Days went by so fast and Today is finally Monday just the thought of going to a new school sends chills down my spine
my alarm rings and I turn it off
I get up and start preparing for school
I look pretty cute in this uniform, Dad and Ava were very happy that I got a scholarship to one of the best schools in Denver and of course, tori said it might be worse when it comes to the people who go there because it's full of impudent rich kids,
Am done preparing and head downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee It helps me calm my nerves down
Dad is done preparing for work he'll be dropping me at school on my first day
Ava will be going to university very soon the thought of her leaving makes me sad
''Amelia we have to get going or else you'll be late for school, it's your first day you don't want to make a bad impression or do you''.
No, I don't dad and I'm ready anyway let's get going
we proceed to his Volkswagen polo car outside we both get in and he starts driving, the ride to school was quiet neither dad nor me talked just listening to some old school music.
After 20minutes we reached crown lake high school it sure is breathtaking am really happy to come to a school like this '
''Here we are Amelia Be a good girl and listen to your teachers, I know you worked hard for that scholarship and you won't disappoint your sponsors, your mum would be very happy to hear about this ''.says dad.
'have a great day and stay away from boys'! My dad warns me, I love you kiddo
Thanks, dad I surely won't disappoint you or anyone you have my word and I love you too I get out of the car and start making my way in.
I feel nervous and my palms are getting sweaty, I don't know where the guardian's office is
After vacillating around the school for 20mins
I remembered I had the school map with me
if I take a look at it and I'll surely know where to go although it's a little bit complicated I start looking for the guardian's office I pass through the entrance and the hallways I can see different types of groups starring at me but I don't mind them
Some even looked at me like they were disgusted by my appearance
Just when I was feeling fade up I see a label 'office' on one of the doors in front of me I knocked on the door and I heard a lady's voice telling me to get in
I get inside and I see a girl of about my age with big Brown eyes and dark brunette hair talking to the middle-aged lady she tells me to take a seat
"You must be miss stone right our new transfer student from San Francisco, and it mentions here you're on sponsorship I am your principal Mrs ross welcome to crown lake high academy".
Thank you Mrs ross, I utter.
"Let me hand you your timetable and locker number ,miss stone I believe you are a very well mannered young lady." Says Mrs.Ross
"Miss Oliveira, can you please show miss stone around the school and to her first class ".
"Why me why not the school tour guide?" The Brown eyes girl Rebuttals .
"well it's part of your punishment and your one of my best students here " retorts Mrs.Ross
"Fine follow me " she utters
I collect my timetable and locker number , I follow her lead, my name is Amelia how about you?
" My name is Mia let me take a look at your timetable well it shows here that you have English, math, gym and science class with me so I'll just have to show you a few places around I'll just have to show you the music room its the only one we don't take together let me show you to your locker it says on this paper that its just opposite mine "
we reach my locker and I unpack some things from my bag and put them in the locker ,while mia waits for me ,we get going to our first class which is English class
"Before we proceed let me tell you the rules of this school New girl
1. stay away from Jordi she's the popular girl here and her minions Chloe and Camila are rude and are the bullies of this school
2. we have three popular hot charming boys here called the trio caden miller he has brunette hair and brown eyes his family are the third richest millionaires in this town his family owns a fortune and are owners of the Miller hotel and resorts secondly is Xavier Orlando his family is well known for the biggest publishing companies he has black jet platinum hair and light blue eyes.
3. we have Holden Andrews his family owns the Drew empire and are well known ,they are the billionaires of this town he has dark brunette hair and blue eye's too, Am sure you must have heard of them because they are pretty famous especially holden his an Instagram star and his parents are actors too, ohh and stay away from him because his girlfriend is Jordi and she's going to make your life here living hell if you go anywhere close to him the good part is that they are all in English class and I'll have time to show you, everyone, I'll also introduce you to blossom my other friend am sure you'll like her too".
The name Holden Andrew's rings a bell is he the same guy I stalk on social media every day but I brush it off must be another person
Today is going out so far so good mia and I are on our way to English class I hope people in this class aren't rude the bell rings and we are just on
as we enter class mia tells me to sit on the seat behind her because no one sits there ,The teacher isn't yet here and I think most of the students aren't here as well we must be early or they must be late.
What are you thinking about young lady" I hear a middle-aged man say to me.
He brings me out of my thoughts, oh sorry sir I was just thinking about something important.
"You must be miss stone our new transfer student, it's a pleasure to meet you"
Same applies to you sir I mutter
"Call me Mr Brown, everybody takes your sits we are about to begin today's lesson"
10 mins after Mr Brown's teachings the door slides open and Three tall handsome boys appear insight ,The first one has with golden-brown hair has Brown eyes according to Mia's description he must be caden The the second one has black hair and blue eye's his super cute so that must be Xavier.
The next person into view has me thanking heavens I got a scholarship to this school its Holden Andrew's the same guy I spend most of my time stalking on social media omg I can't believe it
Thee Holden Andrew's goes to crown lake high, and his in my English class, can't wait to brag it to tori, Never in my life have I dreamt of meeting him.
''Boys you're late again'' says Mr Brown
"sorry we've been busy with football practice we have a big game coming up Mr Brown " one of the boys who appears to be Xavier responds.
"alright take your seats and don't disturb my lesson " Mr.brown utters.
Caden and Xavier sit in the middle seats and Holden searches for a seat and the only free chair is beside me he walks towards the chair and Seats beside me, oh heavens above is this a dream or what ! is he sitting next to me, keep your cool Amelia I say to myself.
I kept gazing at Holden throughout The lesson but he didnt even look my way it sucks.
The bell rings which signals that the lesson is over, I quickly get up and rush
"Amelia wait up I hear mia shouting what are you hurrying up for you don't even know where the cafeteria is"
oh yeah, I don't, I just wanted to put my books into the locker first that's all
"Okay if you say so come on let's go "
The day goes by so fast mia introduced me to blossom she's pretty and cool I like her I didn't see the Jordi girl and her minions wonder where they all went
Schools over and dad texted me saying he won't be able to make it today so Ava will be here instead
I say bye to mia and walk across the parking lot and see Ava's car parked there I get in and she asks me how my day was I just say it was alright
We arrive home and Ava starts preparing food in the kitchen .
"So How was your first day "
it wasn't bad I made friends and I must say that school has a lot of famous people for my liking just like the famous IG model Holden Andrew's and his friends Xavier Orlando and caden miller
"Okay can't wait to meet your new friend's Lil sis and I've heard a lot about those three and isn't Holden your IG crush "
No, he's not my crush I don't like him
"Lia who are you kidding isn't he the guy you couldn't shut up about last Christmas and stalked him every day"
I stay silent because I don't want to further the conversation, Ava will surely make it a big deal
I finish eating and freshen up after being done I decide to face time tori it has been long since I talked to her I have to tell her about it. Holden is also at crown lake and his in almost all the classes as I am.
I call her and she picks up after 2rings
I tell her about everything that happened today
''Holy shit Amelia! She shouts through the phone, are you telling me you are In the same class as Holden the same guy you've stalking all Christmas holiday you're so lucky, girl! does he know it's you wait no he certainly doesn't know because he's only read your messages but never seen you in. person''
Hold up tori you are more excited than I am
Am sure he didn't know it was me plus he doesn't know I probably exist how many girls have texted him anyway
''awwww I wish I was there lia I would have confronted him and told him you are the girl who wrote a long speech to him on his birthday last year, He even made a video to thank you but you didn't have the guts to tell him it's you but instead you made a fake account,''
I wish you were here Tori I miss your crazy ass.
''I miss you too Amelia I've got to go am escorting mum to the beauty parlour I'll talk to you later ''
I finish talking to tori and start doing my homework
while listening to some songs after doing my homework I decided to check out my social media account and got a notification that mia started following me!
She asked for my IG handle earlier at school
and boy did she add me to some school group chats
I text her and she replies in an instant and we talk about trying out some sports like joining the track team or cheerleading.