“Oh. You…” She jumped off his lap and slapped his hands as they reached out to steady her when she stumbled. She did this while he was trying to help her.
As she looked at the park official who was standing a few feet away from the gazebo, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He had that look of smugness that men give each other when they are being indulgent. A smirk that made her want to rip their faces off their heads and feed their dicks to the dogs made her want to do both of those things. Infuriating.
"All right, Tally." The glee that could be heard in Devril's voice was like adding fuel to the blaze.
She glared angrily at the security guard but continued to ignore him. As she leaned forward, her hand became entangled in Devril's hair, and she brought her lips to his, it appeared as though she was overcome with lust. Her knee then came down between his thighs.
When she applied the ideal amount of pressure to the tender and sensitive scrotum just below her kneecap, her lips were a breath away from his. As the guard laughed behind them, the prisoner's eyes widened and his face turned a very pale shade of white.
"Uhh, Tally," he said, unsure of what to say next. "Are you aware of the location of your knee?"
"Oh baby," she crooned in a titillatingly alluring manner. "Of course I am aware of the location of my knee. Remember, darling, no pain, no gain. Are you absolutely certain that you want to keep trying to entice me in such a way? She raised the pressure by a fraction of a degree as she watched him swallow with great concentration.
He swallowed, his green eyes watching her with suspicion as he cleared his throat. "Just think about all the fun you might be missing out on in the future."
She watched him grimace as she leaned in even further, and she was aware that the pressure she was applying would be pinching him now.
She smiled in a way that was meant to appear innocent as she explained to him that "there is such a fine line between pleasure and pain." Will you show us where you draw the line, Dev?
He had a few beads of sweat on his brow, but his eyes were sparkling with amusement despite the fact that he knew he had lost.
"I surrender." He braced himself for the upcoming agony by keeping his hands away from her, drawing in his thighs, and drawing in the rest of his body.
She lowered herself to the ground and then calmly bit a small portion of that alluring and full lower lip before stepping back from him.
You make everything so simple. She let out a sigh of disappointment. "Too bad. I had hoped for a greater degree of difficulty."
She continued to ignore the park official as she wrapped the tattered pieces of what was left of her pride around herself. She walked away from the gazebo while giving the two men a condescending look, shrugging her shoulders, adjusting her shirt, and smoothing out the slight creases that had formed in the silk that was covering her hips.
"Tally, Lucian asked me to find out where the Gallagher file was, and I've been looking everywhere. While I was gone, he was looking everywhere for it. It was Dev's amused voice that caused her to come to a complete stop.
She turned her head carefully, maintaining a neutral expression as she stared back at him while fighting to keep the rage that was building up inside of her under control.
“In hell. She smiled pleasantly and made the suggestion, "Where he can go," before turning on her heel and walking back to the office.