I was tagged as the ‘Remain’ of the girls from the Offering.
“As the Remain, you will be assigned anywhere assistance is necessary.”
Miranda Grey, the Head Matron of the services in the Vamos pack, told me as I stood alone inside her office inside one of the few mansions I’ve seen in the territory.
Hearing so many terrifying stories about the lycans, I thought there was nothing as savage and as disorganized as their territory was.
But I don’t know whether I just had prejudices, or I was dumb down by my hatred to their kind—when I should have taken into account how they are the reigning pack, and someone who reigns an entire community should have an organized and wealthy land—when I saw how civilized, huge and wealthy their pack territory was.
It looked like an entire rich city.
“But for now, since all the Offered have taken on tasks of their own, and we have sufficient servers, I will assign you to the Office Building.”
Just like her surname, Miranda had these gray almost white eyes, and they were now directed out of the window.
I followed her gaze and found the three-storey building I passed by earlier before I got into her office.
That must be the Office Building she’s talking about.
“Most meetings with the king and the High Council happen there. Your job is to keep it neat, including the lounge area where the warriors stay to rest,” she instructed. I nodded.
The Head Matron had white strips in her hair, but that didn’t make her less of a beauty. She just had the same ethereal presence of the lycans.
The way she stood and held herself up was something an old weary person couldn’t do.
The Lycan genetics were far stronger than the wolves. They had longer life spans and stronger healing abilities. And Head Matron Miranda, is one rare female lycan that is still living in the kingdom.
“You will be staying in the Omega House, where you’ve woken up. Now go and prepare your materials for the job.”
Miranda eyed me when I didn’t move immediately. I was reminded of that conversation I had with their king in that same room she was referring to.
I sighed, not wanting to feed the angry fire within me.
I turned to my back and started walking out of the mansion to get to the Omega House where I knew the materials she said I’d need were also located.
I was the only one who wasn’t chosen from the Offering. In general, I could say it was a good thing, but feeling all the stares and attention I was getting for being basically left behind and unwanted, I didn’t know whether I’d still think of it as good.
The other girls were now basically whatever their lycan man wanted them to be. And I didn’t want to imagine what roles they had to play after being chosen from that traditional ceremony.
I guess I was still lucky, even when I had just found out who my mate was. And what kind of a bastard he is.
I went to the back door of the Omega House to get the supplies I needed.
I didn’t know what happened after I fell unconscious during the Offering, all I knew was things were going to be so much worse than my days in the House, no matter how bad those already were.
But as I watched the scenery around the pack, how groups were training around the area, guards were stationed everywhere, people walking by as if the day was as peaceful and normal as any normal day, I could say my level of expectation wasn’t met.
And I couldn’t decide whether it was a good thing or not.
“…whorehouse. You don’t belong here!”
My hands stopped as I took the pail and mop that was on the side of the room, hearing some commotion on the other side.
I peeked on the doorway, seeing two tall girls looking down at a girl that had her back on me and was holding a basket full of fruits in her hand.
Her stance showed she was terrified.
The blonde girl pushed the smaller girl on her shoulder, making her take a step back.
“You think you’re so much better than us for getting someone from the Elites? Ha! The pack where we came from is far greater and better than where you came from!”
“If she even had one before,” the other girl, with black hair, butted in. Then they both giggled at her comment.
“I-I… didn’t mean to do anything t-to be picked,” the smaller girl stuttered.
I frowned when I recognized her voice.
The blonde tall girl raised a brow. “Of course, you’d say that. Someone from a whorehouse for sure knows how to play all innocent when they’re far from it!”
“And someone so jealous could never accept that she’s just not as good as she thinks she is,” I butted in and stepped out from my spot.
All three pairs of eyes went to me as I stood beside Maddie, my bunkmate and only friend from the House.
“Rina,” she breathed in shock.
We’ve been together for years; I know what her deepest fears are. We’ve been through so much, and I know the girl didn’t deserve this kind of treatment.
I wouldn’t let someone like these envious girls judge her and talk to her like this. ‘Cause if there was one thing that Maddie was not, it was a whore. She was the purest person I know.
“And who the hell are you?” The girls recovered from the shock of my sudden appearance. They both looked at me with anger.
The black haired girl suddenly sniggered, her eyes on my hand that was still holding a mop.
“Talk to us when you’re not holding a mop like the servant you are. You’re probably the Remain everyone’s been talking about.”
The blonde girl’s smirk returned in her mouth as she also noticed the cleaning materials I was holding.
“Bold words from the only girl who wasn’t even chosen by the dozens of men in the pack. It says a lot about you.” They laughed once again.
I didn’t let go of her gaze when she took a step towards me with a huge smirk on her face.
“You just made history, girl. The very first Remain from the Offering. The very first time in decades of history that a girl wasn’t picked!”
Both girls laughed once more as they looked and pointed at me like little brats.
“Think again when talking to us. You’re lower than the low in this place.”
“And you think you’re so much higher?” I gave out a laugh this time and pointed at their faces like they pointed at me.
“Bullying someone makes you lower than the lowest you could think of. Which says a ton lot about your rotten character.”
I took a step closer to them, not caring that they’re both taller than I am.
“Talk like that to her or me again, and you’ll be low on the ground, with my feet on top of your faces.” I glared at them.
Both girls took steps away from me, my threat taking effect as fear washed over their faces for a second.
They started walking away, anger now dominant in their eyes. But I didn’t back down. I challenged them with a glare until they were out of the place, leaving me and Maddie alone.
“Rina,” I turned to my friend and saw the relief in her face.
“You okay? Don’t let them get to you. We’ve dealt with worse people.” She nodded and heaved a deep sigh.
“Yeah, we did. I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t seem to still handle—“
“Don’t,” I cut her off, knowing how her mind was going again.
Maddie just nodded at me.
I looked at the fruit basket she was holding in her hand making connections with the things I heard before I intercepted the scene earlier.
“How are you? Are you doing fine with the person who took you?” I asked, and watched her as she sighed and stared at the basket.
We never had the luxury of ever eating fresh fruits when we were still in the House. A single apple was about a week's worth of work, and we didn’t have the privilege to trade it for anything more valuable like our rest time.
A silent second passed when she didn't answer me, and my irritation started growing again.
“Tell me if that bastard is hurting you and I’ll—“
“Rina, I’m okay.” Maddielyn cut me off, holding a hand up to my face as if to stop me from attacking. She knew well I’d do it as soon as I could.
“He’s an elite, and he seems to be a good person.”
“So far,” I added, being the skeptic that I am.
We have always been a team when we met each other in the House. Maddie is younger than me, and I saw the very first day she was taken to the House. Since then, we have never been apart.
We always take care of each other. She sneaks in food and medicine for me, and I defend her from anything that could possibly harm her.
Though, in sequence, I get into fights, and that’s when she gives me food and treats my wounds.
She smiled at me. I frowned at her.
“Then why the deep breath?” I insisted, knowing she liked keeping things to herself most especially when harm is concerned.
“It’s just…” she let out a breath again then looked at me.
“It’s all so normal. Not like what we expected when they said we’d be delivered here. It’s just… weird. I’m not used to it.”
I stared at her, quite understanding the feeling.
I sighed this time. We fell quiet for a while, thinking over everything that just happened in our lives.
“I envy you, Rina.” Maddie suddenly said, cutting off the silence.
I raised a confused brow. “You envy the ‘Remain’?”
That garnered a bright smile from her.
“I admire your strength. I couldn’t gain the same thing no matter what I do. So I need someone like you in my life as a weaker being.”
I sighed and looked away from her smiling face.
“You’re not weak. You just have a different strength. Something I couldn’t seem to gain either.”
Her chuckle and her hand clinging on my arm was what I got as a response. I sighed and let her be.