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Evil's Embrace (Celestial Pets)

Bianca Sommerland
80.0K · Completed


Created pure and innocent, the newborn angel Fae’s only crime is loving the mortal realm too much. She wants to see, to ...

SuspenseFantasySupernaturalCounterattackTrue LoveRebirthlove-triangleAlphaFemale leadDominant


Glitter-coated leaves crunched underfoot as the men gathered around the dead bonfire. Smoke and noxious fumes from sex and beer still tainted the air. A small black stereo sat on a tree trunk, belting out sickening noise.

Midael let out a roar and smashed the stereo with his boot heel. The ??music?? cut off at the violent crush, and the only sound that remained was the echo of his anger. His wavy black hair slashed at his face as the wind whipped around him. ??Again they??ve eluded us! How, unless someone warned them we were coming???

??Careful, Midael.?? Samax stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pristine white suit jacket. As perfectly put together as the rest, crisp and clean-cut, but something about him irked Midael. Something more than the smirk that always played at the edges of his lips. ??That almost sounded like an accusation.??

Baring his teeth in a sneer, Midael kicked the broken stereo shell aside then stepped up to the youngster. ??Almost? Perhaps I should make myself clear.??

Samax blew a strand of his choppy golden hair from where it had drifted across his clear blue eyes. ??Perhaps you should. You got something to say to me, man???

??Enough.?? Nakir laid a heavy black hand on Samax??s shoulder while his twin, Munkir, shifted closer to Midael. ??We??ve wasted more than enough time chasing the rebels. Samax, return to your duties. I believe you have finals???

??I won??t be dismissed.?? Samax shrugged off Nakir??s hand and pulled a pack of cigarettes from inside his jacket. ??And if you??re saying the time we just spent following the latest lead to the largest gathering of Fallen in history is a waste, then there??s something bigger going on. I want in. What??s up???

??What??s up??? Midael barked out a laugh. ??Including him in the ranks of the Virtues is a farce. Go, boy. The grown-ups need to talk.??

??He has as much right to be here as you do, Midael.?? Paschar moved away from the group gathered on the other side of the bonfire, sweeping his long white hair over one shoulder irritably. ??And it is beneath you to question. None of us is pleased that Asmosdeus is always a step ahead of us, but doubting your brothers is not acceptable.?? Gesturing for the others to move closer, he squared his shoulders and looked them over. ??Whatever tasks you left for this hunt, go complete now. Quickly. Another newly formed is to be tested. We must prepare to act.??

Unsheathing the dagger at his hip, Midael held it up and smiled at the gleaming blade. ??Why wait???

??Because the Father of Lies gets a free pass twice a millennium, tough guy.?? Samax let out a circle of smoke. ??Don??t you do your homework???

Things had changed, and Midael didn??t like it. Once he would have had the right to lay the cheeky young angel out for his cockiness, for simply having the gall to speak to him in such a disrespectful manner. But Samax was all that he was meant to be. Salvation for the modern youth, the voice of the few faithful that remained among them. He reflected everything they had become.

Disgusting, but as Paschar constantly repeated, he??d earned his right to stand with the Virtues. Under the new regime, in any case. As far as Midael was concerned, the earth was due for another cleansing flood. Then, perhaps, the old way would reign once again.

??I don??t understand.?? Munkir??s iridescent, dark blue eyes narrowed as he tipped his head back to look up at Paschar. ??None has ever failed the test. Why concern ourselves now???

??Three newly formed have taken the fall mere weeks after their descent within the last decade??and countless others within their first year. The demons have grown bold, and the temptations of the world are overwhelming.?? Paschar shook his head, his forehead creasing slightly as though the loss disturbed him. ??The new are molded to reflect this era???? He glanced at Midael then shook his head. ??Undeniably flawed??yet with great potential.??

??You??re talking like he??or she??is destined to fail.?? Samax dropped his cigarette and frowned at Paschar. ??The Snake might be good, but you all saw right through him. So there??s hope that the new one will too, right???

??There??s always hope.?? Paschar gave Samax a tight smile. ??But it??s best that we don??t lay our faith in it. If she takes the fall, she must be dealt with before the Father of Lies has a chance to use her.??

??Which is where I come in.?? Most would be shocked if they knew, but secretly Midael prayed she would fail. He ran his thumb up his blade, eager to make an example of the fresh-faced, newborn angel before she had a chance to make fools of them all. As had too many before her. ??One touch and????

??Not one touch.?? Samax fisted his hands at his sides. ??All the others are forgiven a brief trespass of skin. Why should she be any different???

??She won??t be,?? Paschar said. ??But any more and????

??She??s mine.?? Satisfied, Midael stabbed his dagger home and turned to leave.

??You bloodthirsty bastard.?? Samax took a step toward him, but Nakir held him back. ??You??d kill us all if you could. None of us is good enough, pure enough????

??That??s not true, Samax.?? Nakir glared at Midael. ??Tell him that??s not true.??

??Who am I to doubt your worthiness??? Midael shrugged, well aware that his tone made it clear he found the young angel and all his ilk lacking. ??Most don??t have the stomach to do what must be done. So it falls on me.??

??Yes, Midael.?? Paschar rubbed his hand over his face. ??If she fails, you may??deal with her.??

??He doesn??t have to act like he??ll enjoy it,?? Samax grumbled.

Midael let himself fade from the forest, his pulse hammering in his veins as he pictured the newly formed angel lying in a puddle of her own blood. Righteousness was brutal and unforgiving. Sinners should be slain, no matter how pretty they looked. And unlike the others, he wouldn??t let her tears or pleas sway him. He would strike hard and fast??well, not too fast??

Like any angel worth his wings, he denied himself all earthly pleasures. But this, this pleasure was older than man, older than the Virtues??this pleasure came with the fall of Lucifer and all his minions. Killing them was absolutely euphoric.

I will enjoy killing her. Midael wiped a bit of moisture from his bottom lip and glanced around to make sure an elder such as Paschar wasn??t close enough to catch his thoughts. Of course, they rarely followed him into the slums where he hunted lesser demons and the soulless ones. They liked to pretend they didn??t know what he did to them. But for one as innocent as Samax??he smirked. The boy wanted to tag along? Good.

I??ll enjoy letting you watch.

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