I was more than a little nervous as I slipped into the nineteenth century apparel that Lance had produced. It was really happening. I was really going to go back in time. He was taking me back to the early nineteenth century.
Since I came from a family of wealth and was marrying into wealth, I was required to dress accordingly. Although the billowing cotton skirt was tolerable, I couldn’t say as much for the tortuous corset or the hoop that swayed to and fro when I walked.
Lance explained that most ladies rested their hands on their hips to help keep the swaying to a minimum when they moved about. It was all so taxing to deal with, let alone remember.
The underdrawers were a surprise that made me giggle. They were literally made with a huge slit in the crotch. I couldn’t help joking with Nora about the ease in sneaking about with a lover. After which, I had to calm my body down as I considered how it would be if I’d had that type of secret rendezvous with Lance. Would it be as fulfilling as my foreplay with him had been? It would certainly be exciting.
“My busts are resisting this corset,” I complained. “They’re too firm and too large.”
“You are busting out,” Nora said with humor. “Get it? Busting out.”
“Ha, ha. I got it,” I said with a wry smile. “Seriously. I can’t be seen with my bust practically popping up to my chin like this. It’s obscene. We must be doing something wrong.”
“Perhaps I can help,” Lance said as he stood in the doorway. His eighteenth century attire only served to make him look even sexier; if that was at all possible.
Sensing his desire to be alone with me, Nora made up a reason to leave and scurried from the room.
He walked over to me and loosened the top of my corset so that the bulging was less dramatic. “Your breasts are strong enough to support themselves without this.”
“I don’t know how the women can stand wearing this,” I grumbled. “I feel very confined. Do I really need it?”
“I wish that I could say not, but it is part of the dress,” he said.
“What’s up with the slit in the bloomers that you have me in?” I giggled.
His eyes took on a mischievous glint. “Let me show you.”
He scooped one of my breasts from the corset’s hold and thumbed my nipple. My first instinct was to jolt away out of surprise, but, within seconds, lust took over. As my body responded to his thumb’s attention, I shuddered as my abdomen contracted. With my breathing ragged with desire, I slowly freed the other breast.
He looked at me with eyes that were clouded with desire before taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I threw my head back as I gave way to the sensation. The urge to ask him to demonstrate how they managed to have sex while fully clothed flitted through my mind, but I restrained from vocalizing it. Instead, I contented myself with the sexiness of the moment.
I was so lost in the sensation of the attention that he was giving my breasts that I didn’t notice the air on my legs until he’d pulled my skirt quite high. My first thought was on how skillfully he’d maneuvered the hoop out of the way before I sucked in air at the feel of his strong fingers sliding through the open slit in my underdrawers. My legs went weak to the point that he had to wrap his free hand around my waist to support me as he plunged his fingers deep inside of my womanhood with an expert, sexy aggressiveness. Within seconds, he’d found my g-spot.
I was in heaven.
His lips never faltered and his hand kept it’s rhythm as he backed me against the wall to help him keep my body upright. I wished that he had a second mouth to kiss me quiet as I struggled to hold back the cry of ecstasy that was forcing its way past my vocal cords. The last thing I wanted to do was to notify Nora of such a private event. We may tell each other almost everything, but it’s done in our own time and in the increments that we feel comfortable with. Allowing her to hear me vocalize my climax like a star on a porn film just felt wrong.
I took his head in my hands and buried my mouth in his hair as my body exploded from the toes on up once… twice… three times. I was like a wild woman who had only just then discovered the beauty of a sexual encounter.
When he finally ceased his ministrations, my legs were like limp noodles and completely useless. I was forced to continue to lean against the wall so that I didn’t collapse until their stability returned.
“I love pleasuring you,” he whispered as he carefully tucked my breasts back into my corset. “The feel and taste of your body gives me such satisfaction. I cannot wait until we are married and I can have you fully.”
My mind was so muddled that I couldn’t tell if I’d thought or actually said that he could have me fully right then. Since he gave no response to the suggestion, I deduced that I’d simply thought it.
“We will need to do something with your hair,” he said as he took a fistful of it and pulled it to his lips. “It is so beautiful, but this is a hairstyle for the bedroom in my time. It will not do to have you walking around with it so free. Does Nora know how to braid hair?”
“I can braid it myself,” I offered. “If it doesn’t have to be too complicated, that is.”
He gave a slight shake of his head. “A simple braid wrapped around the crown of your head will do nicely.”
“I might need her help for that,” I mused.
“I will summon her, then,” he said as he headed for the door.
He had almost reached the door when he returned to me and kissed me long and hard. I leaned into him as best as I could with the cumbersome hoop between us. My body had come alive after years of denial and it was insatiable with desire for his touch. I could feel it responding to his nearness and shuddered with anticipation.
He kissed the generous mound of breast that was unavoidably exposed above my corset and smiled. “Only a few more days and we will go to our marriage bed. I will enjoy these beauties for so long that you will be begging to be rid of me, my love.”
My nipples immediately responded to his promise. “We’ll marry that quickly?” .
He held me so close that his breath tickled my cheek. “The contracts have already been signed. The ceremony is a mere formality to solidify things.”
“Then, I’ll be coming back?” I asked with hesitancy.
His voice was filled with regret and longing as he asked, “Do you want to come back?”
I did, but, then, I didn’t. I wanted to be with him, but I wanted to be with him in my time. Perhaps, once I was transported back in time, I would feel differently. I just didn’t know.
“I think so,” I meekly said. Seeing the hope in his eyes and not wanting to lead him on since the odds of my wanting to stay were extremely low, I added with more surety, “No. I do. I want to come back.”
His look of disappointment before he disguised it with a more aloof look made me want to shift the conversation into something less disturbing. “I’m just wondering about protection. Should we take something back with us?”
He gave a slight chuckle. “We have condoms in my time. Although, I am assuming they are not quite as developed as in this time. I have not checked them out, to be honest.”
“Maybe I should take a few to be safe,” I said.
He nodded as he released his hold on me. “If you can get some soon, then do it. Otherwise, we will make do with what is available to us like everyone else. We will be making the transfer of time in a few hours.”
Although I’d only had intercourse once and it was years ago, I kept condoms in my handbag just in case, but I made no mention of it. I just nodded as he exited the room.
Nora practically entered as soon as he exited.
“Were you standing outside that door all of this time?” I asked, accusingly.
Her face reddened. “I didn’t think he’d do that. I thought that he was just going to adjust your clothes for you. Damn, I almost orgasmed just from the sound of things. You’re one lucky duckling.”
“This lucky duckling needs a supply of condoms,” I said as I pushed away my annoyance with her comment. Now wasn’t the time for irritation with each other. “How many do you have with you?”
“Didn’t the doctor put you on the pill to regulate your periods?” she asked.
“The pill doesn’t protect against diseases,” I said.
“I have an unopened box and a few left in the old one,” she replied.
Shocked by her response, I asked, “Why so much? What did you plan on doing this weekend?”
“I stopped off at the drugstore before I picked you up and bought a new box. I like to keep my supply fresh. You just never know. How many did you bring with you?” she asked with a defensive tone.
“Two,” I replied.
Her humph overshadowed my look of shock and it was me who ended up feeling foolish.
“Let me take your condoms with me,” I said with humility. “I’ll need them for my honeymoon.”
“I thought that I read somewhere that birth control has been around for thousands of years,” she mused.
I shook my head. “I don’t trust it. I’ll be going back at the start of the Victorian era. I know that they still used it, but it was made illegal. Quality control isn’t exercised on things illegal even today. I don’t want to come back with some notorious disease because we were sneaking faulty contraceptives.”
She eagerly nodded. “You can have all that I have with me.”
“I’m nervous,” I admitted as I fussed with the braid that I’d just fashioned down my back..
“Have you practiced speaking at all?” she asked as she wound the braid around the back of my head and pinned it in place.
Her question took me by surprise. “What?”
She heaved an exasperated sigh. “Don’t tell me that you didn’t think about the fact that they don’t speak like we do? Not only do you use slang that they’ve never heard, but you speak with a northern accent. Aren’t you supposed to be a southern belle?”
I gasped with horror. “Oh, Nora, I didn’t even think about that! What do I do?”
“Start practicing,” she ordered.