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Sentmar was a magical place. The twin moons shone brightly above, their encircling rings of power creating a perfect illusion of calm and quiet over the region Marina loved so much. She rested her palms on the warm glass and leaned up against the window, staring at the rings and wondering if they looked brighter and stronger than they had before. They hadn't been as clear as they should have been, just as the magick that coursed in her veins had felt out of grasp for far longer than it should have.

Is it true that when Wizards and Sorceresses get together, more magic is created? That if two Wizard Twins were to mate with one magical female, the world would be saved?

If this is the case, her personal future is much more uncertain than she had anticipated. The elders of feminine magick and truth, the Priestess Select, were already getting together to talk about it. This very evening, the severe wise women had summoned her mother to yet another meeting. Marina's teeth were gritted in frustration as she considered future gatherings of this nature. That a small group of people would make choices that would have such a large impact on the sorceresses of their kingdom. It was already common knowledge that until the Coven meetings were over, no bondings between Covenan Sorceresses and Sorcerers would be performed.

Clenching her hands, she pushed herself away from the window and stormed angrily across her bedroom.

She ranted, "'Tis not fair," as her fingers ruffled restlessly through the red-gold curls that framed her face. I refuse to give in to their demands. I decide what happens next." She said it with a sneer, but she knew deep down that it was hopeless. She was constantly thwarted, pushed back, and confined by the fact that she was a sorceress and a member of the royal family of Sellane. To protect the land from those who seek to permanently eradicate the magick, whatever available power must be harnessed.

Even at this late hour, Wizards flocked to her home to pay homage to her and her sister Serena. She had no trouble grasping Serena's meaning. The rightful ruler of Sellane, the successor to the throne, held tremendous authority. Despite her young age, her magic was praised for its power. She was seen as the inheritor of more than simply the throne; her rise to prominence had been foretold for decades.

Marina's mouth twitched as she remembered the parade that always greeted her sister as she entered the receiving rooms each evening. There were dozens of wizard twins proclaiming their suit to the royal princess, all hoping to win her hand in the Ritual of Reception, also known as Courtship. It was believed that the gods themselves selected Wizards and Consorts, although Wizards have known for generations that alignments could be manipulated against the gods' desire. Not only were they not as potent, but the Sorceresses didn't find harmony in their matches. Marina was afraid that the current generation of Wizards would follow in the footsteps of their predecessors and ignore such warnings.

Nonetheless, she was fully aware of the reason why she had been excluded from any such meeting. Kai'el Sashtain and Caise. Like giant stalking monsters, they stalked after her, growling and snarling at any other male who dared get close.

She had no respite from them. They ignored her protests, intent on asserting their male supremacy and staking their claim on her regardless of whether she was ready to face her concerns. And there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop them. That really bothered her. That she would have no recourse against their pursuit of her body because of this. As soon as they went outside, her magic failed her.

She could feel the force of the crystalline spores coursing through her veins and burning her up just thinking about them. She felt the heat rising in her lower tummy as the violent spasms tore through her belly; it was harsher when they were close by. The unpleasant feelings were annoying but not excruciating. The fact that this always happened when the horrible Sashtain twins were around was the straw that broke the camel's back. She had this reaction because the Queen Mother and the Matriarch's Priestess stationed at the castle had advised, somewhat forcefully, that she give the Wizards an opportunity to prove their suit, to determine if their male and her female magick might fuse.

There is no way that I will. She worked hard to ignore the heaviness in her limbs, calm the rising heat between her thighs, cool her pussy's puffy lips, and awaken the nerves that had been dormant in her creases.

She paced her chamber, her anxiety growing in proportion to the knowledge that the evil Twins were so determined. There was no rest for her, not even in her fantasies. Only Caise and Kai'el were present. Only hunger brought on distorted visions and painful flashbacks of the past. She fought to stifle the panic rising in her stomach by pressing her hands there. A gasp escaped her lips when the long ruffles of her dress scraped against her skin with every step.

In an effort to regain composure, she swore, "I will not allow this thing to happen." Her breathing was ragged and her voice was scratchy.

In other words, she was able to sense them. They were such cretins, she was sure they were using their powers to lure her in. No burning, unquenchable craving may have a good intention behind it. The Twins had, by whatever means, figured out how to make other people do what they wanted. That magic violated every rule set down by every possessor of magic. They wouldn't allow it. The death penalty applied. So much so that it was whispered that certain wizards had been specially trained to seek out corrupt wielders of power and eliminate them on the spot.

Yet, what other explanation is there? Against her will, her body and magick extended herself to the Wizards. They were taking control of her thoughts and her very will. That was something she absolutely refused to accept. For a long time, she had pushed through her worries in order to become the fierce warrior she had always envisioned herself to be. She battled the all-male Seculars and triumphed, laughing in the face of their warped confidence and vicious grins. Her blade drank in their blood, and their deaths fueled her anger. Against popular belief, she was no harlot with a weak will. A member of the Sellane royal family, she had the title of princess. Her spells had a significant impact. She would always be the sole owner of that piece of herself. We don't cater to their kind.

She pushed open her bedroom door, rage raging through her mind as she felt the hot rush of magick flooding her mind and spirit. She stalked, she did not walk. She did nothing so feeble as to hurry; instead, she walked through the castle's silent halls, eventually finding her way to the adjacent wing the Wizards had occupied. She would show them now that she was no weakling to grovel at their feet and worship the cocks they thought were so all-powerful, she would tell them.

She stopped short of their door, her anger building, the rage filling her body and making her feel strong and capable. The people were no better or worse than the reviled Seculars. They were powerless to subdue her.

In spite of the severe pain she was experiencing, she continued to pound her fist on the solid door in an act of defiance. Her indifference to the discomfort was remarkable. There was worse that she had been through. Before this week was out, she would give birth to something far worse.

Her eyes narrowed in disgust at the sight of such sloth, and a hand, unseen, flung open the massive double doors with a pulse of magick. Furious at the slight, she stormed into the room. No self-respecting man or wizard would ever resort to such showmanship. He would put out the appropriate persona by greeting his visitors personally and introducing them as— Dear Compassionate Matriarchs!

She felt her breath catch in her throat and her clitoris scream with ecstasy as the doors slammed shut behind her.

They were sparring in the middle of the room while wearing nothing but snug loincloths. Their locked eyes met hers across a room lit by a hundred candles, revealing naked, darkly tanned body. Their arms and legs puffed out with muscle as they used magic to complement their physical assault. Around them, pulsing gold and blue strands of electricity snapped and cracked like tiny devils bent on destruction. Their muscular, bare buttocks squeezed as they strained to keep their positions despite her presence, and their gold and blue eyes watched her with amused enjoyment.

Caise said, laughing till his golden eyes hurt, "We should welcome her" as he and his brother strained against each other's grip on the other's forearm.

“Why? Kai'el hissed as he flipped his brother over with a swift movement, his ankle looping over his in an attempt to throw him to the floor. Caise fought back with a powerful burst, flipping out of his brother's hold as his magick moved to stop him and striking at his powerful leg by slicing through the threads Kai'el released to trip him up.

When Kai'el jumped back and to the side to send his own magick to oppose it, he didn't wait a second too long.

The tremendous arcs of brightly coloured force snapped and sizzled before the brothers were at it again, like bolts of lightning flipping across the sky in an age-old war, one with the other.

Whoa, that's some serious grit. Marina could only watch in awe as they fought, not only as Wizards, but as warriors. Warriors of great might and mystical origin, as ancient as the region and as sturdy as the mountain that gave birth to them. As a reflex, her pussy tightened as she felt her own magick rising within her and sending a stripe of hardness to her already firm nipples and engorging her clitoris even more, sending the dreaded, silky heat gushing out from between her thighs.


She had absolutely no interest in such beings. They were most definitely still using their black magic against her while at war with each other.

Caise said to his brother, "She could have changed her mind on our outfit," as he zapped him with a particularly powerful bolt of golden power. With a sarcastic groan, Kai'el laughed at them. As for the Seculars, they'll put down their guns the next day.

The only sound Marina made was a muffled snort. Thank goodness he wasn't some dummy Wizard. She was worried that his haughtiness was really an expression of his naiveté. Which, she informed herself with a new wave of worry, wasn't necessarily a good thing.

I can't tell you that, Kai'el. Caise dove to avoid getting kicked in the chin by his sibling. To ignore her would be rude. Ultimately, she is waiting patiently.

For the split second that she saw it, Marina could only gape in awe at the massive bulge riding between his open thighs. She had been quite shrewd to turn down their offer of marriage. Remember, that wasn't some weakling of a gentleman, nor was he lacking in macho attributes.

"Just give her some time. There has been a noticeable delay of several weeks. I will not...let you...distract me. "You scoundrel. Kai'el was distracted for only a fraction of a second before his brother's magick snaked madly about him, taking full advantage of Caise's brazen wink.

His expression changed from surprise and embarrassment to amusement when he saw his own magick imprison Kai'el as well.

The war, I think, is over and we've reached a stalemate once more. As he stood still before his brother, Kai'el's speech took on an amused tone. You'll lose it all one day because of your undying love for the wench, Caise.

When the Wizard spoke those slurs, Marina's mouth hung open in shock. She looked back at them, her arms crossed over her chest, and her rage and the magick building within her unchecked.

It's "Princess Sellane." Caise made a grand gesture of respect by bending over and sweeping his arm in front of him. "What do we owe the pleasure of your kind visit to. Naked but for your nightrail and those stunning violet eyes of yours, fury. Confidently, he straightened up. At least he acknowledged her existence by welcoming her. Irritating brother that he was, he just laughed off her wrath as he crossed the room to the bar's pitcher and glasses, which were set out on the bar's dark, polished wood.

To answer your question, she came to their room to find out why she had been invited into their chamber. She stared at Kai'el, but her eyes kept wandering to his broad, shiny shoulders, his perfectly chiselled chest, and her dream abs.

"You don't belong here. She stomped her foot, her magick whipping through her, and her wrath growing faster, hotter, and scorching her within its power. It occurred every time they got close. The faintness in her chest and thighs; the rush of strength that left her trembling; the inability to regain the composure that had once been as natural to her as breathing. Absolutely insane.

“Unnatural?” Infuriatingly mocking, Kai'el arched his brow and curled his lips upward. Big, bold lips. Her dream lips caressed her...

She snapped at them, "Think I know not what you are attempting?" after becoming abruptly afraid of the power they were wielding against her. How could she possibly break free from their grasp if she couldn't even rein in her natural abilities? I know you for what you are," she snarled. You're utilising the dark gifts against me, which is taking my whole being. I will not stand for this heinous act. You can't do that. Even a Wizard Twin would be ashamed to be seen doing it.

Now both of them were staring at her in disbelief.

By the honour of the gods As he stared ominously at her, Kai'el slapped his glass down on the bar. There was no way I was going to open that door. This was complete madness, I just knew it. An accusatory look crossed his face as he looked at his sibling. Asking, "Are you happy now? Now we're Pit devils trying to rob her of her soul. Should we progress to snatching sweets from infants?

"Last season, there was Harka's little girl." With all apparent deliberation, Caise frowned.

Gracious Sentinels, the little witch was slapping me with that overlarge stick of slime," Kai'el muttered in shock. To paraphrase, "I should have zapped the little gremlin rather than simply eating the sweet."

No, that's not impossible at all. Marina could only return their looks of bewilderment. They couldn't have been serious, could they?

Kai'el's irises contracted. Rather than giving up her treat, she should have known better than to use the goo against me, my little temptress. Do all women act like this?

Is it possible that she was actually going crazy?

Where did she go wrong? She wasn't the type to rant and rave or to rush up to someone she suspected of having access to the black arts. What happened to her sanity? She was in one of their bedrooms, wearing nothing but her nightgown, her body humming, her magick coursing not only through her body but also through the throbbing depths of her cunt, aching, zapping her with a need that made no sense and terrified the woman in her to her very core. She had long since outgrown the frail child she'd been. In her own right, she had abilities of her own. If that's the case, then it's unclear why these two were so detrimental to her health.

“Marina.” Caise's voice was an agitated growl, and the frown on his brow was due more to aggravation than anger. It's almost late, and this day has been difficult. If you have nothing to do with this place besides making false charges, you should probably go.

He carried on as if she didn't matter, as if her frustration and perplexity didn't bother him. She gave him her undivided attention, vaguely noticing Kai'el go to the other side of the room and out of her line of sight while she glared at his sibling.

To be so lightly disregarded, I am no whimpering idiot," she shouted. What you have done to me is clear to me now. I don't understand why you have to make my nights as horrible as my days. My sleep is important, and waking up to the sight of you simply irritates me.

The wicked curve of his lips formed a smile that set her teeth on edge.

He looked at her and sighed, "Such innocence," his gaze softening, but his arms contracting with a hard ripple of muscle as he faced her with fists braced on his slender hips. Princess, come to me, and I will teach you how to stop having such horrible nightmares. He extended a hand to her, his eyes full of a vicious hunger that was masked by a false sense of kindness.

Yet her vision extended well beyond that. She observed him pull the material closer between his legs, his cock pressed against the tanned animal skin, making it look thick and lengthy like a dangerous weapon. She stepped back, desperately trying to get away from him and regretting her own stupidity for approaching them. Her rapid motion pushed her up against the slim, muscular torso that was preventing her from leaving.

In an instant, Marina had spun around, a cry on her lips and terror beginning to creep into her head as she confronted the broad chest, rivulets of perspiration drying on the exquisite bronze flesh, her face raised, her gaze captured, pinned by the flinty depths of blue studying her.

He carefully extended his hands to his side, as if he were giving her up voluntarily. And yet, she could do nothing to escape her predicament. She told herself that she was only frozen with dread, but she knew that this was not the case. It wasn't terror that made her insides tingle and her stomach rumble with a strange desire she only felt when these two were nearby; rather, it was a familiarity she felt for the first time.

"I don't have you in my custody, Princess, and I didn't summon you either. but understand this." She struggled for air that wasn't tinged with sandalwood and spice and dark, hot masculine essence as he bent his head so that his lips were poised just above hers and his gaze held her captive. If you come back here unaccompanied and dressed so scantily that I can see the beautiful perfection of your hard tiny nipples and the soft red-gold curls of your woman's mound beneath it, then you will have every right to chastise us. If you'd rather not have that lesson taught to you tonight, I suggest you leave. The next phrase was a deep, harsh growl that made her cringe and try to back away, but she was stopped by the solid mass she recognised as Caise's chest. There were no arms around her, yet she remained motionless as Kai'el's hands extended, the tips of his fingers grazing against nipples that were, indeed, tough. Sensitive and full to bursting.

He grabbed one between his thumb and forefinger and rubbed it sensually, heatedly, while her eyes dilated and sensation surged through her. "Like sweet little berries," he said, his pale blue eyes raising to hers.

As she felt muscular hands cup her hips to balance her, hold her tight for a moment, and then move away again, she let out a whimper that sounded more like a cry of need than the dread she knew it must be.

She shook before them as Caise said, "Go, little bird," in a seductive tone that dried her lips and sent sparks of reaction flying through her body. Before the allure of your lovely cunt overpowers the warnings my brother always harps at me to be careful, I advise you to flee as quickly and as furiously as possible. He's patient, but I'm becoming hungry.

“Enough.” With her lips quivering and growing perplexity throughout her mind and body, she pushed away, avoiding the firm, hot bodies as she faced them again. I refuse to be a pawn in your game. Neither will I let you fool me in such a way. Don't interrupt my sleep (or my dreams). Get your thoughts out of my head. Please, in the name of mercy, leave me alone.

She vowed she wouldn't cry. The woman refused to continue pleading. She would not bow down to either of them or give in to their demands. Instead of standing firm in the face of their arrogance and the threat of their touch, she fled from them. Yet she ran anyhow. It seemed as if the devils from the Pits were nipping at her heels, eager to feast on her vulnerable skin. At the same time that the Twins tore through her spirit.

As the door slammed shut and the castle walls whizzed by, Marina realised deep inside that she might never be free.

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