What? You are pregnant? Are you joking, you freaking idiot! -- he cried at her.
No. I'm saying the truth. -- she said ...
Dii.... Please... Let's go... Give me your hand for my support, let's go di... I don't want to marry him... Dii you didn't stand for yourself and now see what is your value in this house nothing... You are living like a slave here, but I don't want to live like a slave... Please dii... -- Adrija is crying in front of her dii... She is in her bridal attire, she didn't want to marry the guy whom her father choose...because she knows how the person is... And she also knows that how his father is.

Rija... But he is in love with you. And he is marrying you... Then why you are saying that you don't want to be a slave, he loves you then why he will do like that with you, Yeah I know I didn't stand for myself, but it's not true that I'm living my life like a slave, I'm just living my life like an ordinary girl that's it, dad chooses for you so it's best. right? And where you want to go in this attire... -- Shreeja said and she is thinking that her father is doing the right thing because she has full belief in her father after bearing all the pain and somewhere the reason behind her pain is her father.

Di... The man who is only made with fakeness, is in love with me, nice joke dii. Within 3-4 days he fell in love with me, you don't know his di, he has just lust over me, you know what he asked me two days ago? he asked about my size....., he wants to satisfy his lust with me that's it, and about dad, I pray to God that doesn't give others like my Dad, it's better to live without dad....rather with a dad like him-- Adrija said coldly.
Rija now it's too much... Let's go... It's already late... -- shreeja said without hearing anything.
Dii you also want me to live my life like you, you also want that I will live my life like a slave and at last when he will get satisfied with my body then he will throw me like you right... Dii just listens to me just for once if I will face single violence over me like you then I'll suicide now, it's your decision what you want to do... Either save me from this or push me into this. The decision is yours... -- Adrija said cryingly.
What are you saying... Is not necessary that the things which happened with me will also happen with you... Fate is not the same Rija... And just shut your mouth... Don't say like that.... -- Shrija said shoutingly and at the same time, she is crying because somewhere in her heart past wounds are still visible.
I'll jump from here Dii... Tell me your decision... I don't have any time... --- Adrija cried and indicated at the window.
What you want me to do... -- at last Shreeja said because she knows that how stubborn her sister is.
Let's run away from here dii... -- Adrija said.
Oh.. And you are thinking that it's easy... And if you will run away from here then where you will go, you don't know about our dad?? -- Shreeja said and at the same time, she is feeling a different kinds of emotions.
Just leave this on me... Let's go dii... -- Adrija said.
Shreeja saw her sister face which is red because of crying, she is feeling guilty because she didn't be able to do anything, in past, she was not able to stand for herself and today she is not able to oppose her father for her sister and at last after a lot of thinking she said --Change your dress first. I'm coming....after saying this she left from there.
Dii I'm ready... -- Adrija said after changing her dress.

Ok.. Come..., -- Shreeja said while taking a big bag.
Di what is this...? -- Adrija asked.
It's not your fairy tale Rija where you will move your magic stick and everything falls in your feet, it's a reality where you have to give something and take something after giving -- shreeja said.
Oh...I Understand... -- Adrija said.
Soon both reached airport and Adrija called her friend, and he came there at that instant.
This is your tickets and Visa, be very careful you both because you know it's fake... -- Alex said.
Don't take stress about this... and where is another thing which I asked you to give me -- Adrija asked.
Oh, I forget that.. Take this.. -- Alex again forwarded a medium size box...
Thank you.. -- Adria said.
Whenever you reach there just give me a call... -- Alex said.
Wait, guys... But where we are going... -- shreerja asked questioningly because she thought that maybe Adrija will live in the country where she is living means America but after hearing Visa she asked.
India... -- Adrija said.
What..... Are you joking Adrija.. Where we will live...? -- Shreeja said.
You don't know di.. But I know that person and I'm sure the person will help me because I helped the person once... -- Adrija said.
Hey guys, go from here and throw your phones into the dustbin because you know how your father is, just go safely and live safely, and also notify me whenever you reach. I'm going bye.. -- Alex said and left from there hurriedly.
Adrija and Shreeja both are entered in the airport and give their tickets for checking, and soon they both took their respective sits, security didn't catch them because it was well planned and worked by Alex.
Rija... Are you sure.. This is OK... Means India.. -- shreeja again asked.
Yes, dii... You know why I choose India because it's very far away from our dad's mind, he will never be able to think that we are living in India... -- Adrija said.
I'm feeling afraid.. What if dad will finds us. -- Shreeja asked fearfully.
Di..be strong.. Don't think negatively.. Dad will never.. And we will soon reach India and from where we will go where no one can find us. -- Adrija said.
Just hoping for good... Today I'm feeling like I am out of the cage... -- Shreeja said emotionally.
Dii... Now we will live together happily and we will make our new world in India.... -- Adrija said.
Humm...... -- Shreeja hummed.
Both sisters took a very difficult step in their life, now see what will happen to them.