"IT LOOKS like you are the best and suitable to be my wife. So, I'm gonna do everything just to make you accept the fake marriage."Yvrozz said making Zenah clenched her fist.
"Damn you. I've already succeed to flew to another country to avoid the arrange marriage and then here you are asking me to be your fake wife and bear your child like what the fuck is going on?! Besides, I did the background check on you... seems like your family is rich and it looks like you are doing everything in your hands just to inherit your family's businesses. Am I right?"Zenah said calmly making Yvrozz chuckled.
"Of course. I didn't know that you did the background check on me. Are you scared of me that's why you did the background check?"Yvrozz teased her making her hissed in annoyance.
"Why would I be scared at you? And also, I'm asking you politely to leave me alone. I'm not interested to be your fake wife that's why I'm asking you to find someone else. There is a lot of women around the world so I'm sure that you will find one that suited to be yours."Zenah said.
"No can do."Yvrozz said making Zenah looked at him.
"I said, I won't find another woman since you are already perfect to be my fake wife. Don't worry, after I inherited the businesses of my family, I will file a divorce. How about that?"Yvrozz suggested making Zenah's face even more un- explainable.
"Damn. I told you already to leave the fuck out of me alone. I'm not gonna be your wife after I escape to my arrange married. I didn't flew to another country just to find someone to be married of, besides I want to leave normally without worrying about something and doing something that is against my will."Zenah said making Yvrozz sighed.
"Fuck. So, what about this... I'll gave you a month to hide completely yourself and if you hide yourself really well, I will leave you alone and I will suggest to your parents that I'll help you with your business and in return you'll live like a normal person and they will not suggested you to be married anymore. How about that?"Yvrozz said making Zenah smiled as well her eyes sparkled in delight.
"So what if you'll caught me?"Zenah asked.
"If I will caught you, saying the word 'Found You', you'll be my wife and of course you will agree and be my wife willingly."Yvrozz said making Zenah sighed before she looked at him straight to his eyes.
"Okay then, I'm in. Also, I have a condition to make..."Zenah said.
"Okay, go on."
"First, after you will inherit your families businesses, you'll file the divorce and leave me alone. Second, since you mention me about bearing your child, after we divorce you'll lose the right to be his/her father, meaning you will acted like he/she's not your child. And you will not sustain her/him anymore since I can do it without someone's help. Third, in those marriage that will happen, kindly cool off your relationships with other women or your affair with them since I also want to be respected and what I hate the most is being cheated with, of course you have the right to do so but since you agree with this kind of marriage you have no choice but to agree with my conditions."Zenah said.
"Okay, that's fine by me... so, are you giving up already since you gave the conditions already?"Yvrozz teased her making Zenah rolled his eyes.
"Of course not and I will completely hide myself. I'm just being prepare since we don't know what would happen in the future."Zenah said making him laugh.
"Yeah, you're right. Also, if I can't find you within one month, meaning you'll be free and you will win. But if I find you before the month then you lose and I win. I gave you one month to hide and I also gave my self a one month to find you."Yvrozz said making Zenah nodded her head to accept his suggestion.
"I'm fine with it. Also, I want to record your voice and you will also record my voice on your phone—on our each other's phone as an evidence that we accept the terms and conditions willingly."Zenah said while handing her phone to him.
Yvrozz chuckled as he pull out his phone out of his pocket to hand her his phone.
Zenah started recording her own voice using Yvrozz phone while Yvrozz did the same thing.
Zenah first spoke to record her voice, " I, Zenah Quen Velasquez, oath to be wife of Yvrozz if I fail to hide from him completely. I will sacrifice my freedom to be his wife and gave birth to his child. Also, when the time comes that he will inherit his family's businesses and properties... he will lose connection to me and he will file a divorce. When the time comes, he will lost all the rights to be the father of my child. I will also vow to be good and to be loyal to him while we are together—in other words, while we are in the fake marriage situation." She said before she press the okay button to save her record to his phone.
Yvrozz started recording his voice using her phone, "I, Yvrozz Jace Quivan , pledge my word to Zenah. I will treat her good and let her bear my child. Just as what she said, after the divorce situation I will lose all the rights to her child—as the father of her child when the time comes. Also, I vow to be faithful to her until the day that we will be separated. Then, if I lose to our bet, I will do anything in my connection to pursue her family and tell them not to let her be in a marriage where is against to her will." He said before he saved his recordings to Zenah's phone before handing it to her and she also did the same way.
"So, that's all. Starting the day that we will take off to this plane, is the day that I'll be hiding completely fron you."Zenah said making Yvrozz nodded his head.
"Yup. I'll gave you one month to hide and of course you can use your connections and skills to hide your trace while I'll also do the same thing. Make sure to hide yourself completely since I gave you one month to hide. If you want to win, then do everything just to hide yourself and not to let me caught you and said the word 'Found You' or else you'll be doomed."Yvrozz said.
"That's fine by me."
"Also, to ease your doubts, I'll be staying at my penthouse for one month and after that I'll start looking for you. Okay? And don't worry, I'm not the type of man who would over something like this but I'll do everything just to find you, except cheating so rest assured."Yvrozz said and she stared at him intently, examining his lies, when Zenah can't find the lies on his face, either he hides it or not... she nodded.
"Fine by me. I trust you not to cheat and if you do cheat, then you lose and I win. Okay?"Zenah said and Yvrozz smile assuringly and nodded.
"Okay. Let's start now."Yvrozz said before he take off the plane.
Zenah forgot that they are already at the airport, arrive at their destination. She take her luggage before she took of the airport. Of course, they both separated to their destination since Zenah is already planning to hide. But first, she must completely sealed her traces in order not to let Yvrozz to track her. She'll be doomed if he will found out her location.
Zenah sighed as soon she reached the hotel, she will be staying here for 2 days while planning to hide completely her traces before she choose the country that she would like to hide with. Of course, along with her disguise, she must go shopping to buy make-ups and equipments for her disguise.
She's talented when it comes to changing her appearance using make-ups, in this way Yvrozz won't find her easily. Of course, she would change her name as well as the name of her passports and make another bank account with her fake name.
For today, she will sleep and prepare tomorrow since she's already tired from processing what happened earlier and how Yvrozz and her meet in the plane. She need to digest it all as well as planning. Goodluck to herself tomorrow, she will be really 2x tired for tomorrow's day.