Chapter 2
"You are late." Benji said to him from the sofa he was curled on.
"Why are you lying down there? And in my office?" Brandon asked him with a frown.
He took in his surroundings and the only person who appeared to be working was his brother. Alec as always was neck deep in a video game. His hoodie, covering half of his face. Benji looked like he was about to pass out on the sofa he was lying down on.
"I feel sleepy. I don't understand all your business jargon. The only thing I understand is something that has to do with fists but Kevin dragged me here." Benji told him with a yawn.
"Wrong, I never dragged them here…."
"Forced, more accurately." Alec added not once lifting his eyes from the video game he was playing.
"....I never forced them. They just happened to be present when I got the news. They took it upon themselves to be present." Kevin said to him with a yawn.
Brandon took note of the bags under his brother's eyes. He appeared tired.
"How long have you guys been here?" Brandon asked him as he moved to his chair.
"Few hours." Kevin said.
"Six hours thirty six minutes, forty seconds, oh, make that forty one now." Benji said to him.
Brandon wasn't surprised. Benji was a time freak. He was one who made sure his time was spent doing something worthwhile. Brandon turned to his brother.
"It's been hours since you found out about this and you are just telling me?" Brandon asked him.
"I'm sorry. I thought I could handle it but then things spiraled out of hand." Kevin said to him with an apologetic gaze.
Brandon sighed. His brother was always trying to prove himself and no matter how many times Brandon told him he was doing good, he always felt he wasn't doing enough.
"Give me everything. What is going on?" Brandon asked him.
"Basically what I told you on your way here but, JJ is annoyed and wants to speak with you. He thinks his goods have been destroyed." Kevin said to him.
"Thinks." Benji chuckled.
"Okay, they were lost in the disaster." Kevin corrected himself as he gave Benji an eye roll, not that Benji cared. He just chuckled again.
"I'm guessing this is what Godson revealed to the public?" Brandon asked his brother with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes." Kevin said as he avoided his gaze.
"You know you don't have to do everything by yourself right? There is a reason why grandfather made both of us CEOs." Brandon said to his brother.
"I know but you were having your time off and I know you needed the much needed rest." Kevin said to him.
They may be twins but Kevin was the one who cared more. He was the only one in their group who openly cared for the others like he did his lover. It was no surprise that he was the first to get a girlfriend. The rest had none. Well, Benji was in a different situation. His ex wife had divorced him. And the ex cop still did not tell any of them the full story. Then there was Alec. No one knew if Alec would actually settle down any time soon. And they also did not know if it would be with a girl or a boy because he swung both ways.
"Have you guys eaten?" He asked them.
"Nope, waiting on Carson." Alec said as he bounced his legs.
"He's back?"
"Yeah, but he's spending time at his mother's restaurant. He should be here soon." Kevin said.
"He better be. I can't function without food." Benji growled out.
Five minutes later, Carson barged, yes barged -because he had little respect for privacy- into Brandon's office.
"Did someone say foo…"
Before he could finish the question, Alec took a bag from his hand and went back to his seat to devour whatever it is that Carson's mother had prepared.
"Trust Alec to interrupt me." Carson said as he gave the others their food.
"What is it?" Brandon asked as he took the food.
"Nigerian, jollof." Alec moaned out.
"Thank your mother for us." Kevin said to him.
"Will do. I have to run though, I need to take mama home." Carson said to them.
"Are we still up for dinner night?" Alec asked him.
"Yup. Same time, my place." Carson said as he walked out.
Alec nodded and focused all his attention on his food.
Carson was the only black person among their group of friends. His father was Nigerian but he died a long time ago. His mother is Hispanic though and she loves cooking. Her restaurant sells mainly Spanish cuisine or food from her Hispanic culture but there was a time when it was a mix of both Hispanic and Nigerian. She and Carson's father had run the restaurant together but after he died, she stopped cooking anything African but ever since her diagnosis, she started cooking the little African dishes she knew how to. Carson had not given them the full story but Brandon knew his mother was dying. And Carson was spending every waking day with her. Any break he got from shooting, he spent with her.
"I'm ready to work now." Alec said with a loud belch.
"That is just so irritating. And how the fuck did you finish that in just a few minutes?" Benji asked him.
"I eat fast, I don't know why you are acting surprised." Alec replied to him with an eyeroll.
"Yeah, I have no idea either." Benji said as he went back to his food.
Brandon wasn't that hungry so after taking a few bites, he went to work. They worked into the night. And even after that, they still had things to do. Brandon would have to call a meeting the next day with the staff although his brother would be put in charge while he spoke with JJ. Alec and Benji had no need to be present because it wasn't really their expertise but Brandon thanked them for what little help they could provide. Now, all he wanted was to take a quick nap before the buzz of the next day.
A phone rang in the distance, awakening Brandon from the little nap he was trying to get.
"Put it off." He groaned as he adjusted on the bed.
"It's yours." He heard a voice say to him and opened his eyes immediately.
His assistant stood with Brandon's phone in his hand.
"Your grandfather." Charlie said to him.
Brandon took the phone with a groan and answered his grandfather.
"Grandpa, could you not look for a better time to call?" Brandon groaned out.
"What better time than now? The day is bright, the sun is up in the sky but my grandson is down on his bed." His grandfather replied to him.
"Very funny."
"Someone's grumpy."
"I heard. I trust you and your brother so I'm not bothered. You guys have done a lot more than your father could even do in his time." His grandfather said with a hearty laugh.
"I was the only one father, they are two." Brandon heard his father grumble.
"Are you with dad?"
"Yes. We are going fishing."
"Fishing? This early?"
"It's never too early to catch those little things with fins." His grandfather replied to him.
"Too bad you've never gotten one once in your life." Brandon heard his father say to his grandfather.
"Your father has started his series of disrespecting me. I don't know how Riley copes with him." His grandfather said.
Riley is Brandon and Kevin's mother and she was the best person Brandon knew. Well, along with Carson's mother. She was the only one their father gave a little ounce of respect.
"Mum loves him so she keeps up with his nonsense." Brandon said to his grandfather.
"I know. I still thank the stars that she stayed with your father all this time." He said with a chuckle.
"Have you spoken with Kevin?" Brandon asked him.
"He's my favorite grandson. Of course I have."
"Way to rub it in, grandpa."
"I support you both. I'm just a little bit biased to your brother. I trust you both will do what's best for Silver enterprise." He said to him,
"It's just another hurdle. We will. Thank you grandpa." Brandon said to him with a smile.
"I'm the coolest grandpa you would ever get." He replied to Brandon with a big smile and ended the call.
Brandon took a deep breath. Today was going to be hectic but they will get through it. Godson thought this little trick could bring them down, but he thought wrong. Brandon stood up from the bed and moved towards the little bathroom. He was lucky that there was a little bathroom and bedroom in his office. It came in handy anytime he worked overtime.
"Is my suit ready?" He asked Charlie as he gave him his phone.
"Yes sir."
"How about Kevin?"
"I'm ready to get this started." Kevin said as he walked into the room.