Elliot Harper, or Ellie as she likes to be called, thought she was a normal girl about to turn 16 when everything went u...
Chapter 1
That’s all I wanted.
After everything with my real parents abandoning me and being raised by my adopted parents, I just wanted an easy life… but of course, that couldn’t happen. I couldn’t understand why this had to happen to me.
But let me start from the beginning…
It was just like any other day… I smiled at my friends as I walked down the hallway to my locker. I ran my fingers through my long black hair as I laughed at a joke my best friend, Tessa, just told me. I was happy and in a really good mood. It was my birthday after all. I was dressed in my favorite black skinny jeans and a baby doll peach blouse with peach flats. I’d actually straightened my hair today and it was cooperating with me. The leaves were just starting to change for fall. I made it to my locker and got my book out for my next class. Tessa left to head to her next class, leaving me alone. When I closed my locker, a familiar face popped up. I smiled immediately.
My boyfriend.
Justin Lakes.
He was leaning up against the lockers with a rose in his hand. He ducked his head to give me a quick kiss on my cheek. He knew how much I hated PDA but this was a special occasion so I allowed it.
“Hey. Happy birthday, babe,” he smiled, handing me the rose. My smile grew into a goofy grin as I took the rose and smelled it. It smelled fresh and floral. It wasn’t much, but it was simple and my heart melted at the gesture. Justin was a simple guy. He wasn’t big on theatrics and I knew that. This was enough.
“Thanks Justin,” I smiled. I just couldn’t seem to stop smiling today. He grabbed my books and walked me to my next class. We talked easily as we headed to my class. As we were walking, a weird feeling came over me. I shuddered. It felt like someone was watching me. I’d had the feeling before, but it wasn’t as intense as it felt now. Even when I felt it, I shrugged it off and walked to bury myself in a crowd too afraid to find out what was going on. This time, I turned and looked to where the feeling was coming from. I saw a man watching me. He could’ve been mistaken for a young, new teacher, but I knew that he didn’t work here. If he did, people were sure to talk. With smooth brown hair and piercing blue eyes, the stranger was handsome. But he was a stranger, and the way he was looking at me so intensely was freaking me out. He was wearing a plain white collared shirt with a pair of jeans. Ice coursed through my veins but I couldn’t say that I was scared of him. Something in my gut told me that I didn’t have to be. I turned back and tried to ignore him, but curiosity got the best of me and I turned to catch another look but he was gone.
“Ellie?” Justin asked. My attention snapped back to him. He laughed. “Wow, someone’s spacey on their birthday,” he joked. I smiled sheepishly and shrugged.
“Sorry, what were you saying?” I asked, trying to dismiss the strange man.
“I was asking if you wanted anything specific for your 16th birthday,” he repeated. My smile tightened as I shook my head.
“Not really. My parents are pushing for me to choose a car or have a party, but I’m okay with just going to dinner with you, Tessa and my parents,” I explained. I was a simple girl; I didn’t need much to make me happy. Justin didn’t understand that. He was simple, but only when it came to romantic gestures. He was the jock-head type. He was blunt, athletic, and nothing he said was ever thought provoking. It was a little sad, but he asked me out one day our freshman year and we just sort of stayed together. We’d been together for two years. When we made it to my classroom, he pecked my cheek and wished me a good day before he left.
I made my way to my seat as the bell rang. I was happily surprised to see that we had a substitute today. This day just keeps getting better and better. Because the sub didn’t want to do anything, we ended up watching a documentary about mutations and natural selection. It was a bit freshman year, but no one was complaining. We didn’t have to work. I felt a pang in my chest. It felt like a dull ache. I yawned and figured I just didn’t get enough sleep last night. I laid my head on my desk and tried to sleep the pang away.
Sadly, no such luck.