Everywhere scattered as the students ran helter-skelter. I was shaken to my bones as I saw the student hanging down the flowers, blood slowly filling the ground under him.
I kept singing “what the hell?” as I threw my bag away and rushed to rescue the dying student.
His belly had been pierced by the sharp branch and his eyeglasses were shattered and stuck in his face making it a gory sight.
“Someone is dying here”, I fished out my phone to call the emergency toll as I tried to help him down the flower holding onto his body.
He was slightly bigger than me, leaving me no choice but to use my wolf strength to help him down as we get surrounded by other students.
“Everybody stay alert! Don't panic too much” the alarm kept blaring but we were all too tensed to listen
“He'll die at this rate”, the same girl shouted and rushed forward to where I was beside him with bloodied hands
“When will the ambulance get here?” I questioned and she pointed to the front, it was there already.
He was transported and we both joined the transit to the hospital where he was rushed to the theater for his surgery. I had texted my driver my location so he could join me and pick me up after getting the update about the injured student.
I couldn’t get the scene of the boy that pushed him down the window off my head. How could he do that? What if he had died just like that? What exactly gave him the gut to push his fellow student down?
“I have to find out”, I muttered to myself before my phone rang.
It was the Alpha
“Have you forgotten that you have royal lessons? Why are you not at home yet?” his voice howled behind the call
Oopsss! I had totally forgotten that I had a royal lesson for the day but what happened was more important than the lesson.
“Can I just skip it for today? Something came up”, I answered and his voice got stronger than the first time
“Then don’t bother to step into my house anymore”, he threatened and disconnected the call before I could even say a word
He was always threatening me with not stepping into his house anymore or not being his son whenever he wanted me to do anything. I didn’t have a choice at that point since I still wanted to be my father’ son so I went to check if there was any update again before I take my leave.
I stepped into the ward where he was transferred to and saw the girl we came together shaking with her hands in the air.
It was like I had caught her doing something bad.
“What are you doing?” I asked, staring at her hand that was very close to his neck
“By chance are you trying to kill…?” my eyes bulged in horror and my legs staggered back in fear
What is wrong with everybody in this school? Someone almost died and we managed to save him but she was trying to kill him again? Why? To erase the evidence?
“It’s not like that”, she responded but I shook my head
“It’s exactly like that. You all are demons”, I screamed and ran out of the room
Immediately, I told my driver to head home with no plan of coming back to the school the second day. The first day was too much for me already.
Ever since I started attending Sherlock High School, such incident have never happened. I cowered in fear as I saw the unconscious body of the boy that was bullied earlier in the afternoon lying on the flower branches.
I offered to ride with him to the hospital with the new boy and was watching over him in the ward he was transferred to after surgery when I felt my hands lit up. It was strange.
A strange neon halo-like light surrounded my hands as I stood near him. My hands started to move on its own and drew me nearer to his neck that was aided by a bandage. I felt a push on my hand as it slowly headed for his neck and just then, the new boy appeared.
“Were you about to kill him? To erase the evidence?” he questioned in horror and all I was trying to tell him never got to him.
The position he met my hands were weird and it was hard to tell him that I wasn’t in control of them. Even I was confused about what was happening to me.
Just as he ran out of the room, I also fled from the scene. I couldn’t believe that I was about to kill someone.
“Why? Because I don’t want it to be pinned on Bernard? What was that light? I could swear that I felt a strange push on my hands”, I thought to myself as my driver took me home.
My mind was clouded and heavy. I know that Bernard is my card to my enthronement as the heiress but why would I go as far as killing someone just to erase the evidence that he had something to do with him?
The light and push I felt on my hand wasn’t making sense either. Who would believe such nonsense? Even I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Throughout the night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept tossing and turning as I thought about the new boy.
“I wonder what he will think about me. I didn’t try to kill him but he saw my hands around his neck. How can I explain for him to understand and believe me?”,
I was going crazy at the thought of the misunderstanding till sleep finally took over me.
For days, he didn’t come to school and I got worried about him. What he saw must have gotten to him so much that he thought our school was a hellish place, which was not entirely wrong. I couldn’t stop worrying about him so I decided to get his number from the principal.
I dialed his phone which rang for a while before someone picked it up.
“Hello, I want to speak with ehmmm”, it was then I realized that I didn’t care about his name.
The Principal luckily was beside me and she helped out quickly by whispering “Oliver”
“I want to speak with Oliver”, I tried hard not to stutter and the rough voice asked who I was
“His classmate”, I responded and a short silence followed
“He’s currently sick but he will resume school next week. Thank you for calling. I will make sure to relay your message”, the voice reported and the line went dead before I could say anything else
A sigh of relief dropped from my lips as I turned to relay what I was told to the principal who nodded in appreciation. She claimed that she had been trying to call him for days but nobody was picking up.
“It’s up to him now. I did my best”, I convinced myself and shook off every negative feeling I had been harboring for days.
Annabel Harvey is not someone who has the luxury of worrying about others. I would never invest my time and emotions in things that won’t contribute to my ascension.