The sticker note girl
In the dark road and the silence of the night there is a woman walking while throwing ...
Chapter 1
I was on my way back to my apartment when I passed by a secluded area. It was dark and deserted there. It's eleven o'clock at night, I just came from my groupmate's house because we finished the final output printing of our thesis, the submission date is tomorrow. when I got home, I didn't deliver anymore because the apartment I was staying in was nearby.I'm used to going home alone even though it's late at night. But I feel strange this night. Even though I'm just afraid to walk. I hug myself, in the cool breeze.
after a while, I automatically hid to one side when I saw some men in black surrounding a bloody woman who was trying to crawl to her feet. Trampled,
being kicked and pointed at. I can hardly breathe from where I am standing.
I gasped and covered my mouth when a man drew his gun. The woman was very upset. She was shocked and her mouth was open. After they did that, they left the woman's body like trash. When they got away, they left. I came out of the hiding place and ran towards the woman. Her posture was pitiful, bathed in her own blood and full of bruises and wounds on various parts of her body. I immediately looked for the part where she was shot. I took off the T-shirt I was wearing, I tore it and immediately covered his wound that did not stop bleeding. I used one hand and quickly opened my bag. I reached for my cellphone and denied my friend's number. It's good and he answered right away.
"E-ethan, I need your help." I said full of dread and fear.
"Huh? Why? What happened?" he replied worriedly.
"I'll explain it later but please, please come here." I almost cried.
"Okay. Where are you?" he said worriedly.
"Here near my apartment." I answered immediately and looked again at the girl almost my age.
Minutes passed, I heard a horn and a car stopped behind me.
"Abi!" he shouted and ran to me.
"E-Ethan...T-Let's help him. s-She's dying." I said trembling while still holding the woman.
He looked at what I was talking about. His eyes widened and pulled back as if he saw a ghost when he saw the woman. He was so stunned that I was surprised. but I was worried so I yelled at him.
"ETHAN CAN YOU HEAR ME?" He shook his head and then attended the woman but I see a strange emotion in his eyes..
"Ah..ah. S-who did this?" I didn't pay attention to his tone of shock, anger, hurt and pity. The emotions I heard were mixed.
"I-I don't know who they are but we need to take him to the hospital, he's right. Maybe, maybe he'll run out of blood."
I was about to help lift the girl. But Ethan immediately picked her up. He quickly walked towards his car. I quickly opened the backseat and he put the girl in. I immediately got into the passenger seat and he did the same in the driver's seat. He immediately took the car. It was very tightI held onto my seatbelt as he sped away."Ethan, what is it? Please slow down." I was afraid to respond to this. After a while, we reached the nearest hospital. We immediately went out. I went straight into the hospital and called for help. The nurses quickly responded. Ethan took the woman out and laid her down on the hospital cot. The nurses quickly pushed her along with Ethan and me. he was admitted directly to the emergency room.
I was restless as I walked back and forth and thought about what was happening.
"Abi, sit down. I'm dizzy with you."
I turned to him, he was holding his head as if he was too worried. Like me, he is also restless.
when the door opened, he came forward to meet the doctor who had just come out.
"Are you the patient's family?" said the doctor.
I didn't answer right away, Ethan and I met our eyes.
"Yes Doc." he answered directly.
The doctor nodded.
"What happened to the patient was serious. He had two bullet wounds. There are many bruises and wounds on his body. That's why he will undergo many operations because the bullets need to be removed from his body." explained the doctor at length.
"Do your best." I said. He nodded and said goodbye.
Then, I told Ethan what happened.
"Don't you notice anything in men?" I thought about his question. I don't remember anything because fear and apprehension prevailed at that point.
"I only remember one. They were all in black." I saw him clench his fist. But I never asked why. Maybe, like me, she just felt sorry for the woman and wanted to hold that confused group accountable.
"Shouldn't we report to the police?" I asked suddenly. he was alarmed and immediately shook his head. I frowned. Why?
"This case is dangerous. If we report, his life and your life will be in more danger..." he answered.
"and be me." he continued. He was right, so I agreed that we would keep the incident a secret.
I decided to go home to my apartment first because I looked dirty. I was also wearing blood. I got a taxi and pointed the way home. I took off my clothes and took a shower. I spent about 30 minutes in the bathroom before I finished and then got dressed. While I was fixing my shoelaces, I heard someone knocking on my door. I finished what I was doing and walked to open it. but suddenly I felt fear like I felt when I saw the girl last night.I decided to look out the side of my window to see who it was. My eyes widened at what I saw. Men in black with weapons. My heart beat very fast. I leaned back and closed my eyes due to the extreme nervousness I felt. I ran to my bathroom andit was locked. I thought of hiding there but I immediately realized, it's not possible, I have to get away from the place where those men can't see or notice. but how? What will I do? I'm not sure I'm their target or why they're here? And even more, I don't know if they are the men I saw last night, but that's what I suspect.
What is their problem? What do they need from me? Why are they here in my apartment? Am I next to the girl I saved? They look like a syndicated group of you who kill anyone. I need to get away, not hide here. I came out of the bathroom and took a chair from the side and slammed it against my wooden window. So I broke it. I heard the door open, so I hurriedly went up to the window and stepped into the hole that was just right for me. I almost swallowed my tongue in fear of the depth of the apartment when I looked down below it.
I slowly cling to the side of the building's wall and carefully run away.
"Search the whole room." I heard a shout.
In my current situation, it's like I'm doing a circus or acrobatic show. I was sweating but calmed down by 5% when I reached the other room. I kicked the wooden window too.when I read it, I immediately jumped into it. The one who checked in that room was surprised and even screamed. sorry for disturbing what they have already doneasked to do it but I don't have time. I ran down to the 2nd floor until I got out of the apartment building. I almost had a heart attack when a few men in black noticed me. I quickly ran down the road and stopped an oncoming taxi. After it stopped, I immediately got inside and told the driver to start the car. he followed me wondering. I even looked behind me to see if I had been followed. My emotions were mixed. I screamed in shock when I heard the sound of a gun. I covered my head and crouched under the back seat. There was a hole there's the back of the taxi. I saw that he was panickingthe driver too. He seemed to be absent minded thinking about the events."STOP it." I shouted. I felt like we were about to be overtaken if it continued. I had to get away.
"Why are they chasing us?" he said.
"What the hell-." he didn't finish what he was going to say.
I covered my mouth when a bullet hit the driver's forehead. I cried at what I saw. the taxi continued to run so I was even more confused and worried about what might happen. I don't know how to drive. How is this?
I didn't know what to do. I was sweating. I swallowed in no time. I could hardly breathe when I saw the approaching ten-wheeler truck. I couldn't really think of anything but my body moved spontaneously, I opened the door of the taxi and even against my will, I jumped out of the taxi causing me to roll on the road. I groaned from the pain in my body. I covered my head when I saw 't hear the collision of mused to ride taxis and ten-wheeler trucks.It exploded with the force of the impact. The taxi could no longer be seen while the front of the ten-wheeler truck was destroyed and smashed. I turned to the stopped vehicles. They were here. I crawled and felt the pain just to stand up. I felt like I was drunk who walked to somewhere.
"That's the woman." shouted one of them, causing her companions to turn to where I was. there.
"Oh my god!"I screamed when I heard the sound of a gun from behind.
How is this?
My knees were shaking in despair. There were many men in black with weapons aimed at me now.
"Give up." shouted one.
"W-why? What do you need from me?"I stammered and leaned against the railings of the bridge.
"Don't worry about it anymore."
"Please use a mirror. If only you hadn't interfered."
I seem to know what they mean. They are chasing me because I helped the girl they almost killed. If I surrender, they will definitely do to me what they did to that girl.
I still have many dreams in life. And I will not let die in vain. All people die. I will die because of God's will. Not because of people who don't have the right to take their lives.
I swallowed and looked at the sky.
Help me, I said in my mind.
I looked to my side. I was on the bridge. A dangerous idea entered my mind.
"It's not people like you who can kill someone like me." I said bravely and quickly landed on the railings of the bridge and without hesitation jumped from there.
"It's gone."
"Shoot him."
"Don't let that girl escape." were the words I heard from them before I capsized in the deep water.
I heard them raining bullets but I quickly swam under the bridge. it's a wonder I didn't drown, I just realized I can swim. Is it because of adrenaline rush?
.I hid and waited there for half an hour. Later, I swam to the side and ran into the woods. I almost fell on my knees and fell to the ground as I passed while the pain spread through almost every part of my body. I stopped and I leaned against the big treeI was tired. I stayed there for a few minutes and continued to travel to whatever destination I could reach. There were only big trees in this area. There were no people or houses. I felt scared because the surroundings were getting dark. What if I'll come back?
but I've come a long way. I can't go back because of the tiredness and lack of courage due to the darkening of the sky.
My spirit woke up and my attention returned when I heard a car horn in the distance. It was as if the tiredness disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of hope. I quickly walked and followed where the car noise was coming from. where it is now, I saw on the surfacea small road. I quickly walked and took support from small trees so I could climb up there.
.I lay down on the side of the road as my strength weakened.
"Hoooooo." I just said and sat down.
Where can I be?
What place is this?
I stood up and patted myself. My clothes were dry.
I walked towards the road. After a few minutes, I saw the enlarged house. Maybe its owner's wealth.
But what a waste of its size and beauty if it is in the jungle? Why is it here in no-man's land?
I walked to the gate of the mansion. I quickly leaned and hid on the side when I saw the two guards guarding the guard post. Shit!!!
It's almost there!
How do I get in here?
What will I do?
I looked at the first side of the gate. an idea came to my mind. I quickly ran to that part and looked up at the high wall. How is this?
I stared at the fallen branch of the coconut under its tree. I quickly took it and when I got back to the edge of the wall, I immediately leaned it on it. I climbed up with it without hesitation. When my hand reached the end of the wall. I gasped when something hit my hand and I felt the when I looked at the hand, there wasit's a small wound and it's still bleeding. Shit!!!Broken bottle? I wonder why who is it for. It's for thieves not for a goddess like me. I cursed in my mind.
I need to be careful.
I tried again, being careful not to get hit by the broken bottles. I did it successfully. I landed on top of the wall and carefully jumped into the wide bermuda grass inside the mansion. I was not noticed. of the guards because it was quite dark in thethis part. I looked around the whole area. I was amazed at its beauty from the imported flowers on the side wall connected to the gate, fountains in the middle and on both sides and its heart-shaped swimming pool. I was even more amazed when see a variety of vehicles in maygarage like White Limousine, Red Ferrari, Mercedez, Porsche and many other sports cars lined up in its garage. Maybe? car company owner who owns the mansion? That's possible!
It's like my movements have become a ninja.
Run there. Hide. Run again. Hide again.
I thought I would go to the back of the mansion. I took off my shoes and hid them under the plant. I climbed the pillar on the way to the terrace at the back. When I reached the railings, I took support from it so that I could climb all the way up. . I didn't make any noise while peeking through the window. I immediately turned the door knob and it opened immediately. I slowly pushed the door and revealed to me the large room with White & Black Motifs. Clean and arrange to arrange everything. I walked to the closetand searched for something to wear. I took off my pants and put on a pair of white boxer shorts. It's okay, I had no choice. I also changed the V-cut gray shirt I was wearing sleeveless and a coat. I just threw what I was wearing before under a King-sized bed.
From crouching down, I stood up and panicked and hid under the bed when someone suddenly knocked.
I heard the door open.
"Where is that guy?" he said.
Is he referring to the owner of the room?
He walked around and went to the closet.
I hope he doesn't notice my groping there.
"Oh! It's true. I told you, did this Boss have a trick. Did he really buy a bra? Haha." he said laughing and I think he was still shaking his head.
My forehead fell. My face turned red with shame.
"Shit..."I said in my mind.
What stupidity is that again Abigail? Of all the things you can leave on top of the closet, why not your bra?
I bit my lip and fell silent when I heard another door open.
"What the hell are you doin' in here?"scary noise when entering or exiting a male voice.
The other one retreated.
Don't tell me is he scared?
That voice was really scary.
"Ah...oh Boss...I'm sorry." he said fearfully.
"Leave or I'll bury you alive." he said angrily.
the man immediately left.
Wow! I can bury you alive brother?
I already know those words.
It's just a threat but it doesn't really work.
I wonder if Kuya can kill. Maybe he can't kill a fly, is he still human? Duhhh...His boss is also arrogant right?
Boss? so he is the owner?
"Holy shit! Who's bra is this?" his shout echoed throughout the room. I covered my mouth for the second time.
This is what he said? What is the difference between This and That?
Gosh...huhuhu maybe he took it. Oh no!
I looked at his feet walking closer to the bed.
A few minutes passed, he just stood there. My eyes widened when someone jumped on the floor? Sweats? Or fresh water? But why is he sweating? It's like small water droplets.
yes, right* no, did he just come out of the shower room?
But what if? OMG! Don't tell me? He's mastur-...
No no no...
My eyes almost watered at the mischievous thought.
Abi, he's not doing anything! Be positive, you're just too green.
My jaw dropped when a white Calvin Klein fell.
What the? S-Seriously, is it a b-brief?
What is he doing, did someone drop a brief here?
Is it really his?
The size seems extraordinary. Fuck! In my mind I was cursing myself for being green.
My God!
later, he picked it up. And walked to the terrace where I came from earlier.
I rolled on the floor until I got out from under the bed. I immediately stood up and carefully walked to the door to get out.
I went out and saw a high staircase so I went down it. I need to find the kitchen to satisfy my hunger. Then, I'll just look for a storage room to rest there without being noticed by anyone in this mansion.
I feel so hungry.
it's good and I don't have any creatures to meet.after a few minutes, I almost ran to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and searched for something to eat. I took a sandwich and prepared it on the dining table. I sat down and poured it. I was about to drink a Chocolate Liquid Drink when suddenly something speak reasoto make me stiff from my seat."Oh Jesus...Who are you?" he said in surprise when a familiar voice entered.
The fear of the boss!
I can't see his appearance and I'm sure it's him too. Because I was facing the food and my hair covered my face.
I bite my lip a lot.
Gosh, how are you? I'm dead.
"You're wearing---. Oh, you're the owner of that. Right, right." he said thinking and laughing.
Owner? What does this mean I own?
My bra? I closed my eyes when I realized what he meant.
"You are Boss's lucky girl." he added.
my eyes widened and gaped.
He walked to the other seat and sat there and faced me. I slowly looked up and smiled like a fool.
"H-h-hi?" I stammered in response.
He smiled handsomely.
My gosh!
"Hi too..by the way, I'm Josh Lei Perkins at your service. " he said with a wink and extended his hand.
I adjusted my seat and confidently introduced myself. I should act like I'm not suspicious.
"I'm Abi..." I said and accepted his hand.
"I have something to ask you. This is just for us, right?"
I nodded. I gasped when he came to me suddenly and whispered something.;
"Is Boss good at roman--." he didn't finish it when someone shouted.
We stood up in shock and looked at the opening of the door.
"Bo-boss." Josh said nervously.
It's gone. Dead...dead...dead.
No...no...no...Will I wake up?
"Boss, I have no bad intentions. Your thinking is wrong. Boss, I'm sorry." he added.
Josh, what are you talking about?
"WHAT? WHO THE FUCK IS THAT GIRL?"He was very annoyed and was still pointing at me.
"Boss... Because you got it. You forgot about it right away. You didn't tell boss to bring a girl to your mansion. That's why you were angry earlier. I disturbed you."
"HOLD HER!" you responded angrily.
"Po Boss?" Josh said in surprise, seemingly confused.
my eyes widened and I felt the tremors, not only in my knees but also in my whole body.
Is this really the end?
I remembered the famous saying."As long as there is life, there is hope."
Right! There is still hope!
I quickly turned around and ran to the not far back door. I was about to open the door but a gunshot stopped me.
"BOSS." I heard Josh shout.
"Ahhhhhhh." I screamed and felt pain when someone hit me from the side.
I fell to the floor.
"Boss, what--"
"Who the hell are you bitch?" he said when he got close to me and pointed a gun at me.
"Are you a spy?
Who sent you here? "he said violently.
I trembled in fear. My eyes widened when I saw a lot of blood flowing from my side.
Am I going to die?
Lord, help me.
It's just a little bit but the bleeding is profuse. Is it punishment for breaking into the house of a mysterious rich stranger who has a mansion in the middle of the woods?