Vlad toured around his city with a handful of soldiers with him. Some people when recognized him by sight would turn away and would avoid to be in his way because fear. Others, however, would bow down to him in respect or admiration.
Sometime later, he noticed some beggars on the streets. They mostly pestered some people so that they would give a penny or anything like food. He thought of a way how to solve this problem.
By the next day, he invited all beggars his soldiers could find. He had made a banquet for all of them. The beggars were delighted that the prince actually cared for them. Certainly, there were no other princes that had done this for them.
After everyone ate with full stomach, Vlad made a toast for them.
“Everyone, wouldn’t you like to have any cares in the world and thus lack nothing?”
The beggars looked at him with veneration. “Yes, m’lord,” they chorused.
“I promise you all that your problems would end this day. Now, please. I will show you my secret room in the castle.”
The soldiers showed the beggars the way to the cellar. In a big room where all beggars were let in, the soldiers locked them inside, where it smelled of wine and kerosene. A small window was opened, and the room was readily set on fire.
The beggars all screamed in agony until all of them were burned to death.
Vlad sighed and said to his soldiers and loyal servant. “I merely did this so that there are no more poor men in the midst of my realm.” He walked away when the fire naturally died down. The room was still intact because of its thick walls. The soldiers left the cellar as well and followed their prince.
Vlad met Elisabeta on the stairway. She wanted to go down and check, but he held her by the waist.
“I forbid you to enter the cellar, m’lady. ‘Tis for your own sake, believe me.”
Elisabeta stared at her beloved prince, eyes flickering. “But I heard some screaming!” she protested.
“All is piped down now, m’lady. It is nothing for you to worry about.”
Elisabeta cast her eyes down and nodded. She felt helpless, and her heart felt heavy.
“Marius, you take care of it by the morrow,” Vlad instructed his loyal servant.
“Yes, m’lord.” Marius slightly bowed. He motioned to the soldiers that they leave the couple. The soldiers bowed to the prince and left without a word.
“Now, m’lady, where do you wish to spend our time together?” Vlad asked his beautiful wife.
Elisabeta smiled at her beloved husband. “I wish to go to the tower.”
“Very well. To the tower is where we go then.”
They walked hand in hand towards the tower with a smile on their face. Elisabeta’s eyes reflected love for her husband, so did Vlad’s. Her heavy heart just some moments ago seemed to be lifted, and she was happy to be with him.
Vlad commanded all soldiers to go down from the tower so that he and his wife could have it to themselves. When there was no one up there, he and his wife mounted the stairs up. The sun had already set as they watched it. They almost did not see it and the beauty it radiated to the entire land of Wallachia. How he loved this land, which his father tried to thrive in. But their enemies were everywhere.
Târgovişte as his capital city, Vlad knew, was the center of any attacks. He knew that politically, it was a target of the Transylvanian Saxons. He knew that his life was in danger. So was his wife’s.
He breathed in deep as he watched the surroundings go dark. He embraced his wife with caring arms, feeling her soft body and inhaling her floral scent.
“Our castle on Carpathian Mountains would soon be finished, I hear. We will leave this castle and live there instead. It is far away from the city. I think you would feel safe there,” Vlad murmured in her ear.
Elisabeta smiled at him in the dark. “Yes, my prince. But anywhere is safe for me so long that you are by my side.”
“I love you, my dear beautiful wife,” Vlad whispered.
“I love you, too, my beloved prince.”
The couple embraced closer and tighter as their lips met. Their hearts beat as one and exuded with love for each other.