17 years old LUKAS' POV
Hand on the locker beside her head, I smirked. "Lonely today, Sanders? Fancy some company?"
She returned my smirk, her eyes already glazing over in lust. Those are the eyes of a man eater, I'm telling you, and damn, how I love that kind of girl. "Why? You know somebody that's willing, Bennet?"
I leered, licking my lips. Such a tease ... I love it, I just love when I need to fight for it, otherwise, what's the fun in it? I mean, I can get whatever chick in my bed, I barely need to woo them, nothing hard, just a couple of phrases, sometimes even only introducing to them is enough, but I simply love it when it takes me longer, when I need to use up my expertise to get them to spread my legs for me. It's enthralling, almost as much as getting my father mad is. The old man sees the devil when he sees me, and I won't deny I love it.
Leaning in, I brought my lips to Sheila's ear. "I know somebody with a big enough SUV." I bit down. "And trust me, that's not the sole big thing ..."
She grinned, glancing down at the floor. I'll admit, I've kept Sheila Sanders as last in my collection for a reason. I could have had her ages ago, but I chose to wait. Because I love a good challenge, and I knew she would be one. Not because she's prude or virgin or crap like that, hell, no, the girl gives it away as if it weren't hers, most of my friends have already been with her, so that's not it ...
I chose to save Sheila as last notch simply because she's to be chased, she's a hunter, not a prey, and hunting a hunter is always tricky, that's why I need to take it carefully. I love the thrill of the chase she gives me, that's why I chose to wait. Even though, this is only a game, I mean, I know she wants me, I know damn well Sheila's mouth waters at the thought, she just likes playing around, same as I do.
However, I barely heard her reply, because with my peripheral vision I caught sight of a bigger challenge, one that has my mouth water, I'll admit. It's hard not to notice her in a crowd, despite how much she craves to be invisible, and it made me smile that she scuttled away as fast as possible, in fear I saw her. I bet she knows I watch her. She just doesn't understand why, and how could she? How could she understand why does the "bad boy", "Lincoln High's King", as people like to call me, seem interested in her? So chubby, so clumsy, so ... mediocre, not at all up to the standards he's used to, actually, the complete opposite to his type of conquest. Well, that's exactly why.
Tara Baker. The very cliché of a goody-two-shoes, how couldn't she have my mouth water? I'm a hunter, a predator, and like the lion tends to devour the weakest gazelle in the flock, I would so very much love to taste that virgin ass. God, I love virgins. Really. Well, I like both types of girls, but virgins ... you need to play the most careful with virgins, they've never had contact, so you're like Neil Armstrong stepping onto the moon's soil, of course you gotta be careful. And not just physically, it's also about emotions, virgins are virgins because they won't give it away just to anyone, so of course you need to gain their trust, befriend them, bring them to think you're by their side ... only then will they entrust you with their most precious gift.
And Tara Baker ... ah, Tara Baker is the greatest challenge, she's the challenge of the century, my biggest bet. She doesn't have friends except for Sheila, she's as shy as it can get, insecure, a nerd even ... the very definition of a good girl. To top it all off, she comes from a Catholic college. How couldn't my mouth water at the idea of seducing a cute chubby Catholic virgin?
It's a pity that she's lost a few pounds lately, this way she'll have more guys ogling her, which might make my intent more difficult, but then again, I do like competition ... it makes victory so much sweeter.
I was able to tune back in my little game with Sheila right in the nick of time, before she realized where was I looking. I need to play extra careful, Tara is her best friend, and Sheila is quite vindictive for a chick ... if she were to find out I've got my eyes on her chubby friend, she'd wage war, and at that point I may as well forget not only about adding the last notch to my belt, but also about tasting that mouthwatering virgin ass.
Sheila Sanders is my female version, she can be as poisonous as the deadliest snake, if she came to know what I'm up to, Lincoln High would witness the worst war ever brought upon this mild town. It might be fun, but I'd rather not risk losing the virgin.
However, being a great pretender helps. That's why I was able to flirt with Sheila – taking advantage of her playing innocent by gaping at the floor – while at the same time I let myself enjoy the sight of that not anymore that much flabby ass scuttling away. Really, I'd have rather she'd kept those pounds on, but I can settle, she's still enough chubby for it to be a good hunt.
Also, to be honest, without those pounds, her face looks less puffy, which allows her beautiful traits to come out, so ... yeah, it's good that she lost something because she looks prettier that way, but it's bad for my plan. I just hope she'll stay like this, there's no need to lose more, she's perfectly fine, I mean, weren't it for this mainstream thing about boys chasing skinny girls, and weren't she so shy,I bet she'd have lots of horny guys at her feet. I can't be the sole one to appreciate the beauty,can I? Then again, my peers are quit stupid,so, well,never mind. They don't know that it's the most hidden,most invisible ones that can give you the biggest treasure.
Ah,imagine how would teaching that precise virgin be ... I was barely able to focus on my game enough not to raise suspects in Sheila. Physically I was with her,playing hard to catch and shit, but my mind was already much ahead,picturing her best friend in my bed. Once taught,virgins can become the best fuck of your life. Trust me,I would know,I've had tons of virgins.
Tara was quite fat before, you know, like, unhealthy kind of fat, now she's only chubby, so I easily went from simply wanting the virgin, no matter what, to actually liking her. Oh, don't worry, I'll stop you right there, before you let your mind wander to some ridiculous fantasy where I actually have a crush on the goody-two-shoes. I don't. I just like that losing some fatso brought out her maddening curves, that's all. If my mouth watered before, now I'm downright starving.
Another guy might be pushed to work faster, in such circumstances, while I? I'm only compelled to refine my strategy.
However, before the virgin, there's her best friend, the man eater. I've waited enough for Sheila, time to grab my prize.
How do they say? The game is on.