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Chapter 2: In the Love Nest

Chapter 2: In the Love Nest

I picked Cyndy up Saturday afternoon. She told her mom that we were going to a double feature movie and would be home late. I think her mom was getting humped by some guy on the side because she seemed happy that her daughter was going to be gone most of the evening and that her husband was out of town on business.

We drove to the motel and checked into a room. It wasn’t a “love nest” type motel, actually one of the name brands and not sleazy at all. I had two suitcases so it looked as if we were legitimate travelers.

Cyndy was nervous. Well, that was to be expected, considering what was going happen to her in a couple hours. I told her to take a shower so she would be all nice and clean for Rod. While she was in the shower, I set out the equipment I would need. I checked the bed and found it had a wooden platform instead of a metal framework supporting the mattress. I had anticipated that and brought some screw-in metal ringbolts. Two of them I screwed into the end of the bed by the floor. Then I screwed another two at the top corners. That would allow me to bind her spread-eagle on the bed.

I was laying out some ropes when Cyndy came in, wearing a towel. “I guess I’ll have to be naked?” she asked. I told her that was the usual method. She placed the towel on the chair and stood there, wringing her hands.

I had seen her in the shower room at school, but standing next to a bed with a pile of ropes made my heart beat a little faster. Those hooters were fantastic! So big and firm, as to make your mouth water. The rest of her was not too bad, either. Fairly nice legs. Her waist could have been a little narrower, but on the whole, she was attractive. The pubic bush was full and the same dark brown as her hair.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

“First off, just relax,” I told her. “This is going to be fun! Just think about Rod and what he will look like with his clothes off.”

That put a big smile on her face. I don’t think she had seen too many naked men but was having little trouble imagining what that would look like. Every teenage girl wonders about that.

I picked up a length of rope and reached for her hand. Now, I’ll have to tell you that this was not the first time I had ever tied up another woman. Not by a long shot! I won’t go into a long story, but please believe me that I know how to tie a woman so that she cannot possibly free herself. It would have been fun to hogtie her and watch her squirm around all helpless and like that. But that kind of game would have to wait. There was another game afoot that night.

I tied the rope around her wrist and then another one around the other wrist. As I tied the knots firmly, she stared at the ropes as if she did not believe this was happening to her. This was the critical moment. I had to get her secured down to the bed so that she couldn’t change her mind. I told her to lie down on her back. Working quickly, I tied the rope from her left hand over and down to the ringbolt in that corner of the bed. Moving around to the other side, I threaded the rope through the ringbolt and pulled. Her arm came towards me and I tied the rope off.

Standing over her, I was feeling a heat between my legs. That full body was damned nice! I longed to touch it but had to wait just a little bit longer. The rest of the rope was used to bind her legs to the bottom corners, spread nicely. I fear I was breathing heavily by that point. But so was Cyndy. She was pulling at the ropes on her arms, sort of exploring the feeling. I guessed that she had never been tied down before. Oh, well, always some new experience to try.

Just one more important part to do and then to the fun and games. From my suitcase I took a gag that I had used many times before. It was simple, just a rubber ball with a leather strap threaded through it. Cyndy’s eyes went wide as she saw it approaching. “That’s a gag!” she said.

“Yes. We agreed that you should not be able to tell him no, right? So long as you know that you cannot stop the act, you can just lie back and enjoy it.”

I hurried to get the ball into her mouth before she changed her mind. As I did, I was telling her again how wonderful the feeling was and how much she’d be glad she did it. The ball was a little large for her mouth and I had to force it in behind her teeth. I didn’t want her biting down on it because that meant she could probably push it out with her tongue. It had to fit behind the teeth and press the tongue down. That way she could not force it out and words would be very hard to form with her tongue unable to move. I buckled the strap behind her head and sighed. There, she was now helpless!

Pulling an elastic bandage from the suitcase, I again lifted her head and wrapped it around her, covering her eyes totally. Now she was not only bound and gagged, but blindfolded as well.

As I stood up, I think she was really feeling true helplessness for the first time. Her eyes were wide before I added the blindfold, and her chest rose and fell almost as if she were panting. Her hands wiggled around, pulling against the ropes and fingers feeling for her wrists. Oh, it was so lovely!

There was another task that I felt was needed. Going to each corner of the bed, I untied and then pulled the ropes tighter until her arms and legs were stretched out far more strenuously than I had first tied them. She made noises through the gag, obviously telling me that the ropes were hurting. I knew they were tight, but also knew that they could be far worse. I knew what I was doing and that these were not tight enough to cut off the circulation. She could stay tied like that all night and only be a little stiff in the morning.

The idea of keeping her spread on the bed all night was, to say the least, intriguing. I would play with that body off and on for hours. Even take the gag out and force her to perform lesbian acts that she probably had never even imagined possible. It would be most pleasant. But such a session was not my goal right then.

Not that I would forego playing with her totally. No way! I was not going to walk out of that room, leaving her for a man, without touching and fondling that body. And other things. But first there was a call to be made. I picked up the phone and dialed Rod’s number. He answered immediately.

“She is ready,” I told him in as seductive a voice as I could manage. “Come and get it.” Then I told him the address of the motel and the room number. “The door will be unlocked.”

Apparently he had been thinking and come to the conclusion that maybe he was being set up for a dirty trick. I assured him that it was not so. I also pointed out that he knew me from classes and I would hardly play a trick on him. “She really is tied down to the bed, gagged and eager for you to get here,” I finished up with.

As I was talking, I was watching Cyndy. It was delightful to see her wiggling and squirming. I knew that, were she not blindfolded, she would be staring at me with disbelieving eyes. The way she tugged at the ropes clearly told how much she was feeling helpless. Which was pure nectar to me. I love seeing a woman experiencing utter helplessness. Even more so when there are sexual acts to follow.

And in this case, there certainly were. As soon as I put the phone down, I was kneeling over her on the bed and grabbing those breasts with both hands. I knew that it would take Rod about half an hour to drive there, which gave me a little less than that to have fun. Cyndy was making noises of protest through the gag and was shaking her head. Apparently her mother had also told her that lesbian lovemaking was a sin. I was straddling her waist and my weight on her, along with the ropes, there was nothing she could do to prevent my touching any part of her body I wanted to. Wonderful!

I teased the nipples and felt them grow harder between my fingers. Leaning over, I kissed her gagged mouth, and then I squeezed her breasts. Never had I caressed such large and firm breasts. Well, except for my own, but they weren’t as large, although good sized. Shifting around, I leaned over and ran my tongue around one nipple. Taking that breast in both hands, I squeezed and captured the nipple in my mouth to suck and lick. The only thing better than feeling a woman’s nipples harden in my mouth is to have mine doing the same in another woman’s mouth.

While sucking, one hand wandered down between her legs and cupped the furry patch there. She jerked as if she had been shocked, and wiggled her hips. But, there was also a moan coming from her and I knew full well that it was not a moan of pain or discomfort. My playing with her body was having the results I wanted.

“Just relax and enjoy it,” I told her. “All I’m doing is heating you up. Priming the pump, so to speak. When Rod comes in, you’ll be hot and ready to go.” Her struggles diminished but I could still feel that she was tense. I could just imagine what she was feeling, the heat between her legs and the tingling of nerves awakening. I explained some facts of life to her. “Men have a tendency to rush to the act too fast. They only think of their own pleasure and getting it as fast as possible. Many times that comes before the woman is aroused enough to enjoy her own pleasure.” I hoped I sounded like an experienced expert. Truth is, I was just repeating what I had heard from other, more experienced women. “I’ll have you juicy and eager before he comes in the door. That way if he climaxes fast, you’ll have a good chance of having your pleasure also.”

Which was true. My intent was to get her into a high state of arousal. But I was not going to leave her like that for some jock to screw. No, I had a different plan in mind.

Sliding down, I positioned myself between her legs. Spreading the pubic hair with my fingers, I dove into her private part. Before she realized what was happening, I was licking that oh-so-sensitive little bud. Her body went rigid and an extra loud moan came from behind the gag. She tried to close her legs but there were the ropes plus I was between her legs, keeping them apart with my knees as I attacked her with a vicious tongue lashing.

This was not the first time I had done so, and, indeed, it was nothing new for it to be done to me. Cyndy was lucky to have an expert introduce her to lesbian lovemaking. Between her helplessness and my talented tongue, she was soon moaning loudly and bucking as much as the ropes allowed her, thrusting her hips in full sexual arousal. I continued, enjoying it but also with one eye on the clock, so to speak. I didn’t want Rod coming in too early and catching us in a lesbian act. Of course, he might like it, but I didn’t want a man watching.

Just as I had planned, Cyndy had a most pleasing orgasm. Her whole body trembled and strange little sounds were coming out past the gag. I envied her at that point, wishing it were me who was having such pleasure. I could have kept up the licking and probably introduced her to another of women’s blessings: multiple orgasms. But I was worried about the time and got off the bed once I was certain she had reach nirvana.

Hurriedly I hid the suitcases and her clothes in the closet and left the room, making sure the door was, as I had promised, unlocked. I sat in my car in the parking lot and waited. It was only a couple minutes later that Rod’s Mustang came in. I watched from the far side of the parking lot as he cautiously searched for the right room number. I saw his hand lift to knock but then hold. Cautiously, he opened the door. For a while, all I saw was his back as he stood in the doorway looking in. Then he was inside and the door closed.

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