New York City, 2017
“I can’t believe you’re really leaving,” Pricilla pouted as she leaned against the doorframe.
“I’ll be back in time for Thanksgiving dinner,” Edwin said as he closed the zipper on his travel bag.
“What am I supposed to do for the week you’re gone?” she whined.
“Maybe you can take advantage of the time without me to reconnect with some of your friends? I ran into Sally a few days ago and she was complaining that you two never get together anymore. She blamed me for it.” He strode to her and cupped her chin in his hand. “I’ve never tried to keep you from your friends, my love. I don’t like it that they think I do.”
“I’m happy with it being just us. They seem so immature lately,” she said with a scowl. “Their conversation is mundane and frivolous. We’ve just grown apart.”
“When did this happen?” he asked with surprise.
“It’s been a gradual thing,” she replied. “I don’t know how it happened or why. It just did.”
“Never-the-less, I’m getting the blame for it.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “It takes time and effort to keep friendships alive. Almost as much as it takes to keep love alive. I’m putting in the time and work required to keep my friendship with Mark and Tim healthy, maybe you should follow my example and do the same?”
“You have things in common with them,” she said softly. “You enjoy the same activities. I don’t like what those girls do anymore.”
“Come on,” he said with exasperation. “Are you going to stand there and tell me that you wouldn’t enjoy a little down time with the girls? Go spend a day at the spa or a night out on the town. Do something that’s for your pleasure alone, without having to consider me. It’ll do you good. I’ll even leave you a credit card.”
“I suppose it might be fun,” she mused.
“You are my girlfriend and you mean the world to me,” he assured her as he lightly held her slender upper arms with his strong hands, “but it isn’t healthy for us to constantly be up each other’s ass like we’ve been. I’m taking this hunting trip with my buddies for your sake as well as mine. It’ll be good for all of us.”
Pricilla’s heavy sigh of resignation caused the sides of her plump breasts that were amply displayed in her tight, mohair sweater to lightly graze his wrists. It was all that was needed for an erection to form. He shifted his stance in an attempt to ease the tension that was building up in his jeans. His friends were expected to arrive within the half hour. He really had no time for fooling around. Yet, as hard as he tried, he couldn’t subdue the building pressure in his groin.
Giving in to his body’s demands, he pulled her into a lover’s embrace and kissed her passionately. “Let me give you something to hold you over until I get back,” he whispered huskily when his lips finally released hers.
“I thought you were pressed for time,” she managed to say as he pulled her to the bed.
“I am,” he replied, “but you’re too damned sexy to leave without a proper good-bye.”
A giggle of sheer delight escaped her lips as he playfully shoved her onto her back on the bed and proceeded to raise her sweater and bra to gain access to her abundant breasts.
“You aren’t even going to undo my bra?” she asked with surprise.
“No time or patience, baby,” he replied before he suctioned the broad rim of her nipple into his mouth.
“Really, Edwin,” she said in a weak attempt to admonish him as her body succumbed to his mouth’s ministrations.
He moved from breast to breast while his impatient hands awkwardly removed her jeans and panties. She considered helping him, but thought better of it. The longer it took him to make love to her, the better the chances of his friends leaving without him.
With that thought in mind, she shoved his face from her breasts, wincing just a little at the fact that his mouth refused to release her nipple until it was absolutely necessary. She’d often wondered, by the way he coveted her breasts and the ferocity in which he suckled, if he’d been breast fed by his mother a little longer than necessary. She’d learned of such things in psychology class, but never openly brought it up to Edwin. The last thing she wanted to do was to make him feel uncomfortable in the bedroom. Besides, for the most part, she found it sexy and arousing.
His look of surprise made her smile as she assured him she had no intention of stopping their love making. She just wanted to give him something to remember her by, like he was giving to her.
She got no resistance when she shoved him onto his back and freed his engorged rod from his pants. A low groan escaped him as the warm, moist, softness of her mouth consumed it with a lover’s kiss. If he’d been able to see the gleam in her eyes at the victory she thought to be so near, he might have lost his mood for love making. As it was, all thoughts of his friends waiting in the lobby fled as she brought him to erotic heights before demanding that he do the same for her.
He eagerly buried his head in the apex of her thighs to do her bidding. Making love to Pricilla was one of the highlights of his relationship with her. In fact it was the only real reason he stayed with her and professed a love he wasn’t sure he truly felt. He worshiped her body as he worshipped nothing else. The way she openly responded to his love making and the feel of her soft, sexy curves far outweighed her selfish, whiny, and ofttimes demanding ways.
Being a well-built, attractive man, Edwin had more than his fair share of girlfriends during the twenty-seven years of his life. None of them compared to Pricilla in the bedroom. Having prim and proper Pricilla eagerly respond to his beck and call whenever he was horny was like having a high paid hooker who was presentable enough to bring home to mama. What more could a man ask for?
It wasn’t all sex with him where she was concerned. There were times, when she wasn’t whining or complaining about this or that, or demanding to have her way in a childish and spoiled fashion, when he actually found her interesting and fun. Sadly, those times were getting further and further apart as a result of her incessant pressing for a commitment that he wasn’t prepared to make.
His hunting trip would serve multiple purposes. It would give him a long overdue reunion with his two best friends, give him a much-needed break from Pricilla’s clinginess, and allow him time to think about whether he should take the next step with her or break things off.
The doorbell began to incessantly ring simultaneously to him slipping into her soft, moist sheath. He increased his speed of motion in order to bring peaking on quickly. She clung to his hips as if trying to slow him down and prolong his ejaculation, but to no avail. Thanks to their foreplay, he was ready for release almost as soon as he entered her.
She lay in quiet dejection as he pulled out of her and ran to the intercom and assured his buddies he’d be down in a flash. After doing a quick wash of his private area in the ensuite bathroom, he scrambled into his jeans and shoes, grabbed his coat and luggage, and headed for a door.
As if by afterthought, he returned to the bed where she still lay motionless and gave her swollen lips a quick kiss good-bye.
Although he openly admitted to himself that he stayed with Pricilla mainly for the sex, he still respected her enough to want to shelter her from the crude comments men were capable of. Whether she was present to hear them or not, allowing them to be said seemed unfair and cruel. So, when his friends began to make jests about what he might have been doing with her to keep him from being on time, he lied and said that he was alone in the apartment, but had fallen asleep. He wasn’t fond of lying, but there were times when it was better to lie than to hurt feelings or have an altercation due to disagreements. Sadly, since he’d met Pricilla, he noticed he was doing more lying than he was comfortable with. Yet, another reason to clear his head and think while on the hunting trip.