I came home with the same disappointment as usual. I went to my study and tried drowning myself in the work but nothing was taking me out of her thoughts.
My wife is out there and God knows how she is and how is she even surviving in this new place.
I can't believe that I'm having these thoughts but it's true I'm stuck to her thoughts like a leech.
Only when I was lost deep in my thoughts I heard a knock on the door and that's when I remembered that I had asked for my regular coffee.
"Come in" I said looking at my laptop again.
The maid placed the coffee mug on my table and spoke.
"You want anything else" she said and I don't know why I looked at her after listening to her voice.
She was mesmerizing she had all the looks and she was simply perfect and I could not take my eyes off her.
I found I was making her uncomfortable and covered it up by asking her "new?"
"Yes" was her reply before leaving.
I don't know why but her voice remainds me of Anna. I have heard Anna from a distance and I can relate her voice to Anna's.
But is it a fact or I simply what to compare the voice as I'm attracted to her.
Oh God how can I get attracted to someone so soon and how do I even do that. I'm a married man and my focus should be on finding her out.
I was too confused and I knew I would not work any further so I went to my room and informed my maid that I won't be having dinner tonight through intercom.
When I was about to shut the door I heard a voice and someone yelled "carefull Anna"
That was it I was numb for some time and did not know what to do. Though I wanted go down and get confirmed about that girl and why they shouted that name I could not gather the straight to do so.
The entire night passed and all I thought was about Anna.
I don't know what was up with me a girl whom I did not even allow inside the house had made my whole life a mess.
I changed the house so that I don't remember that night but I don't think it helped me in any way.
All I hope is to meet her by any chance so that I won't let her go.
I want her back only to make sure she stays.
I was done with all of my work amd was almost leaving when Elisa came to me and asked me for a favour she asked me to give the coffee to Mr.Grantham as she had to pick her daughter from her friend's home.
I hesitated as I was facing
Mr. Grantham for the first time and I did not know how his reaction will be as all the maids are scared to face him as he is too rude to them and yells at them every now and then.
I anyway took the responsibility and once I got the information about his coffee from the intercom I went to his study.
Through out my way I was in the confusion as to go or not. Then finally when I reached his study I almost walked back.
But I unconsciously knocked the door and before reacting he called me inside.
He was lost in his work he was termed as a workaholic and now I know why.
I thought it was a safe thing as I can simply place the coffee and leave.
I placed the coffee on the table and asked him "You want anything else" I so very wanted to die now.
He looked up and was just looking at me I thought he was trying to frame the sentences as to how he can yell at me. But I realised that he was starring at me which put me in huge delima I could neither look at him nor look down. I froze as I did not know what to say or how to react.
He probably must have noticed my uncomfortable situation and asked me "New?".
I replied "yes" and walked out of the room not staying for any more conversation.
This was something weird and unexpected all the time I hear him yell and today he was lost. His situation was unexplainable.
May be he was too much involved in his work and that must have led to this situation.
I came out of the room so soon without asking or telling him anything I don't know what he must have thought.
Oh how can I be so stupid. I went to the kitchen and took my bag and that was when I heard a voice on intercom "don't set the table for dinner" Mr. Grantham told through the intercom and I wonder why he was not interested in having his dinner any way I was getting late and I was about to leave when I accidentally hit my leg to the dinning table.
"Carefull Anna" one of the maids yelled from behind which made me jumb as her reaction was too loud.
I sat on the chair and after some time I was fine and the pain had redused thanks to the lady who gave me a ice pack.
I left for the day and I don't know why but I could not erase that moment when Mr.Grantham was starring at me I don't know if he was actually doing that or I was just illustrating things.
I could not forget his eyes looking at me. I know this will sound crazy but I feel like he is still watching me.
I had either lost my mind or was about to.
I walked to the church as it was quiet near by. Once I reached I narrated the whole thing to Margaret. She told may be I was just thinking too much about it and I thought the same and went on to sleep.
But those eyes were still on my mind.
So they finally had an encounter.
It lasted for a very less time yet they had one.
There is more coming..
Please don't hate me for slow updates.
I'm busy with work and all the other stuffs..
Please do continue reading and appreciating my work like always.
Sorry for the mistakes
Thank You for reading