In one of the largest cities like Bangalore, there are several busy streets, MG road is one of them.As soon as the sun wakes up, traffic starts building up. Crowds of pedestrians, shoppers and others can be seen walking along the pavements outside the shops or trying to cross the road.
The noise of cars and taxis hooting, or of scooters, flying past can be deafening. Anyone who stops by to watch the scene would be amazed at the number of vehicles zooming past or crawling along when caught at the traffic lights.
The people, mainly lady shoppers with children, line the street as they await an opportunity to cross the road. It is always a bright and gray scene.
The main attraction is the variety of textile shops, departmental stores, the Selangor Emporium, carpet shops, restaurants, jewelers or electrical goods shops, pavement stalls with small items like costume jewelry, toys and aluminum cooking utensils and vendors attracting customers to buy their wares.
In that busy street, there stood a tall apartment with a peaceful environment. Meera stood in the balcony of her flat which was located at 12th floor, watching the people who were running very fast in that early morning. Every morning she used to watch those things and stand there thinking about their lives. When she was in her thoughts, she heard her mobile buzzing.
She picked her mobile and had a smile seeing Aarav's name. "Morning Aarav" she greeted with a smile. "Good morning Meera. Sorry I was in a meeting when you called me. Everything is fine right? you called me so early in the morning" he asked with concern. "Krithi is not well, so I will work from home today. I called you to inform this" she replied calmly.
"What happened to Krithi?" He asked with same concern. "Nothing to worry Aarav. Mild fever. I'll take her to the doctor, and I'll resume my work from home. It’s okay right" she asked with little hesitation. "It’s perfectly fine Meera, first take care of Krithi" he replied and ended the conversation.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed" Aarav stood as a perfect example for this proverb. He was the only one took her side when everyone else failed. That was the day she understood the true meaning of this proverb and value of his friendship when he supported her when her own family members refused to take her side.
Trust is the thing which is base for every relationship but her hard luck even her parents failed to take her side. A tear escaped her eyes, but she immediately wiped it off since she didn’t want to think about it further.
When she was not having any hope and idea about what to do further, Aarav supported her and offered her a job which was very helpful and she felt thankful to him for her rest of her life for his timely help.
"Ma" Krithi slowly opened her eyes, Meera rushed towards her and checked whether her temperature was high. But it was not too high, she sighed in relief and kept her in her embrace.
"Chittu, don't worry. Now amma will take you to the hospital; doctor will check you and your fever will fly away after that" she said kissing her forehead.
"No ma,no doctor. He will put injection. It will pain" she said with tears. Meera couldn't see her in tears. She wiped it from her face and consoled her by saying that she will request doctor not to give injection. Krithi accepted it half-heartedly.
Once the cab reached, they both visited the hospital. Doctor checked Krithi and said “nothing to worry as it is mild fever because of the climatic change”. Meera relaxed after hearing that. He prescribed some syrup and tablets.
Meera bought the medications and they both came back to their apartment. Meera fed Krithi with light food and made her to take her medicine. Meera laid next to Krithi and patted her back to make her sleep, Krithi fell asleep after an hour.
Meera stood up from bed; sat on the study table and resumed her office work. She continuously worked for four hours and she noticed the time. It was 1 PM. Krithi had to take her medicines so Meera prepared a simple lunch and woke up Krithi.
Again she fed her but that was not easy for her since Krithi refused to eat. Meera diverted her mind by telling some stories and fed her slowly. Krithi too ate it after hearing all her stories. It nearly took an hour then she made her take her medicines. She checked her temperature, and it was normal. Meera sighed in relief.
"Do you want to sleep for some time kuttyma" Meera asked keeping her in her lap. Krithi nodded in negative. Meera smiled and played with her for some time. "Mommy, you didn't eat?" Krithi asked looking at her face. Meera completely forgot the thing, she forgot breakfast too. "I'll have it now kuttyma" she said kissing her cheeks.
She put the remaining food in a plate, sat near her and had it with smile. Krithi took food in her hand and fed her. Meera's eyes welled up with tears. Krithi noticed the tears, "mommy is it too spicy. Drink water" she asked with concern giving her a glass of water. Meera took her in her arms and felt blessed to have a daughter like her. Krithi made her to eat her remaining food.
Krithi was 4 years old, but she would act matured compared to other kids. She was a brilliant student and she topped in her preschool examinations so far. Her teachers had nothing to complain but just compliment on her intelligence. Meera's heart would fill with happiness hearing those compliments.
Krithi has a very kind heart same as her mom and from childhood she has the thought to win in everything she participates. She does her work with full concentration and involvement. Krithi loves her mom more than anything in this world. Sometimes Meera would see traits of her mother.
She will feed her and sometimes she will put Meera's head on her lap and caress her hair same as her mom used to do. Meera would break off in those moments reminding about her family. Though she doesn’t have any other relation to even say hi except her daughter, she filled all those places with her sweet, lovely gestures.