"You don't have to do this, guys."
"You all have already done enough for me. I can handle it from here now."
"Oh, come on chubby cheeks, we are your friends, and haven't you heard, a friend in need is a friend indeed," Namit said.
"No buts and ifs chubby cheeks, you are going to live at Riddhi's house for a week and that's final," Arjun said.
I was allowed to leave the hospital at only one condition,
I will have to be on bed rest for a week and since Dhruv and the group knows I am an orphan and I live alone they are reluctant to let me go to my house. Everyone wants me to go and live at Riddhi's house but I don't want to. I don't want to trouble anyone and I have to work. I can't be on bed rest for a week.
"I can't do this," I replied to them.
"Saavi, please. You are not well and I am not leaving you alone in this condition." Riddhi said.
"And if you will not come with me then I will come to your house with you to take care of you. Either way, you will have to tolerate me," she added further.
Ah! Why were they so stubborn? It's not a big deal for me. I have been ill in the past and have handled myself well back then. Well not very well, but I still managed all alone and I didn't want to get attached to anyone. But I was not able to find any way out of the situation.
"What are you thinking little sister, just say yes," said Rohit.
These people have already considered me as their friend and have started calling me by the nicknames they decided. While Namit and Arjun decided to call me chubby cheeks, Rohit, on the other hand, considered me as his little sister and has been calling me that.
Riddhi went on with my real name and Dhruv, well let's not talk about him.
Why? Because he makes me feel different than a friend and I get more than friendly vibes from him.
He has avoided himself to indulge in any kind of conversation with me. He is the only one who has talked less to me but I could feel his gaze on me every time, and whenever I look at him I find him either looking into his phone or talking to his friends.
Sometimes I feel, I am being paranoid.
"Saavi, why aren't you coming to live at my house or letting me come to yours?" Riddhi asked and I knew I had to reply.
"I can't. I don't want to trouble you and your family and about coming to my house, it can't happen because my house is too small. You will not be comfortable."
"So you are worried that Riddhi will be troubled for a week because of you?" Rohit asked and I nodded.
They were too stubborn to let me go, except Dhruv. He has not said a word regarding me staying with Riddhi. With hesitance and a little hope, I turned towards him and said, "Dhruv, please make them understand. I can't do this."
He looked at me and I couldn't read his expression as it was blank. I thought he might not help me but his reply was unexpected," Guys, don't force her. If she doesn't want to, then let her be."
I was stunned at his reply as I thought I will have to convince him a little but he agreed and no one said anything to him as if it was a command for everyone.
They helped me with the process of discharge and Riddhi wanted to leave me to my house. I was reluctant at first but had to agree to this condition of hers. She left me at my house, I didn't want to ask her to come to my house as I knew she won't be comfortable in my little house and luck was with me that time, she left after leaving me as she had to go somewhere else.
I opened the door and went inside. Firstly I called my students and apologized to their parents for my absence but to my surprise, they all knew about my health and were concerned for me. They told me to take a rest and they said they will send their children after a week till I get completely well. I didn't want that, as it means less pay for this month. But I had another idea to compensate for that. I thought to do overtime at the restaurant. I was sure they won't decline my offer and will gladly accept it but to my disappointment, I received news that shook the ground beneath me.
They said I can't work there anymore as I was not an adult. They knew my age before giving me the job, then how come they have a problem now. But before I could ask them the reason the manager himself told me that there was a raid in his hotel two days ago and they have kept an eye on them now. Someone informed the police about young children working there which resulted in this.
I was unemployed now and I could see my dream of becoming a painter shattering into pieces in front of my eyes. How could I be so naive to dream this big? People do say right, that poor people don't deserve happiness, miseries are the only gift which we people receive.
I slumped on the floor and started crying. My phone was constantly ringing but I was not in the condition to pick it up and after 5 rings it stopped ringing.
And when I thought, now I was free to cry, someone started knocking on my door. I didn't get up to open the door and also I was not expecting anyone. Someone started to call my name, it felt familiar but I just wanted to be left alone.
So pathetic my life had become that I couldn't even cry when I wanted to. I didn't get up even when the knock got louder. But soon it stopped. I was sitting on the floor, with my knees scooted to my chest and my head was buried in my knees.
After some time, I felt someone caressing my hair which made me afraid. My door was locked then how come someone got in? But breaking my chain of thoughts someone called my name, with his concerned-filled voice.
"Saavi," I heard him and I turned my right side only to get startled. Dhruv was sitting beside me with worry all over his face.
As soon as he saw me, he pulled me towards him and hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but burst into tears. The fact of how he entered my house didn't bother me at all as if I wanted him to come and comfort me. I felt Peace while I was in his arms.
Riddhi's uncle allowed us to take her home only on one condition and that was for her to be on complete bed rest for a week. Making her agree to that was impossible but I was stubborn too.
I didn't want to compromise her health at all, and to my relief, Riddhi wanted to take her home with her. But knowing Saavi very well, I knew she will never agree to that. It was either to be a hard way or an easy way. The easy way was, to accept Riddhi's offer and the hard way, well I will tell you guys later.
So I was waiting in anticipation for her response and as expected she chose not to go the easy way.
Her asking me to help her get out of the situation was a clear sign of her choosing the hard way.
I asked everyone to not pressurize her and they obliged. Riddhi left her home and I asked Riddhi to leave as soon as Saavi stepped out of the car. I didn't want to put Saavi in any kind of dilemma whether to call Riddhi in her house or not. Saavi's insecurities are not hidden from me and I will take them away from her slowly but not now. At first, I wanted her to be completely healed.
I already told Ryan to tell other students that Saavi is ill and will be taking leave for a week. And as her work at the restaurant is concerned, I will never accept my girl working at a place like that. I didn't have any problem with her working because I know how much she needs it and she doesn't want anyone's help but that place pays her less than what she should receive. And also, she is not even 18 and yet they allowed her to work only for their own benefit. They knew that she needed money and will not object to the amount she was being paid. So, I informed the police and as a result, they raided the restaurant. I wanted them to pay her the right share of money so I asked Jai and the other two guys who I have appointed to keep a check on Saavi to get me a recording of her working there and they did. Two days ago, the day when I blackmailed Jai and the other two guys to help me, they went into the restaurant and secretly made a video of her working there and I blackmailed the authorities with that video. I told them if they will not pay her the right share of the money, I will give that video to the police and they got scared. They agreed to my demand.
I wouldn't have known what kind of restaurant is that if not for my cook. My cook Sheela Aunty used to work there earlier and she had told me about it once. When I got to know the name of the restaurant where Saavi works I couldn't believe it and also I was sure the restaurant authorities must have been fooling her. They told me they will pay her 40,000 as compensation.
Now the main thing was left, to take Saavi with me to my house. When I said the hard way, what I meant was I will take her to my house with me. I know it's going to be tough but that's why it's called the hard way and not the easy one.
I went to her house and knocked on the door but no response came. I thought she might not have heard, so I knocked harder the next time but still, there was no response. I started to get worried and sweat beads of tension appeared on my forehead. The fact of her still being weak was not helping me at all. All the worst scenarios started clouding my mind. I knocked harder and called her name but still, there was no response. My heart was beating faster in nervousness. I didn't know what to do, and the only solution was left to break the door. I tried to, but couldn't. I was getting scared with passing time so I thought to call the police but before that, I wanted to give it a last try. By luck, I found a hairpin lying on the ground and I picked it up. I had never tried this before but have seen it in movies, I tried to open the locked door with it and it opened to my satisfaction.
I went inside the small house which was beautiful and simple, yet unique in its own way just like my Saavi. It was not hard to find her, as she was sitting on the floor beside her bed. Her head was buried in her knees.
I took long steps and sat beside her. I caressed her hair which made her turn her head towards me. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she looked vulnerable. Without thinking twice I pulled her towards me and hugged her. She held me too and started crying. Seeing her in that condition was tearing me apart and I swore that I will not leave the person who was responsible for her condition. I kissed her hair and I felt Peace with her being in my arms.